A 18+ story about a snake girl mateing with a male human

"We have been watching you for some time now, and I would like to ask what your name is?" the dragon's voice rumbled. Her head was big enough that it covered most of her body from above as she stared down at me.

I had never seen a dragon before in my life but I knew who they were because of all the stories I'd heard growing up. They were one of the main reasons why people feared dragons so much even though they weren't real. My father used to tell me stories about how humans once thought there were dragons living under their houses or flying over their towns. We had been told that they had been around forever and had always served as guardians to humanity.

The the dragon became human size and say I wonder how sex feel like? It seems really good for men and women." She asked.

"No thank you," I replied quickly still trying not to look nervous. The creature sighed and then spoke again this time sounding more angry than anything else.

Then I will focus you to have children with me after all am a beautiful woman who has no clothes on right now and I'm sure you can find something better to do than watch me walk around my house naked." She said with a growl.

"Please don't!" I begged her.

Then she started having sex with him


I turned my head away quickly, not wanting to see what was going on. I could hear the sounds of passion coming from them. There was an occasional cry that seemed to come out of nowhere and I knew that they must be very intimate together. The creature began to moan loudly.

After a few minutes the dragon let out a long deep breath and her body went limp and collapsed onto the ground. I felt a sense of relief wash over me and I finally found my voice and spoke.

Then with a loud voice the girl said keep doing it until we reached the point where we are satisfied then the continuing to have sex would make us happy." She continued without waiting for me to reply.

I did as she had said and the dragon kept moaning, making little whimpering sounds every so often. I felt myself becoming aroused by the strange noises coming from the creature. Then after what seemed like hours of this I felt her tighten up and begin to shake. I knew that she must have climaxed. After a minute or two she let out another deep sigh and relaxed completely.

Then said you are going to be my sex slave now human male. You will be my husband and will have sex with me when I want to. So if you aren't going to give me your seed I suggest that you get dressed and leave now." He aspects her as his wife many year later when they have a child.

"No! I won't do that. Please don't make me." I pleaded with her.

She laughed and said "if you try to fight me I'll have you killed here and now. Now get dressed and leave." Then she sounded like she was talking to someone else.

I stood up and started getting dressed. I couldn't believe that I had just willingly given myself to a monster.


The creature rolled over onto her back and looked up into the air as I dressed and left her. She lay on the ground panting for breath and her eyes were glazed over with lust. Even if I found a human male like him nothing can replace him he is my true love." She said with a sad tone.

It took me a while to make my way back home. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened and what might happen next.

The child made by a human and a dragon in a human form. This is a rare occurrence among humans and usually takes place when a human female is raped by a dragon. It's extremely rare because only a small number of dragons are actually capable of mating with a human male. Most dragons are unable to mate with other species and those that are able are usually very old and have been alive for thousands of years.

I got a lot of stares from people as I walked down the street but they soon left me alone as I passed them. Eventually I made it home and went straight to my room. As soon as I was inside I closed the door and locked it. I looked around my room but everything seemed normal except for a piece of paper lying on the floor. I picked it up and read it.

I've taken a liking to you and wanted to know if you would like to join me for dinner tonight. I'll be waiting outside the door for you at seven o'clock sharp.