Mikhail tells everyone to sit down when we get inside and we all take a seat ready to discuss the important issues, I however don't take a seat because I need to make formal introductions.

Alice is pacing around nervously at the back of my mind and I know exactly why she's nervous.

I will have to tell my parents about Mikhail and I'm scared about what their reaction will be, but I can't keep it away from them forever so it's now or never.

"Guys, these are my parents king Blake and queen Lillian of alynthi kingdom" I say gesturing to my parents.

A series of hellos and nice to meet you are passed around the room as my friends acknowledge them. My parents smile back in return.

"And these are my friends Ina and Jeremy, we've been friends since we were children" I tell them.

Daphne is still staring at Jeremy but the look of shock is gone now, instead it has been replaced with a silly grin and her hand is placed below her face as she concentrates on staring at him.

"Honey what happened? We were so worried about you" Mother says softly and I sigh at this.

"Mother I am sorry to have made you worry so much about me. I didn't plan for things to turn out the way they did... It just happened" I tell her honestly.

"Well we want to hear about everything " Father says and i nod in return.

They need to know about the recent developments and my findings on the rouges.

I start telling them everything that happened from the moment I got to the human realm.

I told them about how Jace and Mark found me in the forest and brought me back here, how I started living with them and the kindness they showed me.

I also talked about going to check out the warehouse and what I observed there, I then explained to my parents that Mikhail and his people are werewolves.

I told them about Rouges and how they were not part of the normal werewolf society but were evil, lone wolves who had no regards for rules.

My parents were shocked to hear all these things and they couldn't help but voice out their concerns.

They didn't understand how these said rouges were able to find out about the dragon realm or how they even got in there multiple times and took our people, however the ultimate question we couldn't answer was what they wanted our people for.

I told my parents the conclusion my friends had come to that there must be a traitor, or more in the dragon realm who has been helping these rouges and that we needed to find the person as fast as possible.

The person would definitely know about the rouges' plans. My father was extremely angry that someone would betray the kingdom like this and he vowed that the person would suffer for it when caught.

After giving the updates about what we found out, I realized that it was time for me to tell them about Mikhail now.

I looked back at Mikhail and he must have guessed what I was about to do because he gave a small smile in return and I saw him slightly nod his head.

"Now that you're all aware of all we found out, it is time for me to tell you about something else" I say loudly and with this all their attention is on me again.

I take a deep breath while chanting in my head that I mustn't tremble when telling them.

"Father, Mother, there is something I want you to know. I actually found... My... Mate" I say quietly waiting for the shock I knew would definitely follow.

"What?" My father asks loudly and my mother covers her mouth with her hands.

Ina and Jeremy also look surprised and I groan knowing this would be their reaction.

"your what?" My father asks despite how clear my voice was when I told them. "My mate, father, I found my mate" I say louder this time and the shock is still present on his face.

"How is that possible? When did this happen? Who is it?" Those are the questions he throws at me and I feel my palms starting to sweat.

I feel tempted to run back to my room just so that I can avoid telling him the rest but I know that I can't do that, they need to know the truth.

"Father, you know it is very possible, I'm eighteen years old already so I can find my mate. I don't want you to panic because it's not the normal mate finding incident" I say slowly but his frown just deepens.

I realize that there's nothing I can say to calm his nerves so there's no point in delaying this.

"Dad my mate isn't a dragon, although you must have realized that since I found him in the human realm. My mate's a werewolf... Mikhail is my mate" I say sharply and I bite my lips while waiting for their reaction.

All their eyes immediately turn to Mikhail and he's sprouting a look of nervousness as my parents and friends access him.

"He's your mate?" Mother asks finally speaking for the first time since I talked about my mate.

I nod my head at her and she gets up from her seat immediately, my heart beats loudly in a chest as I await the worst but I get a big shock when a big smile spreads across her face.

"My baby finally found her mate, I am so happy for you" she says with a squeal before pulling me into a hug.

I am completely shocked by her reaction, I was expecting the opposite of what she was doing right now.

She pulls back and must have seen the look on my face because she just laughs "what? Why do you look so shocked?" She asks and I finally get my ability to talk back.

"you're happy for me? I just thought that-" I pause unable to complete my statement. I thought they would be upset but I couldn't say that in front of Mikhail.

"I cannot believe that your mate is a werewolf" Father says and I freeze.

Maybe I got excited too early, mother might have accepted it but father would definitely not accept this.

I turn to face him and his face still portrays shock.

"How did this happen? It is impossible" he says looking between me and Mikhail.

I look back at Mikhail and we both have the same helpless expression on our faces.

"Father I don't know how it happened either but it did and I know that fate never makes a mistake. Since Mikhail and I were chosen by fate to be mates then it can't be a mistake" I say trying to coax him into accepting Mikhail.

He shakes his head again and I know that he hasn't accepted it. "Are you sure? Maybe you made a mistake" he says and I feel my anger starting to rise.

"Father I am not a child, I am very sure that I am capable of recognizing my own mate" I say trying but failing to keep my growing anger at bay.

I was about to say something else but Mikhail beats me to it.

"your majesty, I know this is shocking and difficult for you to believe. Trust me we are just as shocked as you are but I also believe that fate doesn't make mistakes.

If it chose Fiona and I to be mates then there must be a reason. I understand that this has never happened before but there's a first time for everything.

I love your daughter and I will do everything possible to always make her happy. I love her more than anything and her happiness means the world to me sir.

I promise you that I will never hurt her, if I do then you can roast my ass" he says and I stand there in complete shock.

He loves me?... He actually loves me. I feel something bloom right from my chest and it spreads to every part of my body as a smile makes it's way to my face.

I realize that what I feel now is happiness, no it is pure and utter bliss for me to learn that he's in love with me. I know in my heart that I love him too, even if I haven't told him that.

He catches my eyes which are focused on him and he smiles at me but it's not just his regular smiles this time, it is a smile that tells me that he meant every word of what he said, a smile that tells me that he will be there for me through thick and thin, a smile that spells out love.

I return it with one of my own before turning back to face my father who has been rendered speechless.

He seems to be thinking as he looks between Mikhail and I before finally sighing.

"I see that you really love my daughter and it is clear from the way you stare at each other that you are definitely mates.

I remember when I just found you mother, I used to stare at her with that same awestruck expression" he says letting out a small laugh.

"I was shocked to find out that you're mates, I still am actually but you are right when you say that fate never makes mistakes.

I hope that the two of you will be happy together... You have my blessings" he says getting up from the couch and I immediately run over to hug him.

"Thank you Father, thank you for giving us a chance" I say and he pats my back lovingly.

"Well that's settled now" mother says with a clap and I pull away from father.

My smile is so bright I'm surprised everyone in the room hasn't gone blind.

Jeremy is the one to clear the air "well this is lovely, very lovely. I'm happy for you Fiona" he says and I smile back at him, I'm happy for me too.

Ina gives me a reassuring smile before talking "yes I'm happy for you too. Now are there any more surprises we need to know about?" She asks jokingly.

I shake my head and she claps her hands gleefully"well then I say we celebrate, it's not everyday you find your mate you know?" She says and I just shake my head at her, Ina was just too fond of parties.

"Yes let's celebrate this, even though things aren't so good right now, we must still celebrate the good things" my mother adds and I sigh knowing that no one can convince them otherwise.

It's time to celebrate.