I'd beat you

Chapter Twenty-Seven – I'd beat you.

Everyone shouted, “One, two, three, go! Happy birthday Pure Fashion!”

Stephanie rolled her eyes so hard, her head ached a little. The colleagues laughed at their shouts. Ashley shook her head and walked to Nathan. “Satisfied now?”

He nodded. “Yes, this is a new brand. So it’s technically it’s birthday.” He walked off to address the colleagues.

Stephanie and Ashley laughed at his attitude. Stephanie rubbed her head to ease her nerves. Since her encounter with Garcia, headaches were becoming more frequent.

The coworkers came to her and she gave each one the new brand tag of their latest brand. Pure Fashion, a remodeled version of the bid.

Coupled with an AI feature called NEOS to guide customers in picking the best outfits despite of size, taste, work or casual, and seasons.

Something Stephanie felt she’d need as she always wore sleeved shirts on hot days and cotton dresses on cold days.