in the human world, we seek leaders, we want to serve and follow entities who hold higher power than us, and the need for a supreme being created a king, God, we humans need direction since we come into this world, nothing but the body, we have experienced so many things and learn about this world, we don't have anything and don't know anything, we are nothing.
with the desire to be something we seek directions, and try to make sense of life, we follow the community, the community follow leaders, leaders follow the king, King follows the Supreme king, the question is, what supreme king is left to follow when he has reached the highest point to powerful existence.
the answer might be god but God is not a strong entity for powerful man, he needs something more practical, and that is why powerful humans become one by one big organisation which is illuminated, the organisation is true proof the devil exists, this organisation is absolute and follow by every country.