

Chapter 3- Encounter is she really having a crush

"Don't let karma hit you in the face" Emmy said as she let go of Korey hand

"Good night!" She said as she turned to leave

"Ok...I didn't expected that" Korey muttered lowly and went straight to his room.

Janice was already deep asleep

" I don't understand how you are the only weapon" Korey said as he tilted his head to the left with a puzzled face then shook his head.

The room lights were Already turned off as he walks to the bed, laying far from Janice

Emmy went into her room as she closed the door behind her angrily

Why is he so cold?

Ever since we lost our parents he just became super cold, super arrogant, not just to his siblings, to the pack members and even his Luna.

I really feel so bad for her.

Emmy looked around, everywhere was just so boring.

"I can't die of boredom" she said and walked to her closet, bringing out a Leather jacket and a black sleeveless crop top along with a black leather trouser.

In less than three minutes, she was done dressing up and picked up some cash from her closet, tucking them into her pockets, her phone in her hands, then picked up her bike keys walking out of her room.

Emmy was already downstairs and met Sid in a discussion with karissa, karissa must be really mad at Sid...poor chocolate ice cream..!

"Emmy?" karissa called

"Emmy, you're going somewhere?" Sid asked

"yeah, won't take time" she replied fully knowing Sid won't let her without a reasonable excuse

" but it's already late" karissa said

"I know" Emmy replied

"it's past 11...you can't, did you inform Korey about it?"

"no he was already asleep" she replied

"I need to get something" she said and hurriedly went away ignoring their calls.

As soon as she went outside the mansion, she mounted on her bike, reviving the engine and wore her helmets, driving outside the gate.

Emmy drove far from the mansion, happily driving on the highway, enjoying the night breeze.

just as she was about to drift to the left side of the road, she got hit by a vehicle.

"Fuck" she cussed as she fell of her bike rolling on the floor

"karissa I'm sorry..." Sid apologized for the 17th time

"sorry can't bring it back" she said for the 17th time

"so what do I do about it?" he asked

"forget it" she replied and stood up heading to her room as Sid sighed

"just let her be" Randolph said

"wait, have the others gone to bed?" Zane asked

"maybe, Emmy went out" Sid said

"This night???" Zane asked

"she's not a kid" Randolph said

"but a girl" Zane snapped at him

"A werewolf type" Sid added

"Miss are you okay?" Lucas asked as he ran out of his car checking Emmy

"Arrrgh!" Emmy groaned as he took off her helmet

He picked up her bike and parked it more properly, then carried Emmy in a bridal style placing her at the back seat

"goodness!..so handsome" she squealed in thoughts as Lucas sat on the driver seat

"just hold on, I'll take you to the hospital" he said and drove away

"Awwwn...his car smells so sweet, I love it here" she giggled in her thoughts then sat up

Lucas already drove far from the store....

"Uh...Uh mister, I can't go to the hospital" Emmy said

"you're hurt, you need to" Lucas replied

"it's my body, pull over" she replied a little bit loud

"sorry I...."

"pull over!!" she shouted as Lucas parked his car

"Gracious God!!" Lucas gasped.

Emmy opened the door, walking out of his car, staggering.

"huh?..where are you going?" Lucas asked and walked out of the car

"thanks for the ride, and where did you park my bike?" she asked

"beside vivi store" he replied with a furrowed brow

"ahh...that far" Emmy said as she tried walking away

"Uh..excuse me miss" Lucas said stopping her from walking further.

"yes sweetie?" Emmy smiled sweetly at him

"what about my car?" he asked

Emmy wore a confused face on...

"what happened to your car?" she asked with a duh face

"what do you mean...you were driving crazily on the road and hit my car and you're asking me what happened to my car??" Lucas asked half yelling

What Emmy did was to make her hands like a camera, picturing his car with on eye closed

"it's sparkling even in the dark, nice tyres, wonderful glass...wait it must be the latest model" she smiled and let her hands down

"yeah, my car is perfect definition of perfect...but look at my bonet, it's damaged" he said walking to the car bonet

" so what do I do?" Emmy asked with a small crazy smiled

" fix it!!" Lucas yelled

" look I'd love to honey, but I can't, right here in my pockets are over $80,000 budgeted for ice cream" she replied with a cute smile

" what?? it won't cost you more than $50,000 to fix it" he replied

"yeah my bad, if I don't karissa would be so mad at Sid, and I want those two love life to begin" she replied faking a sad face

" I don't care who that Sid is or karissa is...you need to fix my car!" he said already being frustrated

"why would you spend $80,000 on cups of ice cream!?" he asked

" Not cups but buckets" Emmy said raising her hands in the air

"I don't care miss, it's getting late already" Lucas said as he ran his hand through his hair bitting his lower lips

"Gosh you're so hot!!!" Emmy squealed in thoughts

"I should be the one telling you it's late already" Emmy said

" my brother... he's not just a brother but a leader, he acts cold most of the time but would skin me with questions when I get home" Emmy said

"sorry but I gotta go home" she added

"what?...we haven't settled on it" Lucas said

"look at you..tall, handsome, hot, damn...you must be wealthy, your car also looks fancy so why should I pay for the damages?" she asked

"thanks for the compliments but I'm not changing my mind" he said sternly

" fuck you then...you better don't let me lose my temper or you'd regret it!!" Emmy snapped at him

"what about me...don't you think I'm hurt?" she asked angrily

"you refused to go to the hospital" he fired back

"duh! don't gimme that shit"

"you didn't even let me examine your body" Lucas added

"so what are you?..doctor??" she half yelled at him

"don't you know I'm hurt?"she asked as she threw her hair on her shoulders backwards making Lucas notice her wolf tattoo on her neck, a wolf with a yellow glowing eyes

"you must be really wealthy to draw such tattoo on your neck..I'm sure you paid over $50,000 for that" Lucas said as she covered it back with her hair

"am done with you" she said and walked away

" you're going no where!" Lucas said and pulled her back by her arm sending her chest against his chest

Emmy froze up...his body was so soft but his chest was hard, he smells so sweet and that made her breathe in heavily.

Lucas couldn't believe her chest was against his chest, he could feel her cupped round boobs against his chest and gulped down.

"Ah..ahh sorry" Emmy stuttered as she pulled away adjusting herself

"you see what you caused...just write me a cheque then go home" Lucas said tiredly

"I AIN'T!!" Emmy squealed as he shook at her reply

"you really want me to pull out your lungs don't you?" he exclaimed furiously

"no you want me to pull out your heart and I will so that the wolves can feed on" she replied

"Mister...I....ain't...spending....a...dime..on your ... fucking car" she yelled as she poked his chest at each word walking to his tyres and kicked them hardly

"GOSH YOU'RE SO ANNOYING" he yelled aloud

"I'll take that as a compliment" she smiled

Emmy brought out a note and a pen scrambling something down

"my brother is also caring, don't worry he'd pay for the damages" she said and as soon as she was done she tore it out and poked it on his chest

"done with you" she sighed

Lucas tucked in into his pocket without bothering to check

"I hope I won't come across you again" he muttered and got into his car.

Emmy sighed and began walking to vivi store.

Lucas could view her from the dead mirror walking .

He drove behind her horning loudly for her to hear she did and had an angry face on

"I already answer you didn't i?"she yelled aloud

"get in, it's late already..a girl shouldn't walk alone this night"

"being a gentle man?" she asked as she opened the door to the passenger seat and got in.

The drive back to vivi store was silent...Emmy was glad she could see her bike.

"thanks " she muttered and walked out of the car.

she crossed to the other side of the road checking out her bike. The doors went open as she turned to see Sid in front of her

"Sid??" she called

" Emmy you're still out" he asked

"what about you?" she asked

"why are you here?" she asked and saw the bag in his hands

"ice cream!"

"you already bought it" she added

"yeah let's go home...it's late already" Sid said as he walks to her

"I came here with a cab, glad your bike is here"

Emmy picked up her helmet then get a sharp pain on her shoulders and winced in pain

"you're good?" he asked with a worried face

"yeah thanks" she lied

Sid noticed some scratches on her hands and asked

"you got hit didn't you?" he asked with a sigh

"please don't tell him about it" she said lowly

"how did this happen?" he asked

"forget it, i already settled it"

"is he human?"

" yeah I think so" she replied

Sid sighed and picked up her helmet

"get on, I'll drive" he said

"yeah sure"

Lucas could hear them and watched them drive away so he did the same.

Lucas was already on the highway and decided to check the paper if it is what he expected but no...he could read..."Not a dime, try your luck next time"



"where have you guys been?" Zane asked as he saw Sid walk in along with Emmy laughing

" Emmy Is going crazy over a guy" Sid said

" A guy.... really?" Zane asked

"finally she's liking a guy!!" Emilia exclaimed

"THIS CALLS FOR CELEBRATION!!!" Randolph shouted happily



