

Chapter 17- Emmy!

"Jan!" korey exclaimed at the sudden touch on her skin which was so cold

He opened his eyes immediately and could view the dim lights which were turned on in his room.

His mind went back to Jan as be heard her soft moans and groans behind him. He slowly turned back to her and could see her shivering, turning her head from one side to the other

"Jan?" he called but she didn't respond, her eyes were still closed

"jan!" he repeated but same then he touched her as she shook

"Korey!!" she exclaimed as she opened her eyes coming back to reality

"Jan..." he whispered softly as she holds hands together in her palms

"Jan...you're cold" he said as she began sobbing

"what..why you crying?" he asked as she pulled him to a hug.

Korey froze at the sudden movement from Jan. He didn't know if he should push her away or not....she began whimpering against his chest

" I had a nightmare " she cried

He blinked rapidly thinking why she should....he was still thinking of hugging her back now that she needs comfort but wasn't able to make the move. Jan then pulled him more closer and cried the more "I don't want to die Korey" she cried as he paused for a while

"it was just a nightmare you won't die" he replied

"korey....she tried to kill me" she added as she pulled away looking into the eyes of her husband.

Korey then felt a sharp pain in his chest at the view of tears in Jan's eyes. He felt hurt and bad for her

"you shouldn't think too much, next time stop watching Netflix late at night" he said as she frowned immediately

"really..? Netflix??" she exclaimed as he sighed

"Jan... go to sleep, you won't anymore okay?" he said

"I'd rather stay up all night" she replied

"really...so you're now scared of going to bed!" he laughed as she turned on the nightstand and stood up

"I guess j shouldn't have told you" she said as she made her way to the coffee maker and made herself a cup of coffee

"you don't want to sleep right?" he asked as she turned to him and nods her head

"great..I'd have the bed to myself" he replied and closed his eyes to sleep

"darn you!" she cussed beneath her breath

30mins later....

Jan was working on her table as usual but was dozing off. Her head kept falling and rising and she kept sipping her coffee but she was heavily tired and sleepy. She couldn't hold it anymore..her head fell on her keyboards as she went to sleep

Korey turned to the other side of the bed and saw Jan asleep on her laptop then muttered

"I thought you said you won't sleep" He closed his eyes to sleep but wasn't comfortable

Jan would have that same neck pain he had if she doesn't lay comfortably.... His inner self didn't want her to feel so. Korey found himself standing up to meet Jan, he stopped before her and stared at her for sometimes

"you're really really stubborn" he said as he lifted her in a bridal style and layer next to her on bed. He turned to the other side then heard her soft moan as she hugged him from behind

"thanks Teddy" she said lowly .

korey looked down at her hand and thought of taking it off his waist but sighed

"she needs me now" he thought within himself and closed his eyes to sleep


The sun rays gently hit Jan's eyes as she slowly lifted her eyelids. She has never slept so sweet like last night. She yawns as she notices korey absence on bed. "oh..again" she said and stood up from her bed.

She totally forgot about the nightmare of last night and was only remembering hugging a soft teddy when sleeping. She then made her way our of her room as Sid bumped into her in the hall way

"Luna!" he greeted as she smiled the more

"wonderful way to start your day...smiling and smiling" he sod

"yeah Sid..how was your night?" she asked

"pleasant and you...? what's making you go late to work.... am sure you had the best night ever!" he said as she nods

"uh.huh.. hugging and having that soft teddy next to you is the sweetest" she smiled as Sid furrowed his brows

"how did you manage to get a teddy in, I thought Korey hated those" he said

"next to you on bed" he added as she laughed then paused

"that's true" she said and thought about it

"OMG!!! IT WAS KOREY!!" she exclaimed as she covered her mouth with her palms shocked

"its okay..that's good though" Sid laughed

"c'mon don't make a fool of me" Jan frowned

"why would I ?" he laughed as they both headed downstairs

"good morning Jan" Emmy greeted

"hey...! morning" she smiled back

"Luna!!!" karissa called like a baby and went to give Jan a morning hug

"you good huh?" she asked

"why not?" Jan laughed

"I see you're smiling" Randolph said as he made his way out of the kitchen

"good morning Jan" he added as she replied " morning Dolph "

"I'd be leaving for work now" Emmy said

"oh..yeah .sorry I woke up late" Jan apologized

"its okay..you can take your time home" Emmy replied as she made her way to leave

"byeee!" they all shouted as they waved at her

"uhmmm Luna Jan" Randolph called as he gestures her to sit which she did

"we've been thinking and wanting to share this with you" he said as he looked at the others who gave him a 'go ahead' look

"sure..what's that?" Jan asked

"have you been feeling weird lately?" karissa asked

"uh..why you guys asking?" Jan asked shocked by their question

"we heard information from the priestess... so?" Emilia asked

"damn yeah..everything is just so strange and wierd. I myself feels so weird" she said as they looked at theirselves

"in case anything happens you should let us know okay?" Sid asked as she nods

"so what dos the priestess said?" she asked

They all had this 'should we tell her?' look on their faces

"you're..special... anything can happen" karissa quoted

"oh ..!" Jan mouthed

"I'd prepare breakfast for you" Dolph said as he stood up

"Dolph??" Emilia asked

"yeah..did it shock you?" he laughed

"I'm a good chef yunno!" he laughed and made his way to the kitchen

Korey pulled his car to halt at the company's garage. He slowly aligned from his car and walked into the company majestically

"Good morning Mr Korey" the nearby staffs greeted as he walked past them.

As soon as he for into the elevator heading to his office his PA called on his phone

"Matthew!" he called

"good morning boss, order for breakfast?" he asked

"as usual" korey replied

"sending them in boss" he said as Korey ended the call.

The elevator door dinged open as he walked out and went straight to his office .

He had been hearing lately good reports about B.J wears.New customers from far and near then his mind drifted to the nightmare Jan had last night. First she was hearing voices and now nightmare then he thought about what the pack members said to him this morning

"the priestess said anything at anytime can happen to Jan so play your role as her husband and Alpha before it'd be too late"

"Goodness I don't understand what's going on any more" korey groaned as he began the work for the day.

Jan later joined Emmy at the company.... they spent the day together not knowing what was ahead of them at night

Somewhere hidden

"we're heading out master" the young servant said to Lord tyrant as he laughed

"good...make sure you do well" lord Tyrant said

"you know we will Sir... she thinks she can beat me" the witch said

"whatever you're gonna do....I want the best out of it and if you need backup let me know, there are over hundreds I can send" Lord tyrant said

"the few of us is okay to handle one Emmy Wilson" the witch replied

"great then...go ahead" Lord tyrant said as a breach opened before them that'd take them more closer to Emmy's location.

They turned back to look at their master and bowed before walking into the breach.

It was evening already Jan left the company before Emmy cos emmy decided to do some night work so Jan should be home already with Korey.

The door went opened as Jan walked into the house.

"you're back!" Emilia said as she went to help Jan with her bag

"I can't see Emmy anywhere" Zane said

"oh..yeah she's doing some night work" Jan replied

"Emmy??" Sid asked

"yeah..why!" Jan replied

"the thing is Emmy isn't supposed to be alone tonight... or anytime" Sid said

"wait...I don't get it...you guys keep saying she's big enough" Jan shrugged

"the priestess informed us to keep a close eye on emmy.... anything can happen from now" Sid said as be turned to look at Zane

"what?" Zane asked nonchantly

"aren't you gonna go...." karissa trails off

"find emmy?" Zane asked with a scoff

"you don't expect me to...she says she's not a kid and you know what happened when I went out for her...am no ready for any of those" Zane said as he folded his arms

"really??" Emilia asked

"if she isn't back in 20 minutes I'd head out to get her myself" Sid said as Jan nodded her head

"and you Zane...." Sid called as he furrows his brow at him

"what do you wanna say ?" Zane asked

"I'm really disappointed at you" Sid said

"okay...I'm dialing her number" karissa said

"Hello! too busy to answer calls can you please leave a message" Emmy voicemail said as karissa gulpes down

"I'd try it" Jan said as she sat down but same

"OK...no panic, she's Good ..I guess" Sid said as the door opened revealing korey.

Jan turned to him as she gulped after the two of them had eye contact.

Korey immediately remembered last night....she hugging him as she remembered herself cuddling unto korey

"we...welcome" she stuttered as she stood up shyly going to her room

KOREY just gulped down and greeted his pack members as they returned a smile to him not wanting him to feel suspicious about their discussion.

35minutes later

Lucas was done for the day, he is presently on the road driving to the grocery store. Meanwhile... Emmy already packed Ber stuffs since she was being tired enough. She got into her car and drove out of the company. After minutes of driving, she was closer to the grocery store and could see Lucas make his way into the store but wasn't sure of the face. She paused as she reduced her pace and could recognize him.

"Lucas!" she gasped as she parked her car.

She had nothing to buy from the store so she waited for Lucas to be out

He bought some wine, can soft drinks, can alcohol, tissues, carton milk, and some other food and beverages

"here!" Lucas said as he handed his purchased goods to the cashier

"OK sir" she smiled at him as he faked a smile

"you know you're really attractive" she smiled as Lucas chuckles

"yeah thanks" he replied

"you single??" she asked with a seductive smile as he swallowed

"just calculate my stuffs and hand them over" he said ignoring her question as she gave a childish frown

As soon as he was done he made his way out of the store. Emmy watched him head to his car and was about to leave her car to meet him but stopped at his next step.

He didn't just drop a few of his purchased goods in the car...he held few as he looked around for a while then made his way into the dark bush. She furrowed her browa confusedly "what's he going to do there?" she asked herself and thought of snooping.

"Not a bad plan through" she said and walked out of her car following Lucas behind

Lucas kept walking further as she followed evey step he took in order for him not to notice.

Lucas could smell someone else presence and decided to play along walking deeper and deeper. Emmy already turned her phone on airplane mode to avoid calls as she kept tilting her head confusedly. She hurriedly his behind a tree as Lucas turned back and found no one. He clenched his jaw scanning the whole place and indeed that smell he almost recognized. He sighed and turned back to continue walking as emmy sighed and followed him behind.

Before he turned again she hid herself as her heart pace increased like it was ready to jump outta her chest. Boom!! ...he recognized that smell

She slowly turned back and couldn't find him there...or anywhere.

"where did he go?" she asked no one in particular then turned back and screamed at the sudden figure before her

"Lucas!!!" she screamed in fear as he raised a brow at her

"Emmy...! what you doing here?" he asked

"huh?..I..I..I should be asking you that" she replied as she leaned against a tree to chillax

"goodness... you scared the hell outta me" she pants as he remained mute

"you didn't answer my question" he said

"oh!...nothing" she shrugged

"then turn back and head home its late" he said as he turned to leave. She grabbed his arm stopping him from moving

"huh?" he asked

"where are you going?" she asked as he pulled his arm our of hers

"none of your business" he replied

"why...you dont wanna tell me?" she asked with a cute smile

Lucas gulped and thought "she'd never understand, how would I explain!"

"hmmmm?" Emmy asked still waiting for an answer

"Emmy just go home" he replied bluntly as she stared at him for some Time and looked around

"you're hiding something form me right?" she asked as he looked down

"I don't want to do it this way.......please" he pleaded


"Emmy I don't want you here, not now not tomorrow... don't want to see your face...you get it?" he asked purposely trying to get her mad

"I..I..don't get it" she stuttered shocked

"leave..me alone" he replied coldly as he thrwba can of drink to her which she caught

"did I offend you?" she asked as be sighed

"I already said enough... don't you think you're being too clingy?" he asked as she scoffed

"what..?" she exclaimed at the top of her voice

"no need to cause a scene" he said and walked past her

"I get it... yeah I'm being too clingy" she shouted

"don't worry doctor... I won't ever bother you" she added as be kept walking

'I'm really sorry, you don't understand why' he thought within himself

Emmy was already walking back to her car angrily kicking sticks and all

"that jerk!" she cussed

"how dare he say I'm clingy" she laughed as she squatted down to pick a stick.

Behind her the breach opened as Lord tyrant servants walked out

"Emmy!" A thick voice said behind her as she yelled

"jerk! leave me alone" she paused to recognize the voice it was nothing like Lucas voice. She then turned back and blinked rapidly at what she saw






hope you enjoyed this chapter?