Two days after Itadori's sword exploded, Itadori was fully recovered. Prepared to leave the cabin and get scolded for his act of carelessness. He went out of the cabin and saw no one. He then went to the back of the cabin and saw his Sensei feeding Herupa. Itadori said "Good morning Sensei".

His sensei replied while feeding Herupa "Good morning, I see you are fully recovered. How are you feeling". Itadori then replied with a surprised face "Why aren't you scolding me"

His Sensei laughed as he said "it is actually my fault not yours, for not helping you out. But that doesn't mean you won't be punished for such act of carelessness". Itadori then said "what shall be my punishment"

His Sensei said "it is not entirely a punishment though, since your sword exploded you have to gather all the resources you will need to craft a new one. And you must do it all by yourself". Itadori replied "that is not a problem sensei". His sensei then said "Do not stray to far from the cabin, I don't need to remind you of what happened the last time" Itadori replied "yes, ok Sensei".

Itadori then went out to get all the resources he needed to craft a new sword. When he came back, he was feeling tired but yet he started with immediate effect. Days passed and his sword was finally ready for use.

Itadori then continued his training drill to split a boulder. His Sensei said to Itadori "well unlike last time I am going to coach you through this session so that you won't end up killing yourself" Itadori replied "Ok Sensei".

His sensei started off by saying "I am sure that Itomi didn't tell you the part that if you overdo it you are going to die" Itadori in shock replied "He never told me". His sensei then said "what I am about to tell you Is not to make you scared or anything it just fact". Itadori replied "Ok go on" His Sensei then said "To be honest it's a miracle that you are still alive or you didn't lose your arms. The concentration level was sooo high that only it's presence can kill insects. As a matter of fact it did kill alot of insects around".

Itadori then said to himself "so it's that powerful huh?" before asking his Sensei "if it's soo powerful how am I meant to control it".

His Sensei replied "that should be easy, simply just try to infuse only a little energy at a time till your body gets used to it". Then Itadori replied with a sad voice saying "Honestly Sensei, I am SCARED. I don't want to die in this forest". His Sensei then replied with a voice of motivation "Don't worry Itadori as long as I am here, I won't let you DIE. And besides you are still a child you have every right to be scared".

Itadori then picked up his new sword and began to concentrate his power into his hands. While he was infusing the energy, he heard his Sensei saying to him "that is enough, stop infusing the energy". Itadori then stopped infusing the energy. Then his Sensei said "now hold the energy in your hands".

Itadori began to store the energy in his arm. Then his Sensei said "Now gently release the energy in your hands into the sword". As Itadori tried to infuse the energy into the sword, he was successful but then the sword began to shake along with his hands due to the amount of energy in the sword".

His Sensei then noticed Itadori's hands shaking and shouted "Slice the boulder NOW Itadori". With Itadori's hand still shaking he tried to slice the boulder but due to the fact that his hands were shaking his attack was off target. Then Itadori said with a depressing voice "Well Sensei, I failed again". His Sensei replied "No, you actually did very well Itadori, I am actually shocked that you got up to that point without passing out".

Itadori then said "Really Sensei?". His Sensei replied "Yes, but the reason you were shaking and your attack was off target was because (his Sensei held out his arm) well you lack the physique".

Itadori then said to his self "I don't have the physique... after all my intensive training". While Itadori was still lost in thoughts his Sensei said "so..... you must build up your natural strength". Itadori then said "why build up my natural strength, isn't there a way for me to use the powers of the strength stone to control the sword".

His Sensei replied "Honestly no, it might end up being suicidal. Reason being that you have already drawn out the strength stone's power to your hands, you can't still use the same powers to control the sword". Then Itadori replied "Ok I understand, so how would we begin".

His Sensei replied "Honestly, I don't think you should try to rush this process, I just advise to go rest and prepare for the challenge that awaits you tomorrow". Then Itadori replied "Ok Sensei".

The next day, when Itadori woke up he then sat on his bed and thought out loud as tears dripped from his eyes "why am I the one that the strength stone picked, why am I the one that has too suffer every single day of my life . Why am I the cursed one, why can't I be like other kids that just wake up and get to worry only about school. Why can't I just be normal, living a normal life, having a mom and dad, knowing where I come from, having a crush, prepping for my first kiss but No instead I struggle for three square meals, I don't know how a school looks like, I can't go a day without feeling pains in my body, prepping for the day I die. Trying to protect people that won't and never tried to protect me. And yet people claim that the universe is fair. Itadori you know your a fool even if you manage to escape this forest how would you blend with the outside world". He then wiped his tears quickly as he remembered his Sensei told him never to cry. Meanwhile, his Sensei was outside with his ears against the walls of cabin listening to Itadori think out loud, he felt bad.

When Itadori finally came out of the cabin, he saw his Sensei sitting down. Itadori then said with a sad voice "Good Morning Sensei, Please may we begin". His Sensei didn't want him to know that he eves dropped while he was thinking out loud, so he acted as if nothing happened as he replied "Good Morning Itadori, I thought that maybe we should skip training today and have some fun". Then Itadori replied with a sarcastic tone "what kind of fun are you talking about, are we going to run around the forest till we drop dead".

His Sensei was about to scold him for such tone but then he reasoned what he was going through as he said "no, it is not going to be anything of that sort". Itadori then replied "Ok then, what are we going to be doing". His Sensei then replied "Tag, Hide and Seek and many more".

With Itadori looking confused asked "What are those, punishments?". His Sensei was shocked as he said "you haven't heard of any of them". Itadori replied "No, when I was not in this forest I spent all my time struggling to get food. I had no friends or family". His Sensei replied "well that is really sad". His Sensei then explained the rules of the game to Itadori.

After they played the game till they got exhausted, Itadori's Sensei then instructed Itadori to sit down while his Sensei said "we need to have a discussion about your life before you encountered the strength stone". Itadori then replied "ok well what do you want to know". His Sensei then asked "where did you live". Itadori replied swiftly saying "in an alley in Tokyo".

His Sensei moved on by asking "How did you end up on the streets". Itadori replied without hesitation "I recalled that I lived in an orphanage home, probably my parents left me there. But suddenly, the orphanage began to fall due to lack of money. The people in charge of the orphanage began to sell the children to rich men as slaves, so when I saw an opening and I escaped".

His Sensei continued as he asked "what's your last name?". Then Itadori replied with a depressing voice "I don't have a last name. Back at the orphanage they called us by numbers. It was more like a prison. I was the one who named myself "Itadori" simply because I liked the name". His Sensei then suggested "why don't you just give yourself a last name". Then Itadori replied "Well how about Izumi...Izumi Itadori".

His Sensei then replied "Yeah, that sounds nice". His Sensei then continued by saying "If you were to wish for one thing, just one. What would it be". Then Itadori replied "well that's an easy question. I will simply wish for a normal life".

His Sensei replied "Well ok that's enough questions for today. Go rest up because tomorrow's training drill would be tough". Itadori then stood up and walked towards the cabin. As Itadori was walking away, His Sensei thought to himself as he said "This boy has really gone through alot. I just pray his wish will one day be granted".

Due to the lack of physique of Itadori, he shall go through training sessions to build up his natural strength. Would he ever be strong enough to escape this forest.