Journey to sanity

after she left her house, her family reveal secret

" wow bro your plan did work, now our debt will easily pay off.

" let me teach you how to manipulate, first press anyone bleeding vain and press it as tightly as you can when that person breaks, then he is your slave do whatever you want, but I don't know that bastard cheat her, maybe I have to make him pay later.

" I know brother it's not her fault that thing end up that way, but I still think I couldn't get along with her.

" do you all think that I have done right to send her away at a young age, I still feel guilty, even if that is the best thing to protect her from what we have gone through"

" Father please don't blame yourself we are same guilty as you, stop punishing yourself, I have to go, Father, there is a grand opening of my product, there so many things have been delayed,

she left the house, there are only them, they also share a soft side for else.

" son do you have a plan to make that bastard pay, who breaks her heart, make sure he suffered more badly than her"

" Don't worry father, I will manage everything, I have some content in the current government, they still are powerful enough to get him some mind, there is a question if also wasn't exist, will you willingly sell your daughter?

" if the thing will get more worst, then might will, I have to take some nasty decisions in, one more won't change anything.

soon the master mind devil, call them, that the person who planned everything, he is the one who will help them, to get rid of debt.

" dad he is calling, I don't understand what going on inside his mind, the offer he is presenting is only beneficial to us.

"let's just observe what he comes up with, and what he wants from my daughter, he is a dangerous man, don't get in his word, he works more efficiently and clever than others, I am not close to him, only you can handle him, he is beyond the reach of god, have you heard rumours, he is the one who running the whole company"

"that the matter of concern, he never reveals information about himself, he is like a shadow, there is so much less information about him, he can easily take over the company but he won't, the chairman is the face of the company, then his is body and mind."

" son there are rumours, that chairman is a pervert, he always sleeps with different prostitutes"

"It's strange, if it's true then why won't his son, show concern, how he let his father get married to same age his.

they pick up the call, and it shows, that they don't know anything about his plan,

" how things work out, I have high expectations from you"

" things work out very well, now clearly tell me what you want from my sister, what happened when she marry with your father, she will be called your mother after that if it okay that she take place of your real mother.

" Everything just going fine, you just play your part well then there won't be any problem if you ask me how can son let this happen something like that, you will be surprised I am the one who supports him because I hate him so much"

after that chairman man's son " demon, cancel the call, which makes them concerned about the safety of else, how will they trust someone who possesses devil intellect.

demon reaches home, he saw the car of someone who he did see before, it's nothing new, a prostitute car, always there, because demon's father is a complete pervert, he is old but he sleeps with many women.

when going out, he listens to his father's conversation with a lady.

" Why are you living so soon, why don't you stay here?

" I can't my family is waiting for me, and your son is about to come home, he doesn't like that.

" Don't worry about him, he also likes to sleep with any woman, he is completely comfortable with it.

she get outside of the room, she saw a demon in front of him, she got nervous, she doesn't have the bravery to see in the demon's eyes, her son is just 2 years younger than a demon, how would he reach if he knows about his mother action, that what demon is thinking, his father comes out from the room

" demon have you made arrangements for my marriage, tell her that she has stayed here for a few days, I want to examine her, after all, she will be your mother"

after listening to that demon, get so much angry, but he controls his anger.

" you are about to get married, you shouldn't do such a thing anymore

" Look who teaching me, remember son we are a king we should act like one, by sleeping with women, it represents your power.

" what power are you talking about I am the one who runs a company and work like dog for the company, not like you.

" don't you know, you have slept with 50 women in the last 3 months, everyone comes from a rich family, I am amazed some I can never beat you in that.

" how do you know all that, who tells you that, only my assistant knows all that don't tell me you had sex with her too.

" Don't worry she is still a virgin, I leave some women for you, I am a great father.

demon is not a pervert, he may be evil, but he respects women, it's hard for him to listen to all that, if he had a gun, he will surely kill him.

" you are right I have slept with many women, only for our company not for my self-interest, I manipulate ever powerful people in the country and build relationships, that's why our company is so powerful that no one can touch it.

after that, the demon left home, he was crying while driving, he go to a restaurant because his girlfriend call him for a date, while his father call another woman for sex, demon only uses her as political interest, she is just another pawn in his game, demon washes his eyes to not let her know that he have cried.

he waiting for his girlfriend, he sits in the corner alone with a sorrowful face his girlfriend show up, he acts cheerful, he is good at hiding his emotions, but his pain won't be hidden away from his girlfriend

"hi, I miss you, how are you, you look so thin, let's order something, I will feed you with my own hands.

" demon"

what, what happened?

" I know you are hurt stop pretending, what happened to tell me, you don't have to lie to me, I am your girlfriend"

" I can make everyone fool not you, you must be an angel who can not be fooled by the devil"

" don't tell me anything, it must be about your father, he is the only problem in your life, let's try to forget him since we haven't had sex, why don't we do it?

" you are a virgin my love, are you sure, I don't think I will be able to do it with you, you are a goddess to me, I respect you"

" you acted like I am your mother, and soon you going to get a new mother.

" don't say anything I could endure that drama anymore, I wish you were, my mother, sorry I didn't mean that"

demon sees her as a mother even tho they know each other only for 3 weeks, he feels guilty, he doesn't want to take advantage of her, but for his plan, it is necessary.

" Ohh lonely baby needs the love of a mother, are you angry let mama drink you some milk.

" don't make fun of me, well have you make all the arrangements as I said"

" yes, I did exactly like you asked, what you ask is almost impossible, why didn't you tell me, what goes on inside your head?

" Sorry I can't tell you anything, but I have to go, I love you, bye