The shock was evident on everyone's faces and I could not believe what I just heard. "Burn what to the ground?" Daphne asked in horror.

The warrior didn't even bat an eye despite our shocked expressions. "When and how were you planning to do that?" I asked him trying not to panic too.

He glanced around at the others in the room and hesitated for a few seconds before talking "we had plans to attack tomorrow. Many of our warriors are already in this realm as we speak.

We would have taken them by surprise and destroyed everything" he told us. I'm just so glad that I found out earlier, what would I have done if they suddenly attacked tomorrow? Even if I managed to stop them it would be too late and they would have caused so much damage that Mikhail and the others would hate me.

"What is going on, why is your father trying to destroy my pack? I need answers now Fiona". I could see the frustration written on Mikhail's face as he spoke and the others also looked worried.

I have a lot of explanations to give but first I need to take care of this issue, I cannot let my father destroy this pack. "I know I owe you guys an explanation but let me take care of this first then I promise i'll explain everything" I told them. Mikhail gave a small nod and I let out a relieved smile at it.

"Chandler I need you to go back to the house and get the other warriors, you all need to go back to the dragon realm. Tell my father that I have been safe all this while and this pack has nothing to do with the disappearance of our people. They have been nothing but kind to me since my arrival here".

"I also have news regarding the missing people, Father can send someone here to help if he is so worried" I add. The warrior nods at me and gives a quick bow "yes your highness, I will inform the king of all you have said" with this, he walked out of the room.

"Mikhail, will he be able to leave without your people trying to stop him?" I asked turning to face him. He shook his head at this "I have already mind-linked them not to stop him" I sighed in relief before taking a seat across from everyone. It's time to explain everything to them.

"Okay so there is another Realm apart from the human realm, we call it the dragon realm. In the dragon realm where I'm from, we only have dragons living there. There are no humans or other creatures apart from our kind". I look up to see them following and I take a deep breath before I continue.

"Dragons are similar to werewolves in the sense that we also have dragon spirits in us. They enable us to transform into dragons and they're exactly like your wolf spirits. We can talk to them and hear them too. Our realm is ruled by the royal family, my parents are the king and queen and I am the youngest child and only princess of alynthi kingdom"

"The people of my kingdom come to this realm every month to learn and develop, this brings about change in our realm. Although we are not as developed as this realm, we are quite developed too. For about a month now our people have been going missing right under our noses and we have no idea who has been taking them. After carrying out our investigations we realized that the perpetrators of this act are from your realm. I was sent to this realm to investigate and find out more"

"So you don't have amnesia" Jace says and I nod in agreement. "We have a portal that leads to the human realm and it led me to the forest where you guys found me. I initially thought that you were humans and I had no other choice than to think of an excuse as to why I was there. I told you guys the first thing that came to my mind"

"Well it was either I chose that option or I would have had to roast you guys" I tell them sheepishly and I see mark and jace's eyes widen at my words. "Well I'm glad you chose the first option" mark says with a nervous laugh.

"During my stay here with you guys I realized that you were a bit weird, especially your scents but I didn't really know what it was all about. I couldn't get in touch with the guards that were supposed to meet with me outside the forest but I knew that i still had to continue the investigation somehow, even without the guards."

"That was why you said you wanted to check out the abandoned warehouse. It has something to do with all of this doesn't it" Mikhail asked and I knew that the picture was getting clearer to them.

"Exactly. The guards that were previously sent to investigate the disappearance had found that warehouse and they sensed dragon energy there, meaning that our people were definitely kept there before. I needed to check it out for clues "

"Checking the warehouse out only made me more confused though because of the other scents I smelt there. It smelt like you guys but with a horrible addition" I told them truthfully.

"The rouges" Mark added and I nodded again. "I didn't know what they were at that time but I sorta eavesdropped on your conversation and heard you mention them. The whole crying... Drama was intentional. I needed you to tell me more about what you had figured out from the warehouse "

"When I found out that you were werewolves, everything finally clicked. I found out that we were mates but i was even more surprised to find out that my dragon Alice knew from the day we met that we were mates. She kept it from me because she was worried. She feared that my parents and people wouldn't accept it or... That you wouldn't be able to accept it either"

"I absolutely trusted you people and I really do consider you my friends even though I've known you for only a short while" I look up to stare at each of their faces hoping that they could see the sincerity clearly written on my face.

"I was waiting for the right time to tell you, well that was what I convinced myself that I was doing. Now that I really think about it... I was just scared, scared that you wouldn't accept me or that you'd be freaked out when you found out" I say playing with my hands that were currently in my lap.

Daphne was the first to speak up "Fiona, we would never turn our backs on you just because you are different from us. You're our friend and Luna and we accept you regardless of what you are" she says quietly and I see them all nod in agreement.

"Besides it's a good thing. Now I don't ever have to worry about roasting food ever again. You can just help me roast them with your fire " she adds with a wink and I can't help but laugh at this.

I nod at that "yeah your days of eating undercooked steak are finally over" I say and she giggles at my comment. I look at Mikhail and see him smiling too.

"I should have told you guys earlier. I'm sorry I hid it from you, I'm sorry that I made you feel that I couldn't be trusted and most importantly, I'm sorry that I almost got your pack destroyed " I tell them meaning every single word I said.

Mikhail stands up and comes closer to me. He grabs my hands and I look up at his face. "I understand you Fiona. You did what you thought was best and I believe that I speak on everyone's behalf when I tell you that you are forgiven" I look around the room and their faces all say the same thing. I was forgiven.

I can't help the big smile that sits on my face and I find myself hugging Mikhail. After hugging him I run over to the girls and we all group hug. I settle for a fist bump with Jace and Mark because I don't think Mikhail would want me hugging other men.

"Now we should discuss more about your missing people" Gina points out. "Yeah we will do our very best to help you" Mikhail adds and I nod feeling a sense of gratitude towards them. They weren't obligated to help me but here they were, willing to help me solve the problem.

"I have come to the conclusion that these 'rouges' definitely have a hand in the disappearance of my people. However that confirmation doesn't answer the several questions that still hang around this issue" I tell them.

"I don't know why or how the rouges were able to get our people. I don't know how they got into our realm unnoticed or how they got the weird potion that they used to knock our people out and I certainly don't know what it is that they want with them" they all seem to be pondering over the things I said and Amanda is the first to break the silence.

"I don't know much about your realm but with everything you've said, I can only come to the conclusion that there is a mole in your realm"

"You're right, someone must be helping the rouges get in and out. We just need to figure out who that is and I bet it will lead us straight to the rouges and help us know whatever their plan is" Daphne agrees

I was shocked to hear their theory but I have to admit that it makes perfect sense. All this time I had been wondering about how the rouges got in and out of our realm but I hadn't paused to even think that they probably had an insider in the Dragon realm. Someone who was working with them, a traitor.

The thought of someone betraying our realm is enough to make me growl out and my anger is very visible. "Whoever it is, I will find them and then they will pay" i say with pure venom coating my words.

"Yeah, they definitely have to pay and we will help you find them" Mikhail tells me while rubbing my back gently. I knew that he could sense my anger and he was trying to calm me down.

Whoever these people are, they messed with the wrong realm and they are going to pay for everything they have done to my people. Now I have my friends helping me and I can't help but think that things will be easier from now on.

Whoever you are, we're coming for you.