
Priad stood alone in a white and empty world, not wearing clothes, and completely naked. He stood still with his eyes closed as if he is sleeping while standing straight. He kept that posture as if he is waiting for something. After a while, a woman's voice spoke up.

"Trooper...117...Here...Are your...Orders..." The voice talked while gasping in between her words.

Priad opens his eyes and listens to the voice as if he was waiting for this.

"Protect...Faith Narukami...At all...Cost..." After that, the voice gasp for the final time before leaving Priad alone in the silence of the empty world.

He paused for a moment, then looked forward "It will be done" he answered before closing his eyes again and continuing to stand there again. Some time has passed, and he can feel a touch on his shoulder. Priad open his eyes and saw a person in front of him.

"Wake up" Faith stood in front of him.

Priad widen his eyes before another voice spoke up again.

"Hey wake up!" This time it was a different voice and a different person who stood in front of him. It was Trooper 553, currently not wearing his helmet.

He was kneeling in front of Priad "The others are waiting for you, come on"

Priad sat up "Right, thanks for waking me up" Then stood up and look around.

This time he is no longer in the empty white world, but rather near a tree next to the crashed Frigate. It was morning, and the sun has just appeared on the horizon. The other soldiers are also there, some manning their stations standing guard at certain points, while others are currently taking a break, sleeping, or gossiping with each other. The area around the crashed Frigate has already been turned into a temporary base for them. Priad realized that he is not wearing a helmet now. He grabbed his helmet which is on the ground next to him, and then put it on.

"How's the dropship?"

"Still under repairs. The hull and the engines are badly damaged. It'll take time to get it back up and running again"

"Then I guess we're walking. Get a squad ready to move out. We're going to find a nearby settlement and see if we can ask for some assistance. Might as well learn more about this world we're in right now"

"Yes sir"

"And notify me if anyone spots Faith Narukami"

"What for, are we going to capture her?"

"That's right. We are to capture her at all cost while ensuring that no harm comes to her"

553 paused for a moment "Understood. I'll relay the order to the men" Then walks away toward the others.

Priad didn't follow him and stood there for a while, looking at the sky. A part of him questioned what that dream was all about. Like it or not, he has to follow it, for it might give him a clue as to what he must do.

While 553 stayed back at the frigate to protect it, a squad consisting of 6 soldiers, along with Priad have begun their search for a nearby town. They have walked through the forests for some time and have found nothing except for a couple of wild animals. They would find what appears to be a dirt road leading towards a river. They would follow it but carefully, and not by walking in the middle of the road, but by walking on the side, hidden by the trees and bushes. After they arrived at the river, they would see a small person about the size of a child washing herself at the river. She has animal-like ears on top of his head and a dense fur tail. Her clothes are just simple ragged cloth that only covers her body. There are also some broken and cut chains on her arms and legs. The soldiers would observe her from a nearby bush and behind the trees, hidden from her.

"Unidentified by the river '' One of the soldiers notified Priad.


The little girl then stopped washing and began looking in their direction. After that, she immediately ran away from them.

"She ran away. Did she see us?"

"Not sure, but she sure doesn't look like a normal civilian"

"Should we pursue?"

"Negative, she's not our problem. Let's keep moving"

They continue walking and following the road cautiously. They would enter the forest again, and wander through it for some time. Then when they finally reached the end of the forest, they would see a city just a couple of miles down the road. The city looks medieval as it's surrounded by stone walls and a couple of stone round towers. The soldiers would hide in a bush to observe the town. One of them would take out his binoculars to see it more clearly.

"The settlement looks primitive. I see 30 infantry on top of the wall with assault rifles, several patrols on the ground, around 6 of them, and 2 guarding the entrance. Other than that, I don't see any shields or automated defense systems. Your call sir?"

"I'll contact base and tell them we found a settlement" Priad then used his comm to contact 553 "CP this is squad 1, come in"

"This is CP, go ahead" 553 answered.

"We found a settlement that looks pretty primitive. Marking the location now" He sends the location coordinates to 553 through his wristwatch.

"Understood. What's the call?"

"Send a squad to this location and have them on standby. We'll get inside and take a look around"

"Yes sir!"

"Squad 1 out" Priad closed the comm, then turn to the others "Alright, let's move. 108, 309. You two are with me. The rest of you stay here and provide overwatch"

"Yes sir"

Priad and two of his men walk towards the city while the rest of the soldiers stayed behind while hiding themselves using the foliage and trees. When they reached the city's gate, the guards at the gate stopped them right in front of the gate.

"Halt. State your name and business!"

Priad steps forth and answers then "My name is…Priad. Our ship crashed on this planet and we were hoping to buy some supplies so that we can repair it"

The guards look at each other and started laughing. Not long after, they gave their reply "Very well. We'll let you in so you can buy them, but I'm afraid you can't leave this planet"

"Why not?"

"The king prohibits any foreign trade or visits. You crashing here means that our satellite defenses just shot you down"

Priad recalls the satellites that shot them down yesterday "Is there a way we can get off this world?"

"I'm afraid not, but maybe the Count can arrange something for you. You'll find him in the city hall"

"Got it"

The guards then open the city's gates "Welcome to Lindsvelt gentlemen. Enjoy your stay"

"Thanks. Oh by the way, what planet are we on anyway?"

"The fair planet of Hakona good sir"

"Hakona. Alright, thanks"

Priad and the soldiers walk through the gates and enter the city. The city is crowded with people going on with their daily lives. Their citizens, as far as the soldiers can see, all have animal-like ears and tails, just like the guards. Most of their technology seems to be a little outdated compared to the ones the soldiers had. There are no automated vehicles in sight, instead, the citizens still use conventional means like with horses and wagons.

Of course, not all of the citizens there look like ordinary citizens. Some seem to be wearing only ragged clothes with a chain collars on their neck, and their wrists all have bracelets. They don't seem to be treated well by ordinary citizens. Some are even bullied by ordinary citizens.

"Looks like slavery exists in this society"

A slave was then suddenly thrown down to the ground in front of them by another citizen. The man would yell at the slave for not doing his job well. The others seemed to have gotten used to scenery like this and paid no mind to it, but the soldiers were the only ones looking at the scene.

"Sir…Should we?"

The others felt sympathy towards the slave, but Priad shortly gave them his answer "Not our business. Let's go"

The soldiers continue to move on past the scene, and leave them be. They would soon stop again as they saw a cage carriage move past them. Inside the cages are more slaves, and one of them is the little girl they saw back at the river. Priad managed to look eye to eye with her through his visor for a moment. However once the cage passes on, the soldiers once again continue their walk through the city.

Sometime later they reached the city hall where the city's Count is working. The soldiers entered the hall, and found not the same people that were outside the city, but instead a human.

"Ah, you must be the soldiers the guards informed me of. Please, sit down"

The man offered to let them sit on the sofas. The soldiers looked at one another, before finally agreeing to sit down.

"Would you like to have some drinks, perhaps tea?"

Priad open his helmet and answered "No, it's alright. Thank you"

"Alright, as you wish" The man sat on the sofa, in front of the soldiers "I am Neval Arundor. The count in charge of Lindsvelt and its surrounding territory"

"I am Priad" He points to the other soldiers "This is Echo and Alpha"

"Huh, quite an odd name but who am I to judge? So what brings you all here?"

"Our ship crash landed somewhere nearby. We were going to buy some supplies but we also heard that the entire planet is on lockdown. We were hoping that you might help us leave the planet"

"I see. Perhaps I might be able to help. Of course, for a price" Neval grins at them.

"If it's within our budget, we'll pay for it"

"Oh no, I don't want your money. I want your service. Have you seen the slaves outside?"

"Yes, what about them?"

"They are savages, pirates, looters, bandits, rebels. People with no morals and talents except for savagery and looting. However, they have become quite troublesome lately. You see, some of them have gathered into quite a large group and is intending to March into this city and slaughter every innocent man and woman who lives here"

"And you want us to help you to take care of them"

Neval smiled and laughed "Hahaha, you catch on quick. Of course, I don't expect you to succeed on your own. My men here will help you along the way. But, I need you to find their camp first"

"I see" Priad looks at the others for a moment, before giving his reply "We'll have to discuss this with the others first"

"Of course, take your time. But if you do accept, not only will I help you get off this planet, but I'll send some people to help you with repairing your ship. You will be well compensated for your efforts"

"I understand. Thank you for the offer. We'll see if the others will agree or not to your proposal" Priad then put on his helmet, then stood up "If that's all, we would like to leave now"

"Yes, of course. Enjoy your visit here gentlemen"

The soldiers exit the city hall and walk back towards the city's busy streets.

"Sir, Echo and Alpha?" Asked one of the soldiers.

"We can't tell him our numbers or it will look suspicious. Numbers aren't exactly what you call a normal name"

"I see. Very well sir"

"Anyway, let's get what we came here for. Hopefully, prices aren't too high around here"

The three of them continued to walk around the city and buy the needed supplies for the repairs.