Show Me

Carina walked out of the bathroom and froze. Sitting on her bed was Gears and he didn't look very happy, for the first time Carina was scared. Gears eyes were continually flipping from gold to black, his wolf was very close to the surface. Gears nostrils flared, and he could smell Carina's fear. He wanted to ease her tension, but, as he could see little peeks of skin through the bathrobe, It looked like he had to ease his own tension.

"Show me."

He growled, and then had to catch himself, she was already scared he didn’t want to make it worse. Carina started for the dresser where her clothes were but Gears caught her arm.

"No, show me first."

Carina stood in front of Gears head bowed, she was playing footsie with herself.

“Now Carina.”