"Is that all?" asked the samurai, staring at him with her sharp eyes. She had been watching closely while he was speaking to the merchant who stood behind him.
The knight nodded his head lightly and looked around the room, then gave the woman a slight bow.
She returned it politely but said nothing for several moments after that before standing up straight again and raising an eyebrow. "I apologize. I have no idea what you're talking about."
The knight's eyes went wide as she stared back at him, but he quickly regained his composure and continued to speak
Knight, they are amazing. But this is all that makes your skill so great. Your speed, your strength, even your ability to use magic. All these things make me think that you might be able to defeat my master. Yet I am still afraid of you. Why?
"Because," answered the samurai, "your sword-wielding skill is only one part of what makes a hero. You also need to be well versed in politics and diplomacy."
The knight frowned slightly at that answer but kept quiet as the samurai continued.
Your words reflect those of many people. The people of my country believe that strength and power are everything; that if someone has more than another, then they are better.
That he would welcome such a woman into his family and give her the respect and honor she deserved. He thinks you are a wonderful example of the type of person he wants to become.
The samurai looked down at the floor as she spoke, looking sullen and unhappy.
So she ask the knight to keep their relationship secret. If you agree to do this we can have a happy future together.
The knight smile and said yes.
After that they married each other and lived happily ever after.