

Chapter5- Training!!

Korey already went out of the house heading to work.

The members kept muttering words amongst themselves.

"the way he talks sometimes is really funny" Randolph said

"it's just 5:14am and he expects us to be training?" Emilia asked

"you should know your alpha" Emmy said

"that's it, you should all go sleep a little....we'd have a lot to do today" Sid said

"I'm already going to bed" Emmy yawned speedily

"yeah me too!" karissa said and walked away to her room

"dolph??" Emilia asked like a baby

"yes sweetie?" he asked

"why don't we go do somethings upstairs?" she asked as she wrapped her hands around his neck

" those type of things....I love" he said in a husky tone and leaned forward to suck from her lips

"eeeww...can't you both wait till you get upstairs?" karissa asked with a disgusted face

" look at who's talking" Sid laughed.

karissa only turned back to look at him but didn't say a word and went to her room

"I think you should let her know" Emmy whispers to Sid as he sighs

Randolph pulled away from the kiss with a smirk on his face. Emilia slowly placed a gentle kiss on his lips and whispered to his ear.

" let's go upstairs"

Emmy walked to her room feeling tired. She closed the door behind her and went to her standing mirror, staring at herself and sighed.

"I should just go have a shower then take a short nap" she said lowly and took off her clothes walking to the bathroom in towels.

As soon as she was done bathing, she put on her pyjamas and fell on her bed. In less than a minute, she tucked herself beneath the bedspread and yawned sleepily.

"What a day!" Emmy groaned

"I can't believe I'd wake up to train...Arrrgh so annoying" she groaned then remembered Lucas.

" wait!...I didn't ask for his name??" she squealed angrily like a kid

Sid kept pacing back and forth, wondering what he'd say to karissa. He already bought the ice creams but how'd he starts the conversation???...he didn't know.

Sid went to the kitchen and brought out a bucket of ice cream.

he held it in his hands and went straight to karissa room.


there was no reply....

He knocked again but same...

Sid took a deep breath and walked in.

"karissa??" he called but no reply

"karissa??" he called again but same thing. He walked to her bed and saw some clothes on her bed...more like her nightie.

" oh...You must be bathing" he thought within himself and smiled

Not so long he heard the door of the bathroom open. Sid turned back and saw karissa coming out of the bathroom in towel around her chest, he immediately hid the ice cream behind him.

"Sid???" karissa asked

" hi..Hi??" he said lowly

"What are you doing here?" she asked with a puzzled face on

" ummm...I thought you were sleeping so I stopped to turn off the lights" he managed to say

" turn off the lights???" she asked

"I meant...to..to.. say good night"

"nevermind, I'd be leaving now" he said and turned to walk away

" wait..." karissa slowly said stopping him

"yeah?" he asked

" you sure you don't need something?" she asked

Sid sighed and walked closer to karissa

"What you doing?" she asked

"here..." he said and stretched the bucket of ice cream to her

"I know I did something wrong, I shouldn't have done that, I bought you another bucket of your favorite ice cream flavor, I'm sorry I took longer time to bring it to you....." he said

" I don't just want us to remain this way" he said

karissa just kept staring at him, Sid gulped down and said

"I..I..I..I'd drop it here" he said and slowly placed it on her bed and turned to leave. He already walked to the door about to walk out but stopped as he heard his name from behind.

" Sid..?" karissa called as he turned back to look at her

"I think you should stay" she muttered

Sid couldn't stand looking at her for long, her long legs were easily seen. No spot or scar on her skin...just smooth

"I did something wrong not you, you were right, I had the last cups, I should have let you take that" she said lowly

"I'm sorry Sid" she apologized

Sid was speechless...What should he say, she just accepted she was wrong

"please co..co..cover your laps" he managed to say


" I can't stand it" he said gazing

at the floor. karissa giggled at his reply

"really?..it's just my lap"

"yeah I know" he replied

"What if it was my nude??" karissa laughed

"your nude???" he exclaimed as he looked at her then took his face back down but karissa was fast enough to hold his face up

"look at me" she said and cupped his cheeks

" I can't" he said

"Sid look at me!" karissa laughed as he did

" I missed you" she squealed and pulled him to a hug.

Sid froze at the feeling of her chest against his chest. He has never hugged her this way before.

"ka..ka..karissa" he stuttered

"mmm?" she asked

"you're hugging me" he said

"yeah I know" karissa replied as she pulled away from the hug staring at Sid.

"c'mon you should sit" karissa said and held his hands, walking along with him to the bed and sat him down. She went to her dressing table and took off her towels as Sid shut his eyes closed.

" karissa!!.."he exclaimed

"What?" she asked as she turned to him and laughed

"why did you close your eyes?" she laughed

"you don't expect me to leave it opened...do you?" he asked

"Off course yes, open up" she replied

"you really want me to see your nude?" he asked

"duh!, I'm not naked" karissa said

Sid slowly opened his eyes and shut them back.

"you're in a pant and a bra!!" he exclaimed

"yeah can't you look at me in a bikini??" she laughed

Sid realized arguing with her would be waste of time and opened his eyes beholding her perfect body..damn sexy as always

karissa dressed up and picked up the ice cream bucket, she walked to her little kitchen and brought out two glass bowls of ice cream. She went back to the bed and opened the bucket.

"we should have this together"

"you think so?" he asked as she nodded her head

"I don't think it's a good idea" he said

"why??.." karissa asked as she scooped some into the bowls.

As soon as she was done, she kept the ice cream bucket on her side table.

They both had their Ice cream together happily talking and laughing.

"you have some on your lips" karissa laughed at Sid

"really?" he laughed and tried licking it but his tongue didn't reach out to it.

"I'd just help you lick it" she said

"yeah thanks" Sid sighed...later he realized what he had said...

"wait what???" he asked as she held his shoulders and pinned him to the bed, going over him.

Sid was speechless by her action and on top of that, she leaned forward to his lips and licked it.


The pack members all gathered at the field, ready for training. Emmy was down in a leather Jean trousers, blue sleeves and a jean Jacket, her hairstyle is straight waist length.

"Good morning dolph" she greeted

"Good morning pretty" he replied

"hi Emmy" Emilia greeted with a smile

"hiya!" Emmy replied

They all exchanged greetings with the pack members.

Emmy saw zane from afar, wrapping his wrist in a cloth and walked to him.

"hey!..you Good?" she asked as he turned to see her

"Emmy?" he asked

"hi" she greeted with a smile

"Good morning" Zane greeted coldly

"you good?" she asked

"yeah, just tired to start a day with training" he said and laced his shoes. Zane raised his head to look at Emmy who was smiling at him.

" you know what you did was insane!" Emmy replied

"What if I may ask" Zane replied with a furrowed brow

"during dinner, you just left" she said

"oh, off course I couldn't stand that" he replied and walked closer to Emmy

"are you really having a crush on that guy?" he asked

Emmy furrowed her brows at his question.

"Do you believe it??" she asked

" I don't want to, you know how important you are to me, I can't sit back and watch you fall for someone else" he replied

Emmy was stunned by his reply..


She blinked rapidly and smiled

"it's not a crush, off course not" she laughed as Zane walked to her and hugged her warmly.

"I don't want to lose you to anyone" he whispered into her ear. She was speechless...unable to understand what he meant all she did was to hug him back.

" Let's go to the field now" Emmy said as he nods his head

They both went to field, other pack members were gathered at the field then they heard Sid loud voice.

"Good morning everyone!!" he greeted

"Good morning Sid" they all greeted in unison

"We all know why we are gathered here, an upcoming fight as said by the priestess through Alpha Korey is about to happen. I have been instructed along with the senior pack members to train your guys.."

he paused at amount of people before him, the last time he checked the census data, they were 195 in number.

karissa noticed his facial expression and walked to him.

"Don't worry about it, we're just 203 in total" she smiled as Sid nods his head

" gathered here are total of 203 pack members of Twilight Pack, with one ALPHA korey, no matter the amount, we'll all train in order to defeat our enemies..." Sid said with authority as they all shouted in reply

"Yes sir!"

Sid is actually feared the way they fear and respect Korey. He is known to be the closest to Korey since he attended the same elementary school with Korey even to college and have been best friends.

The training already started....

50 members went to each senior pack members...each handling 50..

Emilia just rounded up a fight with her opponent and won.

"Bexley, see them as human and break their bones" she said as Bexley nods

Emmy was in a fight with her opponent Kayla..She wasn't concentrating at all and it was noticeable

Kayla stretched her hands to attack Emmy but Emmy was swift enough to hold her hands sending

her hands apart.

Kayla kept trying to attack Emmy but Emmy kept sending her hands apart speedily then it dropped to her head.

"you're very important to me, I don't want to lose you to anyone" Zane voice echoed in her head as she shook her head vigorously.

*I don't know why he is saying that, Zane and I have been best friends for years...What does he mean by that??*

*thinking of the hug earlier...it was quite different from other hugs we've shared bu___*

Emmy thoughts were interrupted as she heard her name loudly

"Emmy!!" karissa shouted along with Randolph and Emilia

Kayla stretched her hands to attack Emmy shoulders but she slapped her hands away making Kayla use her claws on her shoulders.

" ahh!!..."Emmy winced in pain and looked at Kayla sending her Palm with force to the wounded shoulder....Emmy fell to the ground in pain.

Zane, karissa, Randolph, Emilia rushed to Emmy to check her.

"What the fuck girl! you weren't concentrating" karissa said

"you good?" Zane asked as he checked her shoulders

"oh...five lines" Emilia mouthed

"two points for Kayla" Sid shouted

"wanna go with the next fight?" Zane asked with worry in his tone

"yeah, the wound would heal" Emmy said and got on her feet and faced Kayla.

" I chose you cos I trained you so well myself...looks like you already know when to strike at your opponent"

"you said take advantage...you were lost, so I did...I'm sorry sensei Emmy" Kayla said with a bow

"nice job"


