Puppets of human

the lawyer was confused after seeing the demon's face, which was gloomy and depressed.

" what happen, man, you look like you saw your wife get fuck by your best friend"

" If you ever decide to turn your fantasy into reality then I will send you to my father"

" at least you talk, now tell me what happens"

" it's Asuna I just got break up with her, she looks so hurt which makes me hate myself, even more, she leaves with tears in her eyes, it's hurt to see that I am the reason for her pain"

" come man why you have broken up now, why don't you get along a little more time, what happens if she was mother to you, age is just a number feeling is what truly matters, tell me how you feel about her"

"It's a strange relationship, she loves me and I love her but not sexually, I like her company and I never want to see her in pain, but I can not imagine her naked or any nudes thing, it feels disgusting, it's like getting in a relationship with biological mother"

"yeah it's disgusting and I don't even think about it"

"I should send her away, I can not see more tears in her eyes, and if she doesn't go away, then I have to kill her, I won't let my feeling take over me, or else I lose myself again, but the more fragile heart you break the more pain you feel"

" if you are that depressed then I gladly offer my $50000 ass to you, have you heard, when everything looks false, release your pain through your balls, into your friend's holes"

" I think I am going to kill you if share more divine knowledge"

everyone needs a friend like, William, he never judges what his friend has done, he only just supports him or leaves him, he is not the kind of man who shows himself superior by pointing out the faults of others.

" how you two first meet, don't tell me you have a memory that she give birth to you"

" you didn't make any sense, shut up idiot, she was my target because of her influenced family, they control the majority of the media house, I have a plan and I already decided where to execute my plan"

" I was invited to her brother's marriage, it's normal to invite powerful people to create a strong bond in need, I know that she hated her family, they are so overprotective that they want to control every small thing in her life, which eats up her mind, whenever I look into her eyes before she knew me, I see the desperate need to suicide"

" she was sitting in a corner, she look, she was tired from the world around her, I thought she was an easy target,

I get closer to her, she didn't notice me at first, then I said

" I don't like crowd much, it's boring to wash energy on so many people"

she starts to answer me, I successfully break her 1st wall, human beings have 3, walls if you want to win their trust, and the most difficult one is the first one"

"It's stupid, to surrounding by many people and still feel lonely, I just wanted to escape this lonely paradise"

" if you want to escape, then will you want to escape with me"

" stop joking, look who is talking I don't know why, but I can tell you want to kill yourself, I am not in the mood, don't waste your time on me"

first, she seems so cold and emotionless, but we can not understand humans at just first sight, after getting into a relationship with her, demons realise that she is warm as a goddess, I was completely surprised, she tells exactly right, I wanted to kill himself,

" I am not joking, I can not lie in front of the goddess can I"

then he holds her, he takes her away from her loneliness, sometimes we are not enough to fight our monster who continuously devoured us, we just need one gentle touch to save ourselves.

" sorry but I am not going to waste my single minutes of life, after knowing its dept I realise pain and suffering are just illusions made up by the mind, once you gain the strength to believe in my word then you realise true happiness, look are around"

" If they are illusion them why it's hurt like hell"

"it's because, there are some thing in life which keep throwing us into illusion, if you don't feel right just run away and find your true freedom"

" where can I find this freedom"

" don't lie your heart already knows what you want, don't run after what you want just let your want come to your mind"

we danced together for hours, till our legs start to hurt, we dance and dance, I forget my pain, I was just lost in present, it was a miracle, I always struggle to be happy but she made me happy in just one second, we were laughing together, that the time when I fall in love with her but not romantically.

"that the whole story William, ever since then my depressions start to fade away day by day, but due to my father's actions it started to get worse every day but now I am fine, I hope I will be in future, but I am sad to because I feel like I got abundant, I am orphanage now, the shadow of my mother like girlfriend have gone from my head"

will you stop dramatising, you are not a child bro, why don't we go for a drink, it will light up your mood, we still got some time left before the conference, so why don't we just chill out"

" if I tell you the truth I haven't drunk, it's dangerous it leaks out the secret of human and can not take risk in front of human like you, I am sure that was your plan rights"

" how to do know, I was going to record your embarrassing event and dark moment of your life, then blackmail you"

when the demon reached the press conference, he was surprised to see all that crowd, he realise how well Asuna manage her task, she manipulates everyone.

it's not about the truth, it's all about how the demon presents himself, the is only what the demon what them to see nothing more or nothing less, everyone wants to get smaller details about that matter, at this time TRP of media, is booming because Asuna spread this news on a large number, it's become concerned of the nation, that why law realise demon sooner than they should, it's seen that, people start to hate demon, for his father, they thought demon is same as his father, he is also a pervert, that leads to 37% fall in share.

If things go against the demon then his company will terminate, and then he is never able to rebuild it again, media start to ask questions.

" sir do you know that your father sleeps with many women and people say, he sleeps with new women every day"

" if I remember my recent memory, I didn't notice there were any women at my house, so I don't know what kind of man he was, I was so involved in the business I couldn't focus on him"

" sir so how you agree with him, at the matter of marriage, do you find it uncomfortable because Elsa is the same age as you, couldn't it be possible you killed your father because of that"

"I see you people have done so much overthinking, first I clear that I haven't killed anyone, I can not even kill a rat, and I have a phobia of blood and its called Hemophobia, and if I talk about marriage, then I don't have any idea who he is going to married to, I thought I am not able to spend time with him, then it's would be great if find a partner so he won't feel lonely by himself, I did not know who is Elsa

demon present everyone that it is not the fault of anyone, because if he does then it's only going to bring hell upon his head, it's was a gamble for the demon, after he breaks up, there is a possibility that Asuna reveal the truth, and she can prove that demon has killed his father if we look at present progress its seem like she is at his side