Strange Happenings

Victory POV

The lights flicked twice then dimmed, and eventually switched off. I looked around and peeped through the window and was met with the same darkness. A paralysing fear gripped me. I was never fond of darkness from an early age.

I tiptoed from the kitchen to the dining room. I recalled leaving my mobile phone on the dining room table. It was pitch black I could not see at all. As if the fates were against me, thunder rumbled. Immediately, a torrential downpour commenced. The thunder startled me and I yelped and hit my shin on the leg of the table. I winced in pain but thankfully, the streak of lightning allowed me to spot my phone. I picked it up and to my dismay, it was not fully charged. I had no idea how long it would last. I planned on using it as a torch. I slumped down on the chair in frustration.

Suddenly, a gust of wind entered through the window and caused me to shiver involuntarily. Wait. Window? But I am so sure I closed all the windows. My paranoid self ensures that all entrances are bolted shut before sunset. So how did I forget this window? I tap the screen of my phone just to illuminate a bit of light so I could close the window. I shut it tightly and draw the curtain. Before I could turn around, I hear the main door opening.

What?! I stand rooted to the spot. Practically frozen. This is not happening! Wait it's happening but not possible.

Dang, if it's happening then it is possible. How in the universe is this happening. By now I am shivering like a reed in a river with a strong current. I take a few deep breaths and will myself to go close the door. The rains have made the temperatures drop to chilling levels. Standing here shivering like a fool won't help. I close the door, bolt and lock it. As I am locking up, all the windows open simultaneously. This is when I knew, I have stepped foot into the evil lair. Paranormal activities going on.

Why do I have such shitty luck? I moved all this way to the South looking for a new beginning. I could not deal with loss and grief. I wanted to forget all the hurt, pain and anguish. Now I come to this? Why me? I slump down and begin to sob hysterically. Then a wicked cackling fills the whole house. I am suddenly jolted from my self-pity by that hideous cackle. I scramble up wiping off the tears and mucus. With an unknown resolve, I start pulling all the windows close again. My prankster finds it hilarious and takes it up a notch further. Instead of opening the windows, he or she starts banging the doors.

All the doors in my house, simultaneously. The banging is so bad that it gives me a headache. Even the old paint on the walls starts chipping off.

The cackling turns into non-stop appalling guffaws. I clutch my head tightly and try to zone it out but it was a futile attempt. As abrupt as it started, the banging stops as well as the spine chilling laughter. I remain huddled near the door leaning on the walls whilst clutching my head. My knees are pulled to my chest and I am rocking myself hoping to comfort myself. I feel something cold and clammy pry my hands off my head.

I let out a bloodcurdling scream that I am so sure cracked my throat. Then I see a long bonny finger trace my face and I instinctively shut my eyes trembling so much that it looked as if I was convulsing. The same bony fingers were cold and clammy.

The thing traced my face slowly then lifted my chin in a bid to force me to look at its face. I kept my eyes shut and refused to open them. In a raspy whisper, my intruder spoke, making me sure of their identity. A man.

"Open your eyes little one."

It was said in a raspy whisper and dragging as if speaking was something alien to him. However, the dragging way of talking was the least of my worries. It's the stench he exuded when he spoke that made wretch all my insides out. I vomited all over the floor and soiled myself in the process. As I was about to lose consciousness, my intruder spoke again.

"Welcome to the world yonder little one."

I gagged again but nothing came out. Suddenly, the intruder left and darkness completely engulfed me.