The Lost Troopers

In a very dark room, a soldier was lying on the ground unconscious. Moments later, he awakened and sat up, looking around the room. He couldn't see anything because of how dark the room was, but the only thing he could see was his rifle beside him. He picked it up, and then used the night vision on his helmet, lighting up his visors in bright red color to see what was around the room. There is a dead woman wearing a coat sitting near the wall. The soldier walked up to her and examined her. Her body has been shot multiple times and her right arm is made out of metal. The blood coming out of her body is still fresh and her wound seems recent. The bullet holes on her body came from the direction of where he lay unconscious. However, he hasn't begun making conclusions just yet. He stopped examining the dead woman and looked around the room again. He found a console and began activating the system. Lights began turning on and the room brightened. The walls in front of him also began to lift up, revealing everything that is outside. Outside of the room was the empty outer space with nothing but asteroids and metal wreckage. After looking around for a while, he continued to access the console and figure out where he was. He found a map of the place he was on. It turns out it was a frigate, and he is on the bridge of the ship. According to the map, the ship has sustained several hull breaches and the power has been out in several sections of the ship. After getting all the information that he needed, he stopped accessing the console and walked outside of the room through the door behind him. After opening the door, he found several dead soldiers wearing similar armor as him lying outside of the room. Among the dead soldiers, one of them raised his hand slightly. He ran up to the soldier and began checking up on him.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"I...I don't know. Can you check it for me?"

He removed the outfit covering the soldier's wound. There were bullet wounds on his stomach "Hold on, I'm going to patch you up" He starts checking his armour for bandages. After a while he found it and began covering the soldier's wounds "There, that should hold it"

"Thanks uh. What's your number?"

"Trooper 117, you?"

"Trooper 553. Thanks for your help, but do you know where we are right now or why we are here?"

He was stunned for a while "I...Don't know. Wait, how many of our units are in this place?"

"Not a clue. We should be able to contact them if i can get a hold of a comm"

117 offered 553 a hand "Behind this door is the bridge, you can give that a try"

"Alright, let's go" He took it and the two walked back into the bridge. 553 then began accessing the console "Huh, we're inside a frigate?"

"Yep. Can you operate this ship?"

"Not alone obviously. With a ship this size, I'm going to need more than just you...There, accessed the ship's internal communication and I'm patched in with every unit that is inside this ship"

"Right" 117 began speaking through the comm inside his helmet "To any Troopers that are receiving, this is Trooper 117. Report your status!"

The two waited for a while before the other soldiers began to respond to them one by one each reporting their position and location to them. They waited until the others had completely responded.

"All units, I am sending a schematic of the vessel we are currently in. Make your way to the bridge and regroup there" As he said that, 553 began sending the ship's map to the other soldiers.

One of the soldiers responded "This is trooper 908, I am on my...Hey you, stop..." The transmission was cut off by the sound of a gunshot.

"What the...908 come in. Trooper 908, respond!" He gets off the console waiting for an answer. After waiting for a minute without any answer, he uses the console again "Attention all units, we lost contact with trooper 908, there may be hostiles in the area" Then he stopped speaking through the console and look towards 553 "Send me the schematics too, I'm going to lead the others"

"Got it, sending the maps to you" 553 sends the ship's map to 117.

"Alright. Stay here and coordinate with the others" He grabbed his rifle and began running out of the bridge while closing the door behind him.

A young girl is standing in the storage bay next to a dead soldier that she just recently shot using a rifle that she is currently holding in her hand. The room that she is in has lots of metal box containers. Some of the containers are gigantic and bigger than the others. The girl then leaves the dead soldier and begins walking around, looking for a specific container inside the bay.

"That container has to be around here somewhere. Where is it?" She thought to herself while searching.

The girl grabs a flashlight from her pocket and turns it on. She kept walking for a while until she turned a corner, towards a dead end surrounded by big containers. She walked to the container at the end and shone her flashlight on the floor near it. After a while, she found a small vent and opened it. Then she put her hand in and grabbed a small box from inside it. She brushes off the dust covering it and opens the box. After that, she smiled deviously.

"I found it. With this, I can avenge her" She spoke quietly.

She closed the ventilation and ran from that place while holding onto the box.

117 stood inside the storage bay, where the dead soldier was. Alongside him are 5 soldiers, and one of them is kneeling down and observing the body of the dead soldier. After a few minutes, he grabbed a chip from the back of the dead soldier's helmet, then stood up and walked over to 117.

"908 didn't make it. he died through a single shot" Then he gave 117 the chip "Whoever did it, knows where to shoot us in our armor"

117 looks at the chip for a while, before putting it inside his pocket "Let's keep moving. Whoever did this, couldn't have gone far"

Suddenly, there was a clunking sound that echoed throughout the room. The soldiers readied their rifles and looked around, trying to find the source of the sound. More and more of the clanking sound began to appear and this time it came from around them, inside the metallic crates. 117 then uses the comm from his helmet to contact 553.

"553 this is 117. We're not alone here, tell 2nd squad to be on standby"


Then he closes the comm and continues looking around. The sound of the clanking then suddenly stopped. One of the big container boxes suddenly opened and swarms of medium-sized drones started flying out of it. The soldiers began firing their rifles at the drones but couldn't take them all out. The drones flew over and around them, circling the soldiers and surrounding them. Then they fired back at the soldiers, however, their ammunition didn't completely pierce the soldiers armour, and was only breaking them little by little.

"We're caught out in the open. Everyone, follow me!" 117 yelled.

117 ran towards the exit while the soldiers behind him followed while shooting back at the drones. As they were about to reach the door, suddenly a big container box next to it burst open, and another swarm emerged from it.

"Damnit" 117 looked around for a way out, then he found an almost open big container box on his left "This way" He then ran to the container and tried to open it.

Just as he was opening it, another swarm of drones flew out of it, pushing him down to the ground. After that, the drones flew right behind him, creating a barrier between him and the other soldiers.

"Just go, we'll find another way!" Said one of the soldiers on the other side.

117 nodded and ran inside the container, then closed it, leaving the others outside. Once inside, he then uses his comm to contact 553.

"553 come in. We are under attack by swarms of drones. I'm inside a container box. The others are outside but their situation is currently unknown"

"Should I send in backup?"

"No, there's too many and we don't have the firepower to deal with them all" He then remembered the map of the ship that he found on the bridge, and take a look at it using the hud in his helmet "553, I have an idea"

The girl sat inside a container and was looking at her datapad. She was watching and controlling the drones outside using it, watching the carnage using the camera feed of one of the drones. She saw the soldiers weren't taking much damage due to their armour, but they were also unable to shoot all the drones with their rifles. She gritted her teeth and was beginning to get angry.

"Damnit, the drones firepower isn't enough to break their armour. Though i suppose if I keep this up, their armour will break eventually"

Then through the Drone camera feed, she saw a container box burst open and saw one of the soldiers run inside, leaving the others outside.

"Coward, he's leaving his friends to die"

The other soldiers that were outside continued to fire at the drones. One of them then touched his helmet and nodded. Then he looks to the others and they all nod to one another. All of them began running towards the corner of the room and hid behind one of the big container boxes.

"Like hiding behind there is going to save you" As she said that, she sends the drones to chase after the soldiers.

Then through the drone camera, she saw the doors leading to the storage bay suddenly closed itself "Huh, why did the doors close?" Her eyes then widened "Shit"

One of the walls opened and the container box along with the swarms of drones began getting sucked out into space. Her entire body was thrown to the container's wall as the box she was in was also getting sucked in too. After a while, the container stopped moving and she fell to the ground hitting her head. She then starts to lose her consciousness and slowly begins to close her eyes.

"Nrrg...Sis...ter" As she said that, her eyes closed and she fell unconscious.

The girl slowly opens her eyes and is laying on the floor, though this time there was a bright blue shield door in front of her. She looks around and notices that she is no longer inside the container box from before, but is inside a cell. She panicked and was about to stand up, but her arms were bound together behind her.

"No, they got me. I have to escape"

The girl struggled while also looking around her cell to see if she could find anything to cut her bindings. Moments later, the door from outside of her cell opens, and a soldier enters the room and stands outside the cell. When the girl saw that soldier, she began to look at him in anger as she recognized the scratches and bullet holes in his armor. The soldier then took off his helmet and revealed his face. His hair is black and short, and the pupil of his eyes are red.

"I am Trooper 117. You are currently being detained here because of your recent attacks against our men and for killing one of our soldiers, Trooper 908. I have several questions for you and you will answer them" The soldier starts speaking.

"Hmmph, that soldier died because he deserved to die. Just like the rest of you" The girl then looks at 117 menacingly "Especially you"

The soldier paused for a moment and looked at her. Then he spoke again "First question, why are you attacking us?"

"I think the right question is why are you attacking us? Why the hell are you people inside our ship, and why did you kill her!?" She answered in anger.

117 paused again, remembering something "The dead woman on the bridge. Do you know her?"

"Very. She is my sister, and you took her from me. You killed her!" This time she screamed at him.

117 wasn't intimidated by her rage and answered her calmly "One last thing. What is your name?"

The girl calms herself and looks at him again. They both then lock eyes with one another. After a while, the girl answered "Faith Narukami"

"Thank you for being cooperative Faith" He started walking towards the door and was about to leave the room.

"Priad" Faith said.

117 stopped and looked at her "What?"

"Your name you idiot, don't you remember?"

"No" he opens the door "But I will remember it" And then leaves the room.

Faith then lies back down on the ground "Damnit" she cursed quietly.

< Sometime later, the Soldier perspective>

117 enters the bridge that is now filled with several other soldiers who each are checking into the consoles, trying to learn and control the ship's systems. 553 was also there but is sitting down near the wall holding his stomach while another soldier who is a medic is taking a look at his injuries. 117 walked up to him and kneeled down.

"How is he holding up?"

The medic answered "I got the bullets out but right now he needs more rest"

553 looked up at him "Looks like I forced myself too much while you were out chasing the girl. The others can take care of the bridge for you but it looks like I won't do much for a while"

"You've done enough, get some rest" They both then shake hands. After that, he looks at the medic "Get him to the medical bay"

The medic nodded and helped 553 up "Good luck 117" 553 said before leaving.

"Actually it's Priad" As he said that, the two stopped and look at him.


"She told me"

"Huh, It's a good name I guess"

"I'll try to remember where I got it from, you just get some rest for now"

"You got it" They both then leave the bridge.

117 or should I say Priad then walk towards the hologram table in the middle of the bridge and turn it on. Several planets then show up on the hologram table like a map. He takes a look at each of the planets and analyzes them. Then while he was analyzing it, one of the soldiers walked up to him.

"Got anything in mind?"

Priad looks at him "Yeah, I'm thinking we visit one of these planets and resupply. We did dump most of our supplies into space"

"Well the good news is we can make at least one warp jump before we have to find fuel"

"Then I guess I'll have to make the call" He looks at the soldier "Tell the others to get ready"

"Got it" The soldier walks away.

He looks at the hologram map again and carefully thinks of his next destination. But most importantly, he is thinking about what their next move is. None of the soldiers onboard knows who they are, or where they came from. Without a clear purpose or a clue on what they were supposed to do, it falls to him to decide what their next move is. Priad has no problem with the fact that he has to take command, but taking command without any clear directions as to what he was supposed to do is new to him. For now, his only priority is to think of their own survival, until they can find out where they came from. With that in mind, he points toward a planet on the map. One that is not too far from where they currently are, and will only take a warp jump to reach.