"So..." He says expecting me to talk but I just ignore him and go back to the book I was reading.

It was one of the books I found in the pack library. The library was a big building near the pack house. I had discovered it a while ago and was fascinated with the interesting choice of books in it.

I tried to focus on the book and ignore Jeremy but he kept poking my side with a stupid smirk on his face.

I finally dropped the book in annoyance when I couldn't take his poking anymore and turned to face him properly.

"What do you want Jeremy?" I ask with a frown but he just smirks back. "Oh you know, just give me the details about yesterday" of course he wouldn't let this go.

I had tried to sleep last night but found that I couldn't. 

My thoughts were too jumbled up, they were all revolving around Mikhail and how hot he is. 

After failing to fall asleep for about 2 hours I decided to go downstairs for some water. I had gotten carried away with my thoughts and only looked up cause I sensed Mikhail. We had talked a bit and I almost revealed to him that Alice had been bugging me to get down and dirty with him. It would have been so embarrassing if I actually told him that, I'm only glad that I was able to shut up before I blabbed to him.

I however did not anticipate the turn of events. I don't regret what happened between us though, Alice is very satisfied with last night's events and at this point I'm sure she wants to rip Jeremy apart for interrupting but he doesn't know that. If he did, he wouldn't be here still disturbing me right now.

Maybe I should let Alice take over and handle him? No that might not be the best option. She's mad enough to actually hurt him right now. I need to make Jeremy leave otherwise I won't be able to keep her from attacking him. 

"Look Jeremy, you saw what happened already. Mikhail and I kissed, end of story" I tell him folding my arms. He doesn't look too pleased with my answer though.

"Of course I know you kissed, I have eyes Incase you don't remember. What I want to know is what led to it. What happened between you guys that led to a kiss?" He asks placing his left palm under his chin.

"Is that even a valid question? It's not a big deal to see mates kissing so stop being overdramatic" I tell him hoping he'll drop this issue.

"Who's kissing whom now?" A voice asks in shock and we both turn around to see Ina at the door. She has a huge smile on her face and I have no doubt in my mind that she already heard our conversation. I let out a tired groan knowing that she won't let it be.

"When were you going to tell me that you and Mikhail kissed?" She asks shaking her head and I groan. "Was I supposed to?" I ask non challantly and she gasps at my words.

"Of course you're supposed to. How could you not tell your best friend that you kissed your hunk of a mate? It's like girl code you know?" She says taking a seat beside us. 

"I don't remember that being a part of the girl's code, Ina. Would the two of you just stop it already? I'm already frustrated as it is" I tell them grabbing my book from the table.

The book is a mystery novel about a detective who solves murder cases. He's about to find out the culprit of the current murder but my friends won't let me read in peace.

"You kissed your mate so why are you frustrated?" Ina asks but before I can answer her Jeremy beats me to it. "Ha, she's probably frustrated because of me. I interrupted them yesterday and they weren't able to get down and dirty so of course she's upset" he says winking at me and I feel my face turn red.

"Of course not, that's not true. We wouldn't have gotten down and dirty even if you didn't show up Jeremy. I'm frustrated because Alice has been driving me crazy" I say honestly. They're both focused on me now, waiting for me to explain what I mean.

"Don't worry guys, it's just that she has been bugging me to do some things and I don't want to do them so she's making it hard for me." I tell them so that they won't worry. They still seem concerned but I know they won't pry further.

"Anyways we should go back to the pack house now. Your parents are looking for you" Ina says and I lower my book at this. "They're looking for me, why?" My parents had already seen me this morning and they told me that they wanted to explore pack grounds earlier today so why were they suddenly looking for me?

"I don't know but they have something to tell us apparently, we should all go now." She adds and Jeremy nods before getting up and stretching. I close my book for the hundredth time today and drop it back onto the table. I don't think I'll be able to continue it anyways.

We all walk out of the library and towards the pack house and I start to feel a bit nervous as we get closer to it. My thoughts drift back to what happened last night between Mikhail and me. I haven't seen him since then because I have been avoiding him since I woke up.

I had gone straight to the library after seeing my parents this morning just so I could avoid him but now I knew I would definitely have to face him. I just hope that Alice won't take control and jump him in front of my parents.

Finally getting to the pack house, we enter and I notice that everyone is already waiting for us. My eyes land on Mikhail first and I take a deep breath. He looks handsome as always as he sits there calmly staring into nothing. His eyes immediately move to our direction when he senses us and he sends a smile my way.

I feel my legs wobble slightly and memories of last night flash across my mind. I feel so embarrassed about what happened last night. I try to smile at him but I'm sure it ended up looking awkward.

I avert my eyes from his before I can get lost in them again. I wouldn't want a repeat of last night to take place right here. My eyes move to the rest of the guys and I offer them quick smiles of acknowledgement. Daphne's however doesn't even glance my way and I notice that she's staring at Jeremy once again.

Okay, I really need to find out why she has been staring at him nonstop since yesterday. If she keeps this up, I'm afraid she might burn a hole into his face. 

"Fiona you're here" mother says as she comes towards me for a hug. She pulls me into a hug and pats my back lovingly before pulling away and giving me space to get to father. I bow slightly as I greet him and he smiles back at me.

"Father, mother, Ina said you were looking for me" I say taking my seat beside them in the couch. Mother sighs at this and nods in father's direction.

"Fiona, we wanted to tell you that we will be leaving today" father says carefully and I feel my eyes widen. "Today? You can't leave today, you just got

here yesterday" I say alarmed.

I can't believe this right now.