Peak of demon

after the demon kills his father with his hand, he unlocks the new darkness inside his heart, as time passes, his humanity starts to fade away.

in everyone's eyes, Elsa is declared a murderer, she is in a helpless situation, demon has done something which no one has imagined.

when the police take over the situation, everyone already concluded what must have happened, everything going as planned by the demon.

the demon was also disturbed by this event, first, he lost his father, and second, he nearly got killed by the fire of Elsa

the police decided to take demon under police custody and Elsa under juridical custody, but also her mental condition is messed up, her face completely goes white, she has a shock reaction on her face, her mouth is open because of shock, and she is unable to speak a single word, she is hospitalised now

demon feel so weak, he tried his best to keep his act together but at the end of the day, he was still a human.

detective Mr Lucas, his detective skill are extraordinary, he solves every case which comes under his authority, he never takes a break, only goes know what he wanted.

he is like an emotionless machine, the only language he knows is work. he is a living lie detector, but nobody is perfect.

the demon was locked up in an interrogation room, and the police see him as an eyewitness, he looked so dead from the inside, and now he has an eye of a man who lost everything, his face is so depressing.

he was sitting on a chair, soon nowhere out of the silence a man with a grey suit show up, he was a great detective"Mr Lucas"

" you look so depressed, what happen killing your father makes you regret it now"

when he hears those words from Lucas, his heart starts racing, and he starts to panic, but he tried his best to not let his emotion express through his body, if he makes just a small mistake, then he is doomed, he pulls himself back.

" Why would I kill my father, don't you see, I am suffering, I feel so weak, I couldn't protect him, I don't know why she kill him"

the demon starts crying, a cry can melt every monster's heart, but this detective only cares about the thrill that he gets from solving cases.

" you might be hungry, take that hight calories chocolate bar, it will make you more efficient, so you can help me to give justice to your dad's murderer"

that man Lucas uses the psychological trick on the demon, in a normal case, a criminal reveals everything when the detective declares him criminal, but there is a drawback, it only works on a weak will, mentally weak people or idiots.

for strong-willed people, Lucas uses global language and that is food, food has the power to connect people emotionally, it's also a psychological trick, where one person shows kindness to another and throws him in a big hole of guilt, normally when Lucas shows kindness to criminal they confess because of guilt, that trick can be used on the enemy too if someone hates us, and he doesn't know that we know he hates us, then if we show kindness to him, he felt guilty to hate you, and start hating himself, the trick is used by saint, by this they can win the war without a fight.

" What are you talking about my father is dead, and I didn't get the chance to see him, how can I eat when my father is not here anymore"

" sorry it's really cold of me, by the way, I already interrogate your security guard, they told interesting information, when they hear a gunshot, they rush to the living room, where your father and that actor girl going to spend their wedding night, but it's never going to happen"

" What are you talking about"

the demon knows that Lucas didn't trust him, but he still thinks that the demon is the one you kill Nichol.

" Isn't that possible son kill his father, for his company, or does he feel disgusted by his father's action"

those are the reason why the demon kill his father

"I know my father was lonely all by himself, so I support him and encourage him to get married, if you suspect me because of the company then my father already decide to give me whole company when I reach 25 age, that makes me owner just in twos year and I am not that greedy to kill him for that."

" then why didn't you tell me what you think about the gun bullet, there were only three bullets in a gun, why is that, and after I sum up, every possibility, I think, that is the case far too twisted to be simple multiple events of coincident else, it feels like a pre-planned, execution.

the demon was shocked to observe the intelligence of the detective