road of no return part 3

The sun was pouring through the room. The windows between open and the curtains could no longer contain the morning entrance installed. Boruto Uzumaki opened his eyes. He felt that he had slept for a decade. Never in the past weeks and months has he had such a clean and accommodating awakening. His body seemed to have shed like 100 kilos of extra weight. What was that feeling? Why was this particular morning so different from the others? Simple and clear. It was the enormous and unchanging feeling of satisfaction and satiety. That changed things that particular morning.

He was laying back with his gaze at the ceiling. His body stretched out and relaxed on his back, it seemed not to belong to him. He found it difficult to move it, why was it difficult for him to accommodate himself to do the simple act of sitting on the bed? The answer came automatic, delivered gently by the touch and sight of him. Sarada Uchiha was resting her face on her fiancé's chest. Both naked, both exhausted from fucking all night long. Only the greatest experience and endurance placed Bolt as the only one who would wake up that morning. Sarada Uchiha was completely exhausted. It only highlighted a soft smile emerging from her lips, and the will to keep her arms around her loved body. Unaware of the environment, totally vulnerable.

Sarada Uchiha was in heaven ...

When she woke up many hours later, she would have to begin to understand everything that had happened the night before. But right now, she had had her first sexual experience with the young man he loved. With the man who wanted to share his days forever. And he, still lost in her latent excitement, had the iron will and control to make her enjoy infinitely. For Boruto it was quite a challenge at the beginning, but after evacuating the first excesses of him, he was able to take advantage of the terrible energy that overwhelmed him. And if he had ever doubted his "compatibility" with Sarada Uchiha, it was more than evident that those questions were gone.

Suddenly recalling everything that happened the night before sex, Boruto moved and almost jumped out of bed to get away from the scene of the crime. Naked as he was, he observed the young woman still asleep who somehow had not been affected by the movements of her lover separating from her. Sarada just smiled, and taking a pillow that was surely Bolt's body in her dreams, he clung to it and continued to sleep peacefully. Naked as she was, sweaty and smelling of glory. Boruto could only hold onto her head with both hands, and regret what he had done as well as the subsequent consequences from him. Dress in a hurry, run away as if to save your life. Even though he positively knew, there was no reasonable escape from this past situation.

He went out into the hall in a hurry and the last thing he thought he would find was what would happen….

His mind was in chaos, perhaps it was for the sole reason that he hadn't calculated everything that really happened the night before. Not at least until the moment he saw who was waiting for him in the hall. Standing quietly, leaning her back against a wall and arms crossed, Sakura Uchiha waited patiently for him. It was as if she was waiting for him there, from the origin of time.

Boruto finally understood everything ...

The pieces slid into his mind and fit perfectly. The whole plan of that woman. The date, the constant interruptions so that he wouldn't talk about the breakup before dinner. The food and the sake, surely with a load of chemical aphrodisiac that acted more effectively on the greater flows of chakra. Not only had she drugged him, she also drugged his own daughter to lower his restrictions to a minimum. Sarada had been almost naked in her room the night before. Masturbating ashamed to feel that incredible uncontrollable sensation. For that reason, she couldn't resist when Boruto prepared to take her.

Boruto approached Sakura untimely, clenching his teeth in anger from feeling ripped off. He took her by the hair from behind her head, and pressing her against the wall he growled at her from a short distance:

-You did… -he said barely containing the urge to slap him- you were the one who came to the dining room last night!

Sakura felt Bolt's breath very close to her. They looked at each other for a few seconds where they both thought exactly the same thing. How attractive was the idea of kissing like crazy! But the woman's green eyes lowered weakly. What she had accomplished in the night went exactly against her wishes. How to explain that she really wanted to drag him into her own room? How to tell him that he disguised himself as Sarada only to lead him into the arms of her daughter? How to argue that she did all this against her wishes as a woman, and for the benefit of being a mother?

They both knew what would happen next. Sarada Uchiha was no longer a virgin. Boruto now had an obligation to honor the marriage contract. Sakura as Sarada's mother, had the power to denounce him before the clan council. If Bolt did not agree to set a date for the marriage, he could be legally bound to do so. The matter could be a diplomatic mess. Boruto knew that he could no longer get them to let him go to another village. The hairy woman knew a lot about diplomacy and politics, not for nothing had she been a disciple of the fifth Hokage.

Sakura Uchiha, she had defeated him ...

-How could you do this to me? –Bolt whispered still with his hands resting on the wall surrounding Sakura- I wanted to leave to make Sarada stop looking for me. So that she has the opportunity to meet someone else. To fall in love with another! I wanted to leave ... -he whispered lower- and maybe come back in a while so that we ...

-There's no us Bolt ... -sakura cut him hurt and trying not to break- I'm not the woman for you. By Kami, it could be your mother. I could have been your mother. Because you do not understand it?

There was silence. Sakura looked away and closed her eyes in frustration. Her arms falling from her to her sides indicated that she was not going to resist at all. Against the wall, she could even get hit without even defending herself. But Boruto withdrew after a few seconds. He didn't want to and couldn't hurt her. On second thought. How to blame her? How to blame Sakura, for trying to protect the happiness of her daughter? Boruto did it at the time, and he was willing to do even worse things to protect his family from him. Hadn't he gone to the extreme of drugging and sexually forcing Sakura, to defend the stability of the couple in her parents? Hadn't he blackmailed her for months to keep her under control? He did not set out to kill, steal and cheat to achieve the purposes of the Root? Didn't he agree to enslaving his aunt Hanabi from her, just to get the safety of her beloved Hima Nee-chan?

Young Uzumaki knew that he had acted brutal many times. He now he had no right to complain about receiving the same treatment. They were the rules of the ninja world.

Boruto backed away, away from the hairy girl. He rested a hand on the opposite wall with his back to the woman, and walked a couple of steps to get some distance. He had no turning back. Sakura had tricked him with the methods that once brought Bolt victory in the past. Even now, he could see the details of how he did it. The aphrodisiac in food and drink. Knowing that by amount of chakra he would affect Bolt and Sarada mainly. Sakura was a ninja-doctor, she must have ingested some antidote previously. She then she managed to send her daughter to her room, where she would feel the effects and try to satiate herself. Next, Sakura took the form of Sarada with a henge and returned to the dining room. Kissing him and caressing him with her experience, as Sarada never could have out of shame. She taking him to the bathroom and leaving him unable to see the clever change that happened. All to finally call him with a false voice to the room of her daughter, while she locked herself in her own room, completing the trap.

-I could have hurt her badly ... -said Boruto annoyed and depressed- I didn't have much control.

"You are incapable of hurting him," the hairy woman declared seriously, "all that role of a rude and violent man that you played the first night we were together, was denied in the following months. I know that deep down you are a tender and kind man. Your mother and sister love you for it. You could have enslaved me forever, but you chose to set me free.

-Why? Why did you do all this? Can't you see that I'm dangerous to Sarada-chan?

-That's not true, I know you can divide your work from your private life. -The hairy smiled at him trying to be kind and make peace with her future son-in-law of hers-You are not a being that lives from war like my late husband. But you also have the courage to fight for your wishes. To reach the limit without hesitation- after a few seconds of contemplating it she finished- I'm sure you will be a great husband for my Sarada.

Boruto gritted his teeth, that wasn't really the problem. He had no doubt that he and Sarada would get along well together. Not for nothing had they been friends from almost birth. But something inside Boruto told him that he was trapped. This is how he felt being in Konoha, trapped. He didn't know the reason, he didn't understand the feeling. But it was clear that his instincts were alerting her to the situation. And now he could no longer escape the village. He had to face the consequences of the night before.

At whatever cost ...

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Uzumaki Naruto, the seventh Hokage of the village hidden in the leaves, was a happy man. He was smiling most of the work day since he received the great news brought personally by his son.

A few days after the crude and difficult talk that father and son had in the young man's apartment, Boruto appeared by his office. The boy came of his own free will and asked to speak to his father alone. Shizune and Moegui were taking care of some paperwork and were invited to leave them alone. Both Uzumaki were silent and staring at each other. The leader sitting behind his desk, the young and newly qualified Jounnin, stood firm with his arms behind him. Naruto patiently waited for what his son wanted to say to him, he was willing to wait the whole day. He was never more hurt and frustrated in his life than when he learned weeks ago that his beloved son could go away. He never felt so much depression and pain, as when his adorable daughter told him that she hated him. That he was a monster. May she never speak to him again.

Naruto personally knew that he was not a monster. He was not soulless. He was a man who made mistakes. A man who tried to be a good leader for his people. Combining being a husband and father as well. All without experience, all without having had a mother or father in childhood. He did what he could. He did what he felt was best.

-Hokage-sama… ..I….

"No Bolt ..." Naruto interrupted, breaking the neutral gesture, "we are alone." You don't need to name me like that.

They both smiled slightly, they had regained the slightest familiarity. It was a good start.

-Oto-sama…. -Said the young man, restarting the talk- I would like to thank you for my promotion to Jounnin. And I am available for any appointment. I have no preference for a specific labor department.

He had said more than was stated. He had talked about the other topic, without even mentioning it. Naruto tried not to grin. But he felt his heart beat again. It was such a warm feeling, that he would have almost jumped on his child to hug him. What a strange creature man was! To be so happy for something he always had on hand, but only now could he fully glimpse.

-Does it mean that you no longer plan to leave Konoha? –Asked the father, being cautious before the evidence.

-It means I have a fiancée. -The young man pointed as an excuse- and I suppose that in a couple of months I have to marry her. So I shouldn't take a job that takes me too far from home. Or so I suppose, Oto-sama.

They both smiled. It was the fresh start for both of them. Boruto had pretended to be a cold hard boy. So much so that Naruto for a long time was afraid of witnessing the birth of a new Sasuke Uchiha. It was was the main reason for not trusting him. That was why Naruto considered not teaching his son the most powerful techniques in his arsenal. Sennin mode, and Hiraishin no jutsu. But since the night they argued at Bolt's apartment. That everything had become clearer:

Flash back: a few days ago ...

"Why are you in the middle of the dark?" Said the Hokage, entering the apartment carefully.

"I like the dark," replied the boy, "using my memory or my chakra, I can know exactly what I require without the need for light." Also, I try not to depend totally on my eyes, for any future work. Stimulate my chakra tracking ability.

Naruto looked around and what he was witnessing, he didn't like. He reminded her too much of his own apartment when he was a child. He had hated the darkness and loneliness of the place. He felt weak, he felt helpless and alone. That's why he loved the look of his current home formed with Hinata. Everything was illuminated and full of life. There were flowers and a lake in the backyard. There were his children and his wife. He had never felt miserable and alone in his current home. But the darkness of that small apartment was a trip back in time. To the most hideous aspect of his past. When Naruto was alone with his tears. Hounded by villagers, fearing for his life.

-Loneliness is a bad counselor -added the Hokage looking for a place on the floor to sit next to the small central table, but then decided to remain standing- I think your mother would be happy if you returned home. She misses you as much as your sister. You haven't forgotten your sister, right?

-Is it your way of trying to fix the matter? He asked, smiling ironically on the side Bolt, "all forgotten and go home as a dog is called?"

-You know well that I don't think that way.

-Maybe, but you don't come to my forgotten apartment often either. –Boruto indicated without being truthful- which suggests to me that the Hokage wants something from this simple Chunnin under his service. Something that he can't get from the top of his office. Correct?

"I'm just a father tonight," Naruto pointed out sadly, "that he tries to speak on good terms with his son." I promised Hima-chan that you would come home. She loves you and she needs a lot. You know well that she suffers if you are not present. We all suffer.

-My sister is a Kunoichi –defined Bolt trying to take away personal emotion from the talk- she may not agree with my trip abroad, but with time she will understand that it was for the best. I also suffered a lot in the first months of living in this apartment. But then I remembered, that my father lived only the first 20 years. And if he could survive, I'm going to do it too. And here you are looking at me, in one piece.

-And this trip is the best for whom? –Naruto inquired starting to get annoyed- For you? For me? For our family? It all seems like a silly excuse that avoids reality. You just want to run away. And that only cowards do son!

Boruto smiled again, this time he had a great burden of anguish in his gesture. How could his father and his father be so different? It was true that physically they were very similar, but the separation imposed by the years without living together had created a gulf between them. Naruto was the Hokage and also Bolt's father, but the young man was increasingly convinced that they were two practically strangers. How else could he be accused of being a coward? Boruto Uzumaki considered himself many things, but the word "coward" was not even in the country where he lived. Suddenly, Boruto stopped his slow walk through the gloom. What he had to say was final, but at the same time he had to give many explanations to detail it:

-Do you want to know why I choose to leave Konoha? –Bolt consulted to which his father only remained silent- For being tired. I am very tired and disappointed that you can never trust me. Whatever happens, you can never trust me.

-What are you talking about? –Naruto pointed seriously- you are my son. I love you and he also trusted….

-DO NOT TELL LIES! –Boruto exploded angrily and hit the kitchen counter that vibrated slightly, as well as the whole place- DON'T DARE TO LIE IN FRONT OF ME! I DON'T NEED A DAMN SENSORY SKILL TO KNOW YOU'RE LYING!

And hence the silence. Because the reaction was as violent as it was unexpected. Boruto was undoubtedly angry and disappointed in his father. Naruto knew quite well that such a situation would be encountered, although he did not expect so much resentment. It was obvious that there were issues to be resolved, and after the talk, perhaps finding a better deal than seeing his son leave the village. That's why Naruto let Bolt speak, to discharge the poison and then get to a better port.

-When he was a child ... -he said lowering his shoulders with resignation- the young man begged you for hours, for whole days that you would train me. He chased you, he adored you, he admired you. And you only had time to be Hokage. You had time for everyone in this village, except for your family.

-I didn't want my children to be ninja. -Naruto admitted without raising his voice- I was afraid that you might seek to harm me through you. Here in Konoha they are safe. But if they were ninjas he would eventually have to leave the village for missions. Both Hima-chan and you have always been the most precious thing to me.

-Grandpa Minato, and Grandma Kushina died the same night you were born, but they trusted you leaving the responsibility of the Kyuubi to you. You were a helpless baby, alone in the world and still they trusted you. Can you say the same about how you treated your own children?

Naruto began to understand. Bolt was hurt that his inheritance had been denied. Both Minato and Kushina had placed their trust in the current Hokage. They were unable to train or protect him, but they put their faith in him. Instead, Naruto had a lifetime to train his children. But he decided to deny them that instruction, he decided to "protect" them. Hide them from the ninja world. Or in other words, distrust that they could continue on their own and successfully walk the path of the Shinobi.

-When I was a kid, you didn't choose to trust me. -Boruto continued- I had to go to the academy to start from scratch, as if I were an orphan. Then you appointed me to Konohamaru-sensei to keep me under control. He is a good man, but he is not the one to train me in my virtues. Later, during the Chunnin exams, you passed my fight like it was something of no consequence. You didn't even notice that my Byakugan had been activated by accident and that's why I took a beating out of control. Did you notice it? Did you care how I felt about being humiliated in front of our people? You didn't trust me to win It must even have seemed very convenient to you that I failed in my attempt to ascend to Chunnin.

Now Naruto had no words anymore. He had the worst childhood memory of him. When he was alone, when nobody expected anything from him. He had the memory of no one next to him to train. He had to do everything alone, with the subtle difference that no one knew that he was the son of a Hokage. No one ever expected the greatness of Naruto Uzumaki. That pressure never had, that pressure if the "honorable son" of the seventh Hokage had. And apparently it had affected him a lot.

-Finally, I found a great ninja who saw a potential in me –Bolt pointed out continuing the story of him- Hatake Kakashi-sensei gave me his time. He gave me confidence, he gave me his training without excuses. Of course he trained me mercilessly, so much so that I thought he would drive me crazy. He buried me in a thousand books and also took care of training me in combat. He taught me to be invisible, to think and to love this village above anything else. Kakashi-sensei didn't dare deny my inheritance. He forced me to read about my father's past, to know you with flaws and virtues. I knew what he had to do, and it made me proud to be able to protect you, as well as our family. But most of all, he trusted me blindly. Something my own father never wanted to do.

-Kakashi shouldn't have created an organization that was illegal -Naruto didn't know what to say- he was retired and he shouldn't have ...

-Don't you dare speak ill of Kakashi-sensei! - Bolt growled interrupting- he only thought about backing you up. He just wanted to protect you and he took care of the job that no one wanted to do. He he trusted you, and then he handed you root power on a silver platter. And you paid him by locking him up! You locked him up like you locked me up! After the Kiba Inuzuka affair, you swore to trust me, and then you ordered my arrest again. You swore you would trust me! And one morning I had your dogs in front of my door, waiting to arrest me! TO ARREST ME! YOUR OWN SON!

-I did what I had to do like ...

-But you haven't always followed the rules, have you? -Contradicted Bolt poisoned- because when the Uchiha was a renegade and he murdered fellow ninjas who were going to get him back from Orochimaru. When he formed that group of criminals called Taka. When he even worked for Akatsuki, YOU NEVER STOPPED TRUSTING HIM! HE WAS A DAMN CRIMINAL AND YOU GIVEN YOUR LIFE FOR HIM! -He finished trying to control his frustration -but in me, you could never trust.

Naruto couldn't do more in that past situation. At the time that all of the suspected ninjas from Kakashi's files were placed under arrest, Root appeared to be an illegal organization that aimed to undermine the peace. No one assumed he was actually supporting her, as he finally happened. How could the Hokage know that the reports gleaned from the root would expose all the spying in the world?

But Naruto couldn't warn him of his particular view of the matter. It was clear that his son was hurt by the lack of trust she had always had in him. Naruto had sought to protect him, but when in doubt, it was true that he always chose to think badly of Bolt. That was unquestionable.

-I've read your whole story ... -said Boruto leaning his back against a wall and only the light from the window covered the central area of the place, after a few seconds he seemed to be calmer- In detail, what nobody knows about the greatest hero of this village. Your failures, your bad grades, your loneliness. I heard from your teammates. How you liked Sakura Haruno, and the strong friendship you had for Sasuke Uchiha. You were faithful and trusted her even though she never loved you. You maintained your friendship with Uchiha, even though he almost murdered you several times, and even after he became a deserter. You blame me for his death, but you were unwilling to admit that he was a bastard and was only interested in his personal gain. That in the past he urinated in Konoha, and is currently willing to continue to do so.

"You slept with his wife ..." Naruto contradicted, still trying to understand how the Uchiha affair had gotten so far "even though you were Sarada-chan's boyfriend."

-It was my mission, like so many missions of so many ninjas in the world. –Responded without emotion Bolt- my job was to prevent her from hooking up with you, destroying our family. And although I had to force the situation at the beginning, I assure you that Sakura-chan has enjoyed more than with her husband. More than anyone.

-That doesn't matter, and I would never have betrayed your mother ...

-But you weren't able to deny Sakura anything since you met her, right? -Bolt smiled slightly ironic- Or what really infuriates you about me, is that I could satisfy her where subjects like her husband and her ex-partner failed? Does it make you angry to know that you were never close to what I have achieved? Take that woman for me, and defeat the Uchiha.

"Not really ..." Naruto admitted, "your mother has occupied my heart for many years. It is true that Sakura-chan has been special for years. But now she is just a friend. And what really worried me was that Sasuke would hurt you when he found out. Also, I didn't think the best of you for what you did, considering your girlfriend is none other than Sarada-chan.

"Surely you were worried about my morale ..." Bolt added, debating without problems, but he moved to turn on the general light and look into his eyes, "since it seems that I am unable to achieve your confidence." You put your faith in traitors, deserters, rebels without a cause, or foreign politicians. But when it comes to your own blood, it seems like I'm always in the crosshairs. -He turned on the light and they could already see in the distance- and you still ask my reasons for leaving Konoha?

Naruto had no idea how to respond. He had come prepared for a hostile reception, but he really didn't seem to even be in the debating game. His son had blurted out various stupid things blinded by resentment, but many other reasons were quite close to the real thing. Naruto deep down inside him could admit that the Sakura or Sasuke thing hadn't bothered him as much as Boruto suggested. Both constituted certain "aspirations" of a young Naruto that years ago did not exist. However, the current Naruto who was Hokage and father of two children, had failed where Minato succeeded. It was very true that the excessive protection of his children had been a mistake. It was just arrogance to pretend that he could take care of the whole world. Sooner or later, both Himawari and Bolt would have had to solve their own problems. Isolating them from the ninja world was denying the very heritage that ran through their blood. They were both Uzumaki, descendants of the powerful Whirlpool Clan. Grandchildren of a Hokage and a jinchuriki, children of another Hokage, and an heir to the noble Hyuuga clan. Could they really have a path other than being ninja? If so, it was a decision that was not up to Naruto to make.

"Trust must be earned, it's true ..." said the father after a heavy minute of silence, "and I'm willing to accept that I never gave you the opportunity to achieve it." My accusations and arrests were based on the disappointment I felt to see you behave as a child without a family would. When the Kiba thing happened, I just thought about how hard he had tried, all for you to fall into the darkness of the Shinobi, and it seemed like that was just where you had ended up.

For the first time since the beginning of the discussion, Boruto seemed to be caught off guard. It was as if he heard something he never expected to receive. But immediately he reacted, his face turned grim and he reminded himself that his father had had a thousand chances to trust him. And was he going to start doing it right now? It sounded more like an excuse for Konoha's possible departure than an actual apology.

"Even so ..." Naruto continued, who had placed that folder on the center table leaving it at Bolt's disposal, "you opened the seals and allowed us to know everything that was happening in the alliance." I am aware that it was part of Kakashi's plan, but I cannot deny that the contribution that Raíz made to sign the peace agreement. Besides… .. both Kakashi and you too… they gave me this… -the proper name on the cover was that of the Hokage- I managed to open it with my blood and the seal positions that you showed in the council meeting. Nobody has seen this folder except for the person who is speaking to you. Do you know what it contains?

Boruto looked at the folder on the table. And taking it in his hands, he prepared to open it. The sheets were a detailed description of each member of the root organization. Both inside and outside of Konoha. There were root agents in all countries. Former warriors, politicians, retired Shinobi, current ninjas from other villages, civilians, poor people or people with wealth. Boruto was unaware of 80% of those people. He had come across some, and he had no idea that he was also under Kakashi's command. The point was, even they didn't know.

-Each name has a code and a number. -Naruto pointed out with crossed arms, who was observing the surprised reactions in his son-I do not understand why this folder was given to me, since it does not serve to accuse anyone. There are no details of the missions they carried out, all incriminating information was destroyed in the sealed files. What do the key names and number codes that accompany each subject in that file mean? You can tell me?

Boruto smiled slightly. To then nod calmly, at his own thought. Kakashi-sensei hadn't destroyed the root. All the effort had not been lost. He was simply retiring from command. He had absorbed the responsibility of an organization that was barely sticking its head out into the open. But like all strong and lasting roots, he was too deep and hidden to fully know. Too deep to destroy. And the final phase of the plan was before his eyes. Boruto could finally fully understand his master. Hatake Kakashi had been an extraordinary Shinobi without a doubt. And as he always said, his sensei had been none other than Bolt's grandfather. The fourth Hokage master. Konoha's yellow ray, Minato Namikase. A genius.

-This file is nothing less than the spirit of the Root.

-What are you saying?

-Kakashi-sensei was always worried that what happened to Danzou would happen to our group. The ancient Root was only formed under the idea of giving all the power to a single subject. Therefore, when Sasuke Uchiha killed him in combat, the ancient group of dogs did not know how to continue without the master of him. It was not an organization serving Konoha, but for Danzou Shimura's ambitions.

- What does that have to do with those files?

-Observe ... -Boruto pointed out, turning to the table and standing next to his father-each name of each Root agent in this folder has a numerical code and also a letter. Also, code names prevent proper names from being used in sent messages. Most of the Root agents do not know their companions. They receive anonymous messages, with their code name and particular code, they fulfill their mission and reverse the results through a series of secret communication channels. Thus, if any agent is captured or discovered, there is no torture method that can be used to extract information from Raíz.

-Because they basically never have it, right? Naruto ventured interested.

"Likewise, if Kakashi-sensei doesn't send orders using the codes in this file," Boruto continued seriously, "Root simply stops working." The lives of these agents continue their course and no one will ever speak of the subject again. This system was made to avoid fidelity to a single man, and to allow each man or woman to be only faithful to the cause. Only to Konoha.

And then?

-In summary, if nobody sends messages with these codes and key names to any member of this folder again, simply root will be deactivated. In other words, you are now not only the Hokage, but also the leader of Root. You can do whatever you want with this information.

Naruto received the file in his hands again. The ramifications of each man and woman distributed by the village and the rest of the countries reached practically all the spheres. Root was everywhere, and no one except for Naruto, Boruto, and Kakashi really knew for sure. Even right there, there was the code and the codename of his son:

Order Code: S-117

Code name: Golden lightning.

"How ironic ..." Bolt smiled slightly, walking away and walking through the place slowly "the man you put in prison has so much confidence in you that he has placed the fruit of all his efforts in his hands." And the son you never trust, he tells you how to use all that power even when you've come to try to stop me from going where I want to go. I don't know if you are very lucky, or both Kakashi-sensei and I are too idiots. I'm going to reflect on it while I travel to Suna.

-Suna? Naruto inquired confused as he could barely look away from the folder.

"I suppose you will agree to let me live near Uncle Gaara." He is the only Kage that you totally trust. Suna is not my preferred territory, but Uncle Gaara is not going to distrust me like others would. I'll work at the embassy and sunbathe. It's the best I can do for everyone.

-And Sarada-chan? –Asked the father trying to find the argument that stops his son-Do you know the damage that you will cause when breaking the commitment?

"It will be less than what I can do to her," said the young man, "if she finds out that I'd rather have her own mother than her in my bed."

Naruto opened his mouth, but he didn't quite know how to hide his surprise. He had no words for such a confession. He couldn't understand what his son was really feeling, and unfortunate that it wasn't the first time. How could he prefer any love affair, over the young woman with whom he had always grown up? Didn't he love Sarada, or had he just never loved her? Was he really going to abandon her for the simple whim of not being able to sleep with her hairy girl? According to Naruto, Sakura could still be very beautiful, but the years would pass and by age, it was as if Boruto was practically sleeping with his mother. It was quite common for older men with certain positions of power to marry young women. But the reverse situation was very strange. Especially considering that Sakura was not heir to a dynasty, nor a princess of a country.

-If Sarada discovers what she did ... -defined the young Bolt- it will not matter if it was by mission, pleasure or desire. She is going to hate her mother and will probably try to kill her. Ultimately, whether she succeeds or not, Sarada-chan will be left alone. She will become a heap of hatred for her sharingan. Do you really want to have another crazy Uchiha in Konoha? the latter nearly destroyed everything for revenge.

Naruto certainly didn't want to. But he also did not like the idea of seeing his eldest son exiled for years and years. Perhaps doomed never to return. What would he do with Himawari if he couldn't stop his brother from the idea of the trip? The girl had always been attached to her Onii-chan. And he had always protected her from all evil. Surely it must be very painful for Boruto to have to leave, but he evidently intended to pay the price in order to protect Sakura and the village. Although by different paths, Naruto realized that the two Uzumaki men were quite alike internally. Willing to do anything to protect their loved ones.

Naruto felt very sad. Because he couldn't morally stop his son. It was clear that Bolt had his reasons for leaving the village. And it was also true, that he had never trusted the decisions of his offspring before. However there was one last chance to change that, it was time to trust. So he took his file from Root's control, and although he knew that he could give him a direct order as leader to force him to stay in Konoha, he thought he didn't want any more conflict. As a father, he was sorry that he had failed Bolt all along. But he promised to begin to change in that regard.

And the first step… ..was to trust….

"I have to go home for dinner ..." He added as he slowly left the apartment, with the folder under his arm, "I just want to tell you that I'm going to sign the transfer authorization first thing in the morning on Monday." If my son believes that this is the best for him, I want to trust that it will be.-he opened the folder and searched for some detail before speaking again- S-117 Golden lightning ... I have a mission for you ... before leaving you will have to introduce yourself on Sunday next to field number 7. He will have a special training of techniques with me. This is confidential. After that, he will be relieved of his duties with Root in this village. That's all.

And he left….

Leaving Boruto in a mixture of wonder and joy. Incredible as it seemed, it was the first time his father had heard and trusted him. It was the first time, where he had treated him as a man, and not as a child whom he must hide from the known world. And if he didn't misunderstand that confidential training, it was nothing other than "Hiraishin no jutsu". His grandfather's technique. His heritage as a ninja. There was no greater show of confidence than that. For the first time in a long time, Boruto Uzumaki had reason to smile happily again.

And even for all the difficulties of the past, he could be reborn again the pride that he had always felt in being the son of the Hokage. That pride and that admiration, that he now he could return to externalize for Naruto Uzumaki.

-Thank you… .Oto-sama… .- he said to his empty dining room, because his father had already left the place.

End of flash back:

It was currently Tuesday, and Boruto Uzumaki hadn't left Konoha. They had one last Sunday of training, where Naruto taught his son the basic guidelines of the god of flying thunder. Watching him prepare and practice, the Hokage got the impression that his son would not have too much trouble mastering the technique. And he, too, knew from the course of the sporadic conversations, that something had changed in Bolt.

Perhaps the dinner at the Uchiha women's house was the trigger for this new attitude ...

-Good Boruto… -said the Hokage, unable to hide his happiness-as Jounnin recently promoted, and taking into account your performance as an escort in the meeting of leaders in the country of iron months ago; I consider that you would be very capable of working in this office permanently.

The look of the young man was all a poem. He was so shocked by his father's words that he almost caused a fit of laughter in Naruto. But he restrained himself, the situation was serious and he tried to take it as such.

-But….-Whispered Bolt confused- on that trip… ..- he said approaching a few steps until he was very close to the desk- Oto-sama said that he should go to any work department, well away from his side.

"It was true ..." Naruto defined smiling slightly, "because a Hokage must have Shinobi of the extreme trust of him as escorts and companions." Ninjas so loyal, they would be able to sacrifice everything for the leaf village. Ninjas so loyal, they would give their lives for the Hokage without a second thought. Unable to harm the leader's honorable family. Willing to do anything in order to give peace to our village. And even more… ..- he added, standing up and turning to the desk- I need ninjas that I can trust with my life and that of everyone in this village. Able to keep secrets, to forgive, and also to know how to ask for forgiveness.

After that, Naruto stood in front of Bolt and placed both hands on his son's shoulders. During these past days, he had reminisced about his past and rethought many old attitudes. He had had new hope, and discarded the fear of being betrayed again by one of the people closest to his heart. In a way, the faith placed in his time in Sasuke and Sakura had undermined Naruto's ability to trust people. But Bolt had fought hard to get just that. And Naruto was sure his son wasn't going to disappoint him this time.

-Gra… gra….-Boruto had lowered his head, his body was trembling slightly and some tears escaped even though he wanted to hold them back with all his might- thanks from him… Oto-sama.

Boruto for the first time since childhood, shed that cold and proud mask of being a Shinobi. He just went back to being the son of his father. The boy who had always admired and idolized him. And he moved from his position to hug the Hokage and bury his face on his chest. He tried not to cry, it was stupid to cry about this. But he was so happy! He couldn't explain the satisfaction that overwhelmed her at getting one of his most golden dreams! That the man he most admired treat him as his equal to him. That she trusted him, to the point of naming him his escort. That he put life in his hands. And the confidence of finally feeling like a worthy son of the Hokage of peace.

Shizune didn't usually walk past without knocking on the door. That day he had a slip. But the scene before his eyes prevented him from entering to interrupt. Not only did he find it beautiful that Boruto hugged his father just like when he was 5 years old. But Naruto, even doing his best to contain it, was also shedding some tears of joy. The Kunoichi felt a warm warmth in her heart, and she carefully closed the door to leave them alone.

She loved Naruto like a brother. Her happiness was seeing him happy. Shizune decided to order the ANBU guards guarding the gate, telling them that no one had permission to enter until the Hokage's son left the place. And he devoted himself to other tasks. Undoubtedly they would be happy times for Konoha. Because both the Hokage and his heir were finally at peace.

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The following months were the best for Naruto and his family ...

While Bolt currently worked as the Hokage's escort, both the leader and Shikamaru who was his closest advisor; they internalized him about the administrative movements that Hokage's work contained. Boruto became the best and constant companion of his father. He accompanied him to council meetings, visits to ANBU barracks, and also on trips. The young Uzumaki was trying not to show much interest in his father's attempts to indoctrinate him. But although he did not dream of being the next Hokage, he also did not want to despise Naruto with whom he was restarting a good relationship. In short, Boruto learned a good part of the work done by his father, although with no intention of seeing himself doing it in the future.

Of course, the boring routine had certain advantages. Although his free time was drastically reduced, Bolt greatly enjoyed spending most of the time with his father. They ate lunch together, chatted during office hours, on trips, and while commuting around Konoha. And furthermore, when the Hokage took his time to train personally, Boruto had the pleasure of being his practice partner. He learned a lot. Much more than he expected to get. Although the fighting styles were not the same in father and son, Boruto evolved facing one of the few subjects in the world who physically surpassed him. Training with someone so powerful tended to push the young man's limits little by little. And in particular they fulfilled the dream that he had since childhood. Being trained by the seventh Hokage.

Meanwhile, Boruto's relationship with Sarada was progressing little by little.

Since that night of alcohol, food and aphrodisiacs. Boruto was willing to bring the relationship with Sarada directly to marriage. Deep inside him, he felt that he did not love his girlfriend. He didn't have that suffocating feeling of possession that Sakura had once inspired in him. But little by little, the appointments and meetings with Sarada were building a deeper relationship between the young people. In addition, the Uzumaki-Uchiha family weekends were restored a couple of months after the last "incidents".

Boruto did not exchange private words with Sakura again. He didn't even look at her. She showed certain glimpses of interest in the young man, but that didn't mean they would even be friends again. Young Uzumaki couldn't forgive him for what Sakura did. He understood her reasons, he had even accepted her defeat. But he would definitely not do anything to alter the new "balance" achieved between the Uzumaki and Uchiha families. He would never risk everyone's happiness again, not for his own personal wishes.

Boruto and Sarada did not make love again from the first night. They decided to wait until after the marriage. The young man promised to wait, and his work with Naruto consumed almost all his free time to have accumulated desires.

Himawari, meanwhile, was very happy when he learned that his brother would continue to live in Konoha. But the downside to him was when his Onii-chan scolded him harshly for using his technique to manipulate Sarada. The young woman even shed a few tears when her brother had that tough private talk with her. And she assured that she had not wanted to cause any harm.

-You know well that you can't completely control the effect of that Hima-chan technique. –Bolt told him while they argued in the brother's old private room- you shouldn't have pressed on Sarada-chan's brain. What if you hurt him?

"I didn't mean to hurt her Onii-chan ..." the girl whispered tearfully, "I just tried to make her learn to share."

-Share? –Doubted the blond confused.

-She was jealous of us Onii-chan. –Himawari- admitted she told me that she shouldn't get so close to my Onii-chan. That you were only for her.

"How ridiculous ..." the young man pointed out, "you are my sister." Why on earth could Sarada be jealous of you? Also, when you implant an order in someone's mind. The effect can change depending on how the subconscious interprets it. That's why you can't control it Nee-san.

"That doesn't matter Onii-chan!" Himawari cried nervously and clung to her brother's chest in anguish, "I didn't want to be separated from you!" I did not want you to leave! You promised that you would always protect me! Were you lying Onii-chan ?! Would you abandon me if she asked ?!

Boruto hugged his sister and fell silent. He heard her cry and she was the only thing in the world that he couldn't bear. Since she was born, since he saw her in the arms of her mother that Bolt had promised to protect her from all evil. Not even the savage ninja world could touch her. She was a pure soul. Himawari Uzumaki was a bright light. Boruto would never leave her alone.

-Do you remember a year and a half ago….? Bolt said, smiling slightly, "when you were dating Inojin Yamanaka."

"Yes ..." Himawari replied that she did not separate from the hug.

-Before your first date with him… -the blond confessed, opening her smile every time and pushing her sister away from her, he looked into her eyes- I had a serious conversation Inojin. I told him clearly, that if he came to hurt you in any way, that if he were to disappoint you or make you suffer. I would make sure to kill him with the cruelest methods possible. So much so that he would make Ibiki Morino wet his pants. Do you really think that he would abandon you at anyone's request? I love you so much Nee-san. Never doubt it please. Now stop crying that I don't like to see you like this.

Himawari finally smiled, wiping her tears away and feeling relief that hers Onii-chan hers wasn't mad at her. For him to protect her, even though she wasn't exactly weak. Years would pass, and that bond with Boruto should never be broken. Himawari could give up everyone, even the rest of her family, but she didn't see her own life without Boruto close by. He was not only her only brother. He was much more to the young woman.

-Do you remember when you practiced your technique on me? –The funny blonde pointed out to her –You managed to erase issues such as morals, fear or doubts from my mind. My potential grew without the set limits of my mind. And yet… .I have never stopped loving you. I have never stopped wishing for your good. You understand?

It was true. Even out of bounds Boruto would never stop loving his sister. It was a somewhat comforting thought for the young man. Although the girl did not have the same vision on the particular matter.

"And then…?" Himawari asked shyly after a while, "Are you going to marry Sarada-san?" Does it mean that you will never see Sakura-sama again?

Bolt's face transformed. He was smiling until a moment ago, and now he didn't know whether to stick with his sister or run away. It was clear that the effect of partial pressure was decreasing year by year. Since Boruto was beginning to remember things like shame and fear. Although slightly, of course. After all, he was trained to evade those emotions just like the typical ninja.

-How long have you known? He consulted cautiously.

-Since the night Sakura-sama came out of the guest room, and she sunk in Onii-chan's room most of the night.

-Have you told anyone?

-I would never do anything to harm Onii-chan. –Assured Himawari red as tomato and with her head lowered- but… ..but… I wonder… .was….

-What were you wondering Nee-san?

"If you ... do you love that woman?" Added the young woman sadly. "Even if no one accepts it?" Could it be your Oka-san by age though?

Did she love her? Could he really be in love with Sakura Uchiha? That question Boruto had asked himself many times. And the answer was indeterminate. Hearing a question from his inner self on the lips of his younger sister was disturbing to say the least. Boruto however, was grateful that Himawari had found out some time after the first real meeting between Sakura and him. Where it was not a consensual relationship, but forced and used for the purest blackmail. What would her sister think of him, if she knew about the rape?

In the ninja world, it was a common thing indeed. A sexual assault for the Kunoichi should not differ in perspective from a physical attack. He trained them for that. He even instructed them to take sides and take advantage of those situations. Anko-sensei was very graphic in her experience of using those arts in the past. And Boruto had taken advice from all of it. But what if Sarada hadn't existed in the equation? Would the village's social censorship of that relationship between a mature woman and a young Shinobi have been enough to have left her? Would the opposition of his father, even his mother, be enough for Boruto not to be with Sakura again? the answer clearly was no. If Sarada hadn't been in between, Boruto and Sakura would be lovers at least. And also a couple, if the woman agreed to endure the communal gossip. In any case, if the problems were too much, Bolt would have taken her away from Konoha, to start a new life together. But surely he would not have given her up.

"I think if ..." he admitted to Himawari's surprise, "I think he would have tried a stable relationship with her if Sarada-chan had not existed." But Sakura loves her daughter, and my responsibility is to marry my fiancée.

-You said you would cancel the contract Onii-chan…. -Said the sister- you don't have to get married if you don't want to.

-That's what I was going to do, but after an unfortunate night, I have taken something from Sarada that cannot be returned. Something that forces me to abide by the agreement, by reason or by force. So I won't talk about Nee-san matter anymore. I hope you accept my decision.

After that day, they did not touch the subject again. But Boruto was clear that his sister did not agree with the marriage issue. Perhaps the young woman did not agree to a marriage without love involved. But still Bolt, so as not to break the new harmony of Konoha and those families; he set out to fulfill his part of the agreement.

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Months later, Boruto and Sarada had the official wedding ceremony. The whole village joined in a great celebration and many foreign personalities were invited to the celebration. Sarada Uzumaki, was a very happy young woman. Even the excitement and the prudent time elapsed, she had made both Sakura and Boruto feel satisfied with the situation. As if they had forgotten what they lived together. Or simply, resign oneself to understanding that it was not a destined question.

Boruto promised himself on the same altar on the way to marriage, that he would put absolutely everything on his side to make his wife very happy. He and Sarada had a disturbing conversation hours before joining forever, and from that talk emerged a stronger and surely lasting bond. Sarada showed all the love she felt for her husband in that conversation. And Boruto knew that there was his opportunity to repair the damage caused. He just had to make her happy. If she could just achieve that. Her family, her parents, Sarada's mother and himself, would be happy. Everything was in her hands, and from the roots of her soul, she vowed that this time she would not fail in her life mission.

Both father and son never broke such a promise.

End of chapter.