Surprisingly, Alex what quiet and he allowed me to do my work in peace. I glanced at him from where I was, he was on his phone texting Someone. He looks really serious and I'm very sure whoever he was texting is important.
I shrugged not to dwell too much over it. Just when I taught I can have my peace a call from Stella came through. I groaned
" Some boyfriend?" Alex asked from where he sat and I rolled my eyes at him.
" it's none of your business"
He shrugged " okay"
" Hey girly" I chirped in when I picked up.
Stella screamed into the phone. I had to move it away from my ears because of how loud she was.
" Stella! What the heck"
At the mention of her name, Alex raised his head. He looks interested in the conversation.
" I'm sorry. Just guess what?!" she screamed again.
Why was she so happy? I wondered
" What is it?"
" it's Marcus"
I furrowed my brows confused " what is it about him ?"
" well, I might have thought over it and then decided to give him a chance," she said.
I squealed " you aren't kidding right ?"
" I'm not. Look Ella I've thought over everything and decided to give him a shot. Moreover, I have nothing to lose" She sighed
I kept smiling " you don't know how this makes me happy"
" I am too"
I didn't want to go too deep into the matter because of Alex. He pretended as if he wasn't listening but I know him too well. His mind is on the call.
" erm look, Stella, we'll continue our discussion next time. I'm a little busy in here" I said as I glanced over at Alex.
" oh okay. We'll talk later"
The call ended. I let out a loud sigh.
" you ended the call because of me, right?"
That question came as a surprise.
Alex raised a brow waiting for a response. I rolled my eyes at him " Not everything is about you"
He snorts" because she has a new guy doesn't mean you should cut the call so that I won't hear"
Okay? How the hell did he know? My phone was on silent not on speaker.
He saw my surprised face " Don't be surprised"
" How?"
He chuckled " There are things you don't know about"
He loves saying that all the time which makes me wonder if he possesses some powers. On second thought, that isn't possible at all. We are all humans and that sort of thing is only seen in movies. Werewolves, vampires, witches, and wizards are only seen in movies. Such things do not exist in real life. I snorted at my silliness.
" You talk strange at times you know"
" Maybe it's because I'm strange " he shrugged.
I squint my eyes at him " Stop, do you have something against me? I don't understand this attitude of yours "
" Nothing at all"...
" No, it's something. Tell me, is there something between you and Stella?"
He snapped his neck to look at me so fast that I thought it will go off their socket." Stop saying rubbish Ella. Nothing is and nothing will ever happen between us" he said in disgust.
" I'll still find out in the end. You two can't keep hiding it forever"
He scoffed " you'll find nothing "
" I've heard you"
Alex got up from the couch " it's time for me to leave. I've overstayed my welcome."
That moment I went to block the door " Are you angry?"
" of course not, why will I?"
" Don't be a sissy Alex. What have I said that is making you act this way?"
" move let me pass please. I'm not in the mood for all this "
" Know that I'm always here when you need someone to talk to but the issue is I'll always tell you the truth even if you don't like it," I said.
Alex exhaled " Just don't interfere in something that doesn't concern you. Instead, you should focus more on knowing who you are"With that being said Alex went out.
I couldn't move, what he said hits home. What does he mean by that? Does he mean that my mom is hiding something from me? This is confusing. I shook the thought off, I shouldn't think too much about it.
I went to stand beside the window and just in time, Zion and Alex walked out of the company heading towards their car.
Zion looks the same. His fierce attitude makes him look more handsome. I sighed dreamily, those arms were around me a few days ago. Zion stared around as if looking for something, already Alex was inside the car.
His eyes went straight to my window and I freeze. I couldn't move but what I was sure of is that he can't see me since the window was tinted. Then why was he staring as if he knew I was there.
I gulped loudly but didn't move. He spent seconds staring before he entered the car and zoom off.
I knew she was standing behind the window. Her scents couldn't be missed. If it wasn't for Alex who told me not to check on her in her office. The aim was to go to the company to see her.
I stared at Alex, he looks so quiet for someone like him.
" Hey, are you ok?"
" Yeah, why?"
" You seem kinda lost. Did something happen when you went to her office?"
Alex closes his eyes " Stella has a boyfriend" I get it.
" So?"
Alex stared at me " are you serious?"
I shrugged " yes, I am. Don't she have the right to do as she pleases? Look, Alex, that girl made it clear to you a long time ago. You should allow her and besides you once said that you have no string attached so why are you complaining? allow her man"
" you don't understand "
." There is nothing to understand. This has been an issue of months ago and I believe it's sorted so why can't you be happy that she finds someone. You are not her mate and vice versa."
He exhaled " I'm confused too"
"Don't be. Take off whatever it is in your mind and if you decide to push through then make your move "