The Serpent's Egg

-I will always remember that day ... -Bolt said calmly, and seemed totally impervious to the possible danger coming from the Hokage- for many months ... no ... it was really years - he smiled with fine sadness - he had implored you. I had begged you to train me personally.

Naruto watched with some surprise. Despite the fact that his son began a certain story from the past. His senses told her that Bolt's chakra was on full alert. As if he was prepared to start a fight. For a few weeks they had been training alongside Himawari, but Naruto had never felt the prelude to a real fight. Not like at that time.

-Finally… .what my busy father did, was leave me lying with Konohamaru-sensei. I learned a couple of the techniques from him. And I was trained in a fighting style that did not correspond to my body. But…

-But what?

-He was the son of the Hokage. Bolt replied coldly, he had an obligation to be the best. He enters a Chunnin exam full of will and dreams. Wishing to live up to a father who was the most powerful ninja in the world. A father who could see me, and finally train me. A father who would be proud.

Naruto couldn't believe it. His son had always been a carefree-looking young man. He never seemed to have taken training too seriously, although Konohamaru's reports indicated that he had a lot of heart and courage in battle.

-Unfortunately, -he spread his arms raising his shoulders apathetically- he was not prepared to face those Gennin that came from Suna, Kiri or Kumo. My body wasn't as strong as Naruto Uzumaki's, I didn't have as many chakra reserves or physical strength to overcome my inexperience.

"You made it to the semi final ..." Naruto reminded him, "you just didn't get promoted, for not having demonstrated sufficient logical and strategic abilities. According to Gaara, you hadn't shown your full potential. You were distracted.

-I still remember the laughter in that stadium… -said Bolt with a hard look- when my body couldn't keep up with the techniques that Konohamaru-sensei had so recklessly placed on me. But I don't blame him… he should never have been the one to train me. On the other hand Sarada-chan, although she continually had her father away from Konoha, she was trained with her sharingan by him.

Naruto tried to understand, but really the whole thing did not connect at all with Kiba's death. Why Kiba? Why kill a common Jounnin after so many years? That failed exam that his son evoked had happened at least years ago. There was no point in the tantrum. And Bolt was never a whiny kid. There had to be another reason.

"When I was defeated that afternoon," Boruto recalled seriously, "I realized that for you, it wasn't even important."

-It was just a defeat ...

-And do you know how I lost? -I attack with a voice charged with poison- you didn't even pay attention to the combat! You only saw me fall, and you guessed that I had lost due to lack of strength or skill!

The truth was that Bolt was right at some point. Naruto remembered being deep in conversation with the Raikage and even Killer Bee had been in the box. Gaara was the one who had paid the most attention to the battles. But in those moments, he was remembering important points of the political agreements between villages. Naruto hadn't meant to not pay attention. He had just passed her by.

"I was watching you ..." Bolt said, staring at him and they both walked giving an extensive circumference, "he was trying to show that he could be your son. While facing, I had a well-trained and focused opponent. I should have been better, I should have been trained by my family.

-It was not my intention -Naruto added barely- there were important matters that he was talking to ...

-I don't give a damn… .that's my answer –indicated Bolt smiling slightly- isn't that how the Hokage thinks about his family? I don't give a ...

He had almost finished speaking, and Bolt felt a tremendous jolt throughout his body. Some time later, inadvertently he was on the ground. His nose was broken. His father had hit him and he hadn't even seen him arrive. Blood flowed profusely down to his mouth. However, lying on his back and leaning slightly on his right elbow, he tried with difficulty to sit on the floor. He saw in the distance how the Hokage's fury was enormous. He had never spoken to his father in such a disrespectful way. It seemed like heresy. And it was only the beginning.

Slowly and with a smile cold as winter, he rose to his feet. Boruto Uzumaki didn't say anything else for a few minutes. He clearly saw in his father's gestures, surprise and pain. He hadn't wanted to hurt her. It was an impulse, a momentary slip fueled by Bolt's active chakra. Naruto left hermit mode and wanted to take a step towards the young man to rehearse some apology. It was the first time he had hit one of his sons. The first time, taking the workouts out. And Bolt's unflappable gaze hurt her more than ever.

-son ... I ... I ...

"I guess that's all ..." He stretched out both hands and assumed a surrender posture, "I don't imagine you need an explanation." Or even my version of all this. I am charged with a crime as I understand it. Hokage-sama is putting me under arrest. Truth?

Naruto didn't know what to do. For the first time in a long time he didn't know what to do. He had filled his heart with anguish. His duty was to report to the council that he could sense the chakra of his own son at the scene of the crime. And even if Sakura hadn't produced any conclusive clues at the autopsy, once the prime suspect was arrested, it would be easier to get a confession. Naruto only had to act with caution, and try to prevent his son from ending up in the hands of Ibiki Morino. He couldn't understand what was happening to his family.

The ANBU escorts appeared at the scene. Naruto ordered Bolt to be taken into custody, and the ninjas obeyed unfazed. Even if they tried to keep this arrest a secret, sooner or later the whole village would know. And Naruto could only pray that his son had a good explanation about the origin of his chakra in that place.

It was the beginning of the end for the happy Uzumaki family, which everyone thought they knew.

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When she entered the bathroom, Sarada was completely frustrated. She had prepared the water heater with abundant fire, enough to have a supply of hot water for several hours. The Uchiha house had ups and downs. It seemed too big for three people, (which was usually only two) and at the same time places like the bathroom were nice because of their extensive size.

Sarada was still thinking about her talk that morning with her mother.

Basically, she hadn't been able to get her mother's confession out of her mind. Why? Why was she so shocking to him? Her mother, Sakura Uchiha. She had, or at least she had had a lover. Why was it wrong? Sarada had spent the entire afternoon locked in her room. Trying to reflect on the whole thing. Did her father know about her? Was she for that reason that she was never home? No, it couldn't be true. As proud as Sasuke Uchiha was, she would have torn the village apart if she knew. The reason for the lover was the lack of her husband. But that she guaranteed that her father had no lovers outside the village? from that point of view, it was difficult to accuse her mother of not having waited and tried everything to keep her husband close to her.

They were a strange family. Dysfunctional, and unusual.

His parents couldn't stand each other. And Sarada felt a strange sense of guilt. Was it her fault? Did she have to do with her not being a good daughter? Was it her because of her relationship with Bolt Uzumaki? The memories of her took her a year ago. Just when her father was upset by the "courtship" of her daughter. They had finished training with the sharingan. Sarada felt very confident of her techniques, except when she faced her father's Magenkyo. She shouldn't be worried about it. Those eyes weren't beatable by any common ninja. However, what could have been a joyous evening where the training with Sasuke and the company had been good. The girl had an episode of a strange character when she returned home.

Sakura was in the hospital, and the Uchiha house was only for her father and daughter. The normal situation was for the man to lie down on the sidewalk in the backyard and wait for dinner to be ready. Although there will still be a few hours left for that time. Sarada prepared her own bath. She heated the water, and carried her toiletries to the corresponding room. Then, she undressed in the next room and with only a towel covering her thin body, she moved to enter to bathe.

"What is ... Oto-sama doing?" It was the question that she instantly missed.

Sasuke was inside the bathroom, his torso was naked and he was beginning to remove the rest of his clothes. Sarada felt what she almost always with her father. She was intimidated. The sliding door served as a kind of shield, and the towel wrapping around her shoulders didn't seem like enough clothing. Her father was looking at her intensely. And although indefinable, that gaze was penetrating and deep.

-I'm tired ... -said the man when he saw how the girl did not enter the bathroom, but he did not close the door from the outside- I'm going to take a bath now.

-ah… .cla… sure….-Sarada began to feel more nervous, she clutched the towel with one hand stronger.

-the bathroom is big… -the brunette finished and turning his back to the young woman, she sat on a bench to start soaping herself.

Sarada closed the door and almost ran out of the place. Her body trembled slightly. Was it the cold? It could be. The doors to the backyard were left open and the current ran through her, causing her to feel chills. What had happened? It wasn't that Sasuke Uchiha was the kindest guy in the world, but in general, when they were in the house, Sarada hardly crossed paths with him. It was as if her father only had an interest in her daughter, at the precise moment of using the sharingan. So what had happened? she never discussed it with her mother. But that last sentence, that ... "the bathroom is big", had seemed too much like an invitation to bathe together.

Sarada remembered that. She had kept it deep inside her in her memory. Because only in that instant, her father had stopped looking like her father. It was as if ... the man in him had invited her to share a bathroom. That look, which never seemed to say anything at all, for a sinister moment was as if….

"Sweetheart ..." he heard the voice of her mother entering the bathroom, "could we take a bath together?"

It was always the same. The voice of her mother always reassured him. When she trained at the academy years ago, and she came back frustrated by any silly business, her mother had always managed to hold her back. When she returned from missions, and she felt that something was not well done. When her father ran away from her, and she was not present at the moments of the celebrations that the girl would have liked to share. Always her mother. Sakura Uchiha had always held her heart.

She didn't say anything to him, just looked at her and smiled slightly. However, this time she did not dedicate herself to continuing her own grooming. She had to stop, to admire the precise moment that she Sakura got rid of the towel that contained her. A beautiful body. Similar to Sarada's but more developed. Sarada felt a bit worried about her breasts, but when she saw her mother, and photographs from when she was that age, she imagined that he would grow enough to look like her.

Sakura placed a small stool right behind Sarada. And sitting on it, she took a big yellow sponge to start soaping his back. Both were silent, the hairy woman had to be aware that she would find some tension, due to the confession at noon. But she also knew that she and Sarada were too close to end up apart so soon.

"You have some cuts here ..." the mother indicated slightly, referring to her back. "Do you want Ka-san to help you heal?"

Sarada didn't say anything, she just continued soaping her arms and front parts of her body. Sakura didn't need an answer either, the green chakra emerged from her palms and in a matter of a minute she had erased the marks that she noticed on the girl. It was a training thing, she had fallen hard from the treetops and hit ugly. It wasn't serious, but she still had the scrapes.

-I'm sorry honey…

Those words had nothing to do with bathing or healing jutsu. They both knew it. The situation was not common. Maybe it was a silly impulse. Maybe it was just that, telling her daughter that she had betrayed her father. But she did not apologize for it. Although the young woman could interpret it that way. What she really hurt Sakura, what bothered her greatly, was remembering herself in Bolt's arms. Fucking Sarada's boyfriend. Giving in to a young man who by age could be her son. He was insane, truly insane. What was she thinking? How could she go crazy to the point of forgetting who she was?

This had nothing to do with Sasuke. Sakura didn't feel guilty about being unfaithful to a husband who practically didn't live in Konoha. But even knowing her own sexual need, she Sakura she considered that she could have slept with any other man. Whoever it was! Before the boyfriend of her only daughter.

As she carved Sarada's back, Sakura Uchiha reflected that she couldn't continue in the same way. She would not risk being discovered by her daughter in the identity of her lover. Right now, while she had been sincere, she ran the risk of having the young woman alert about this man she supposedly did not know.

-Ka-san… .- she whispered, hiding her shoulders and hunching between sighs- Who is that man?

She wanted to know the identity of the subject. To put a face to hate. Sakura figured that Sarada would never suspect someone younger than her mother. And even so, she would undoubtedly unload her fury from her on that mysterious subject who was destroying her family. Although, specifically speaking, the Uchiha family had internal problems. Deep enough not to need someone else, in on the issue.

"It's not important ..." Sakura answered and lifted a bucket of water, to throw it on Sarada's back.

"It is for me…" Sarada said after receiving the rinse.

-not really. -Indicate the hairy- Because I know well that this hurts you. And that is why today I have decided… .- she hesitated for a few moments- I promise you that I will not see him again.


-Simply because it hurts you. "Her mother said, hugging her from behind," and I can't be happy ... hurting you.

-would you do that for me? –The brunette whispered between surprised and excited.

-I promise ... nothing is going to separate us, my girl.

From that moment, from that bathroom together. Sakura promised herself and promised her daughter that she would never be with her lover again. The pelirosa had received enough information from the autopsy to negotiate an exchange of silences with Bolt. If her blonde tried to force her to continue the clandestine relationship, she would reveal what she knew about Kiba's death.

She was even going to ask Bolt if she really had feelings for Sarada to let her go of her. She couldn't continue to pretend that she loved her, when she had slept with her mother after raping her. Bolt didn't seem to have a real appreciation for anything or anyone. Sakura had noticed, in the heat of the stronger sex, that many of the young Uzumaki's words were full of virulence against her own father.

In short, Bolt had family and personal problems. Sakura just didn't want her daughter to be in the way, when she finally got what she deserved from her. Because of something Sakura Uchiha was very sure, with Naruto's tenacity following the trail of Kiba's killer, it was only a matter of time before the truth was finally revealed.

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The meeting had been terrible. Naruto had spent almost 3 hours in conversations with all the clan leaders in Konoha. He had the support of Shikamaru, Chouji, and Ino. That they were contemporaries of him, and also friends. For everyone else, it had been hard and surprising to hear from the Hokage's own mouth, as the prime suspect in Kiba Inuzuka's murder, he was no other ninja than his own son. Boruto Uzumaki was the "honorable son of the seventh". Even for some they hardly knew that they were talking about a simple Chunnin. Nobody imagined that he could be the culprit, but neither did he allow them to suspect that the Hokage had not had very good reasons, as to target his own family in that way.

"Tsume-sama ..." Naruto said at the moment where he had announced to everyone his suspicions about Bolt, "I promise that I will do everything possible to find Kiba's murderer." And the only clue we have points to my own son at the crime scene. For the moment, we will start there.

Hanabi couldn't let them see her smile. The situation was too perfect for the Hyuuga clan. Now, she had two equally succulent options ahead of her. The first was to do everything possible so that Bolt Uzumaki ended up executed. Which would deprive the Hokage of a male heir. Extinguishing his succession and leaving the Hyuuga clan as the undisputed next leadership of Konoha. And the other option, knowing what he knew above all the people present, was to help Bolt with his problem. Get him out of prison and earn his loyalty. Get Bolt to transform into a Hyuuga, and thus take the power that he had so cleverly concealed from almost everyone.

Hanabi had the situation under control.

The separation of father and son was a consummate thing. Now it was a matter of seizing the moment. The death of an Inuzuka should not alter the political affairs of the village too much. If Tsume didn't ease the search for answers, Hanabi was prepared to provide him with a scapegoat. All in order to recover for her clan, a vital element of the future. Wasn't she for that reason that she was the leader? Wasn't that the reason her father had ... and her grandfather, and her great-grandfather? The future of the clan, the power and influence of it. The number of members and their general level. That was Hanabi Hyuuga's mission. That was her destiny.

"That's all…" Naruto said gravely, "I have work to do right now.

It all ended at the clan meeting. Tsume was satisfied by the commitment shown by the Hokage. Within the Inuzuka clan she was not so in agreement on how deeply they should insist on Kiba's death. In fact, had it not been the leader's son, they probably would have let it pass pretty quickly. The reason? It was not unknown to almost anyone, from the affairs that Kiba had with a number of women. Single, engaged, widowed and even married. How far had he gotten with those games? Did his murder have to do with personal revenge? It was there, where most thought the Hokage's son did not fit in. It was known that he was single Bolt, and that he was dating the young Sarada Uchiha. No one could assume that Kiba had had any closeness to that girl. So what was the reason? Regardless, both intimate and foreign to the Hokage, he couldn't believe that he had accused his own son. He had to have a very strong proof. Otherwise, there was no way to explain the situation.

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The darkness of the cell was penetrating. The young Uzumaki, however, spent it sitting in the less humid corner of that rather limiting place. His eyes could see, perhaps much more than anyone could. The memory of him helped, since it was not the first time he had known this gloomy place. It was true that as a detainee he was making his debut, but as a member of the Root, he knew quite a bit about the more hidden sectors of the leaf village.

Two days had passed since he was arrested. He had been visited by various interrogation groups. However, his father apparently couldn't bring himself to include Ibiki Morino in the game. Bolt in that part was calmer. Ibiki-san was not a subject with whom a locked room should be shared for too long. The newest members of the interrogation and torture division, young Uzumaki knew he could overcome without problems. But with Ibiki… .it was too great a challenge.

He was thirsty, and a little hungry already. But nothing serious if it was compared to the treatment received by those already found guilty of charges. Bolt reflected, that he had made a dangerous decision to face his father the Hokage like this. Yet he had little time to think, and he had been surprised that such a well-hatched plan had gone down the drain. Sennin art was an annoying power. He debunked any excuses Bolt might make about his remoteness from the place at the time of the murder.

But now that he had had a couple of days to think better, a little idea emerged that could save his neck. Although he could not deny his father's abilities to have been in that precise place. If he could, claim that he was not exactly at the time of the crime. He could have been there by simple training, and he could have also crossed paths with Kiba moments before his unfortunate death. Could his father grasp the chakra permeated in Kiba's body? It was a risky move without a doubt. But even if Naruto were in a position to refute that defense of his son, would he do it in front of everyone? Would he send Him to the stake?

From one moment to the next, Bolt knew that he would be ushered into a meeting room where the leaders of all the clans would be waiting. The Hokage and his advisers, also the most important heads of all families. At the physical evidence level, Boruto knew that he had the advantage in defending him. For days, the interrogation division tried unsuccessfully to extract a confession from him. And when they sent a Yamanaka to read his mind, it was someone who also belonged to the root, so his report would give a big "null". The records of the exits and entrances at the gates of Konoha, were changed in their base hours. And Bolt knew exactly that there were at least two members of the Root in every key sector where a clue to the murder could be found.

Finally, his Chunnin rank, contrasting against the "Jounnin" category that Kiba Inuzuka used to display, kept him in an innocent position in front of those who might think there was half reason to accuse him of that attack. Reasoning correctly, Bolt had only had one concern in those days in jail. The coroner's examination of the autopsy performed on Kiba's body. In that particular area, the medical ninjas that belonged to Root couldn't get into.

But… just when she was beginning to worry about that loose link in the chain… she showed up at the jail to visit him.

Sakura Uchiha, had been both the reason for her resentment, and the object of her lowest desires. And unfortunately for a Shinobi who tried to keep full control of his emotions, he still was. Bolt observed her from inside her cell without moving, she through the grid of her recounted what she had discovered about the tests carried out on the body of the dead. The young man could not help but smile slightly, while Sakura explained to him the methods that she had developed to reach the conclusion that Bolt Uzumaki had indeed attacked the deceased:

-the marks on your shoulders and back that I saw days ago, gave me the suspicion ... -sakura said neutrally- then, verifying with the skin samples on Kiba's nails ... I found what I expected. That ... and 6 other signs that I was able to deduce between blood tests and ...

Bolt said nothing. What an amazing way to find out! She only remembered that when he landed the final blow on the idiot Inuzuka, his only reaction was to scratch his shoulders, and then he fell dead in an unappealable way. He had ripped her clothes, and also made her bleed. Taking it off guard had certainly been a very smart policy. Face to face, another would have been the cost to defeat him.

As Sakura continued to give details of his discovery, Bolt couldn't help but remember that naked, sex-hungry woman. She now herself she looked nervous but cold. However, the young man had "met" her, in the most attractive way that she was possible. That hot, well-molded body, smooth skin, emerald eyes that shone like stars when he penetrated deep into her. A brutal force, to the point that she left marks all over her body with her grabs and scratches, although later the woman herself took charge of healing them.

Had it been a mistake to possess her?

And if it did, it was that kind of "mistake" that Bolt would make as many times as possible again. Because that woman, she was not only a center of trouble, but a source of incredible sexual power. Bolt remembered that his intimate moments with Sarada were just sparks. A promise of future fire if you will. Sakura, on the other hand, was hell itself. For that reason, although the words of that woman denoted a total lack of approach, Bolt could not help but smile slightly. And feel a little excited.

"I don't want to see my daughter involved with this ..." the woman said, concentrated as if in a negotiation, "I don't care about your reasons."

-do not worry…

"I can't help but do it ..." argued the rose, taking a risk and playing her card "But everything I can present as forensic evidence will be void if I simply keep silent."

-And that has a price ... -the young man sitting in the corner of him barely smiled without moving- right?

-We've been wrong. Crazy, confused. - The woman continued - we betrayed someone special.

-your husband? –Bolt barely sneered- that guy is a jerk. You are not to blame for seeking satisfaction in ...

-I mean Sarada. Sakura said neutrally, "she is the one we should have thought about before committing this madness." And for her, I must ask you not to try to get close to me again.

Bolt said nothing. Was Sakura trading forensic evidence for ending the lovers relationship? It seemed pointless, since Sakura was able to finish everything without extortion.

"Besides ..." continued the rose, "I will not present a report that harms you in the matter of the crime." As long as you promise me something ...

-What do you want?

"I want that when you are free ..." Sakura finished barely, "you finish your courtship with my daughter." You don't want her, that's obvious. Otherwise you would not be with me. So I don't want her to be hurt by you. Now or in the future. Set her free.

Boruto made a listless snorting gesture. Not that he was too surprised by the request. Sakura had not always had a good predisposition to the relationship. Before her it was because of how Bolt treated her, right now maybe, because she considered that he did not really love her daughter and wanted to protect her and protect himself from her. That was a key point. Protect yourself. Protect her relationship with Sarada. Protect her secret from her husband. Even avoiding a fight between Sasuke and the Uzumaki.

On Bolt's side, if he thought about it carefully, the other pending mission he had could lead to problems. If he accepted this deal, Sakura and Sarada were out of the equation. The only incriminating evidence in the "Kiba" affair would be removed. And he would have a free way to take care of his work as part of Raíz. The answer was obvious, rather than forced.


-Okay then?

-I promise you. –The blond nodded- in one thing if I am identical to the Hokage.

-on your promised word. –Sakura smiled- right?

That said, and half scared by that shared smile that came from an uncertain place inside her, Sakura left the cell and said goodbye in silence. What had happened? How could she make those kinds of deals with someone she hated? Did she really, did she hate him? Could she hate that child? Could she forget such intimate and sexually impressive moments?

Walking through the streets of a Konoha too quiet for the last events that occurred, she Sakura reflected that when she thought of Boruto, she could no longer see him as a child. Even though she was barely a year older than her own daughter. Although he had capricious attitudes. According to Ino's comments, Bolt had fulfilled the fantasy of many of the lustful idiot children. He had fucked the wife of one of the most powerful and unstable guys in the world. And apparently he would live to brag about it. Furthermore, he had committed a crime that could cost him his head. And for convenience, he seemed like he would avoid paying for it as well. How many subjects in the world could count such feats?

Sakura smiled amused at her thoughts. Bolt, much to her regret apparently, had proven to be the son of his father. Number one to surprise her. Number one to surprise everyone. As her mind raced, she found herself entering her own home and meeting Sarada. The girl was nervous. She had learned two days ago of Boruto's arrest. And she hadn't been allowed to visit him.

-Ka-san! –Sarada Sarada nervous- What could she find out ?!

She couldn't tell him much. But until Bolt himself spoke with her and cut off her relationship, something about her had to comment about her to reassure her:

-I was investigating, and your issue will be resolved soon.

-He didn't do it Ka-san! I'll talk to whoever he is! I'll speak with…!

"Calm down ..." Sakura said, taking her by both shoulders, "there is no evidence that can point to Bolt as guilty. (The only ones are in my hands and no one will ever discover them) he is simply questioning him and he will soon be released. Now ... better take care of other matters. For example ... - she smiled thinking of a way to distract her - how long have we not studied together? I don't want you to become dependent only on your sharingan. Agree?

Sarada as always, she reluctantly agreed. The matter of Bolt worried her a lot, but at the same time she saw her mother so calm that she had no power to doubt her word. She decided to give in, because unlike his father. Sakura, whenever she could, devoted all her time to training her in her specific fields. Sarada had talent, but she also became better by increasing her knowledge. A custom that her mother had implanted forever.

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A week later, Bolt was taken to the Hokage's office. There a group of clan leaders saw the final interrogation. The young Uzumaki admitted to having been in the area, but it was not right at the time of the attack suffered by Kiba Inuzuka. He used to train in that area of the forest, and in addition he also knew that Kiba used to secretly meet some women. He had crossed it through the woods before. And he had also seen some married ladies, suspiciously close to that place. When asked who, Bolt replied that that was not his business.

Hanabi Hyuuga intervened for Bolt indirectly. He had been praising several of the leaders present trying to deflect suspicions. The lack of category level arguments and a clean record of problems since he became Chunnin also contributed. The coroner's data, in which Tsume had some kind of hope, yielded indefinite clues. Sakura had suspected murder, but she said she had no conclusive evidence. The rest of the medical ninjas who also checked the corpse, found nothing else. (Sakura had been with the body before) and no one thought that Mrs. Uchiha had half a reason to change the data to exonerate Boruto Uzumaki.

In short, although Naruto and his main advisor Shikamaru believed that something was not completely clear on the matter. There was a decision agreement between the leaders, and Bolt Uzumaki was released. He would be under supervision for a time. He would even take a test to assess his skill level. But ultimately, he had gotten away with it.

Tsume Inuzuka was not satisfied with the lack of definition of the case. But even herself, she found herself unable to notice Naruto's son, a possible killer of Kiba. What was the motive? What would be the reason? Kiba had hardly ever visited the Hokage's house, and only under those circumstances was he even close to Bolt. They never spoke to each other, they never frequented each other. There was not a single point of view that pointed him to the young Uzumaki as a murderer. And killing for killing could not be considered potable either, as the Yamanaka's mental examinations in the interrogation rooms were negative.

That same day, Bolt returned to his home. He received with great joy the loving hug of his sister Himawari from him. His mother smiled and she was happy, but she looked a little nervous. As if she already predicted exactly how tense the situation was coming. After all, even though her husband Naruto had acted according to her position as Hokage. In father matters, she had been totally against what could be expected.

That same night, contrary to what could be expected, they had a first quiet family dinner. After the incident and after having been in a cell for days. Bolt seemed especially encouraged. His sister accompanied him and was telling him a lot of situations that happened while Bolt was not present. As for the parents, Naruto and Hinata barely spoke to him. The woman was staring down, sad about the situation. The man felt a confusion similar to what he experienced in the forest. When she could pick up traces of his son's chakra all over the area.

After dinner, while the women took care of cleaning the kitchen utensils, Boruto dressed in a mezzanine kimono, went out to the backyard with a glass of tea, to breathe fresh air. Naruto followed him, half an hour later. Now he had to do the hardest thing of all. Try to find the exact words to apologize. The whole thing, after extensive investigations, had resulted in a big lie. But Naruto didn't know. He believed that he was wrong. How to find forgiveness after this serious accusation?

-What is your version of this matter? –He said finally approaching his son.

The question came naturally to him. He didn't know how to start the necessary conversation. And he remembered the last words of his son before he noticed himself arrested a week ago.

-How did he say?

-A long time ago, you told me that I did not listen to your version of the matter. –Naruto reminded her sitting next to her –and now, even if you think I don't care or it's useless. I would like to hear it.

The reaction was going to be volcanic. His own son was surely going to send him to fry asparagus. But he had to try to fix things. Had he been quick to accuse him? Perhaps the disappointment of thinking Bolt a murderer made him act reckless. But when he had consulted with Shikamaru, the Nara had also admitted that something strange was brewing in the matter. Although later the evidence of the trial was against. What else could he do but apologize?

But Bolt, hardly taking a full look at her, sighed wearily, drank some of his tea listlessly, and declared:

-I suppose you'll have some trouble sleeping tonight… right?

Naruto looked at him neutrally. Waiting for what will come. Apparently he was wrong, and Bolt still took it too well. For what reason?

-tell me…

-There are things in this world that simply have to be done. For a long time, I was bothered by certain attitudes of the Hokage. It seemed, his family was the last thing he had to deal with. After falling into the Chunnin exams, I started training with another look. With other resources. I understood that we must act in response to our priorities. Even using our desires or impulses. He looks ... through disappointment.

"Did you really murder him, Bolt?" I just want to know that.

The young man smiled slightly, drank from his glass again, and continued:

-Inuzuka Kiba, he was seeing other women. That in a ninja village spells trouble. Sooner or later they were going to find out. Can you imagine Shinobi by profession husbands discovering that they are being cheated on? His death, I think, is in a way a relief.

-A relief?

-lose a good jounnin let's say. - Bolt reflected calmly - but it saves a great problem between clans. Do you want to know why what happened happened? Among other women, he was ... -he said as if he were confessing a secret- trying to link to Ka-san.

It was like a bomb. Naruto's head exploded into a thousand pieces. Hinata? Kiba was after Hinata? What madness was happening ?!

-you can not be serious.

-Don't believe me if you don't want to. At first it surprised me too, -the young man continued- but later, I understood that it could be a bigger problem. Ka-san is very…. "innocent" in certain respects.

-Hinata never ...

-maybe Ka-san will be faithful to you forever. –It interrupted Bolt- But… Could you blame her for sleeping with another man, when her husband fantasizes and wants another woman? Someone had to take care of the matter. It was about time.

Naruto felt stunned. Overwhelmed, surprised. His entire body froze at the words of his son. What was happening? What was he saying? Did Bolt know…?

-So… .while you were looking at Sakura Uchiha's butt in the office, or on family weekends, another guy was trying to get into bed with Ka-san. Surprise, surprise. That was how simple all this was. Days ago, -said Bolt standing up and walking away slowly- I warned you that your family did not matter to you. But don't think the same thing happens in my case. If someone messes with Ka-san, or Hima-Nee-san. He will be sent to the same site that Inuzuka dog already knows. I hope you keep that in mind, Oto-sama. Good night.

And he went, straight to his room. Leaving his father the Hokage completely stunned. He now he knew the motive for the murder. He now he knew exactly who he had been. Now he had a full confession on the Kiba Inuzuka matter. But at the same time, he had absolutely nothing. He could not act in any way with the information obtained.

Kiba's wretch, a friend of many years, had always been interested in his ex-teammate. Naruto could remember the moment of his marriage, where Kiba swore that he would kill him if he failed to make Hinata happy. It was not a warning from friends. It was from a man he had loved and lost. And to top it all, Bolt had also noticed his father's wishes that fell on Sakura Uchiha. The wife of his best friend. What a shame! His own son had known it forever! In those moments he could remember Bolt's annoyances when Sakura was around. He blamed her for her mother's unhappiness. And the rage against Naruto himself. Which he also blamed for not paying attention to his family.

He was miserable. A fucking loser.

He was the seventh Hokage on the sheet. Perhaps the strongest ninja in the world. And in front of his eldest son. Now he looked like a foolish and defenseless child. Boruto Uzumaki, the careless, the laid-back, the bohemian. He had seen through the shadows of men, and acted to avoid trouble. Bolt Uzumaki, had been protecting his father and family from him all along. Even from themselves.

It was like seeing a snake's egg….

Through the membrane, you can see that reptile inside….


End of chapter.