
In a quick pace faster than ever Ashley walk to her mother’s room with her maid struggling to catch her flowing gown from stumbling her steps, knowing fully well the pain her master is going through now she dare not tell her to walk slowly but rather keep up with her. They entered the big room and there was Queen Amanda laid in her magnificent bed so cold and lifeless

“Mother?” Ashley called and ran to her she squat beside the bed and hold her cold hands giving it a little squeeze she let her hands go up her face and caress them

“Mother?” she called again louder than before “am here mother, wake up please” she pleaded hoping to see a reaction from her but see her motionless body not responding to her, Ashley let out a loud scream of agony and fell to the ground.

After Claire heard the news she hurry to meet the King who was apparently waiting for her to come, the news has no doubt reach him too and he seems at lost at what just happened. This was nothing like they expected atleast not what Claire told him or he saw for himself

“Father, what happened?” she said as she saw him

“Exactly what I hope you would explain, I put you in care of Queen Amanda so how come am hearing of her death?” he questioned looking really upset

“am yet to figure that out but something doesn’t seems right, the guards said she committed suicide which I doubt, Queen Amanda is someone who never surrender not even because of being accused or found out for her deeds so why would she kill herself without a trial?” she said the question directed to herself, they both remained silent in their own words trying to figure out why such incident happen and the way out of it.

In Aither it is a shameful thing and a bad omen for a Queen to die in such scandalous way that on her daughter’s wedding too, something is definitely wrong Claire concluded, she had her doubts with the issue of the Crown Prince drink and how the maid was quick to confess and spilt out the Queen’s name then died immediately and now Queen Amanda who is obviously murdered is to keep a dark truth from coming out

“Let’s leave it the way it is” Claire finally said and the King furrowed his brows

“What are you saying Claire? The third Queen isn’t the culprit and you just want to let her have an unjust death?” the King fired, he might have not liked her but she was still a Queen in his Palace

“Then what will you do Father?” Claire questioned back raising her dress a bit up with the tip of her fingers “tell everyone that Queen Amanda wasn’t guilty and was arrested unjustly, and now because of that she might have committed suicide to prove herself innocent of the crime?” she asked and the King became dumbfounded for a bit

“If we reveal this to the public there will be trouble that means we killed her, do you think the Puti’s family will let you off?”

Both Princess Claire and the King sat down on the chairs after realizing what is at stake if they reveal the truth about Queen Amanda. King Josh felt a bit sad having to let his Queen die without honor plus he can’t afford a war now with the Puti’s who are known for their vicious ways.

“What’s the next line of action?” he finally asked

“We have no choice than to accept the words of the guard that she killed herself out of guilt and fear, this way we will be able to tame the Puti’s because of their daughter’s crime and prevent a war from occurring”

“But we might not be able to find out the real criminal if we do as you said”

“Don’t worry Your Majesty, I will find out whosoever wants to harm my brother and bring his/her head to you” she affirmed and the King nodded slightly

Claire walk out of the room after having a satisfactory discussion with the King she breathed out deeply as she step outside, thanks to her quick thinking this would have been a difficult task to tackle, the solution she chose might not have been right but then it’s the only possible and convincing way to solve the problem quicker, innocent people has to suffer loss and death afterall if not how would she and her brother attain higher places.


The silver grand gate opened and cars conveying the King entered one after the other taking their position the guards hurrily get down and walk to the main car the King is sitting to let him down the car door opened and King Edward alighted with Eris behind him with their dressing and look it’s obvious they are just coming from a big occasion, the Queen walk up to them and snarl at Eris who returned the gesture, her face holding an unfriendly look and the Queen also did well to show her displeasure in seeing another woman stand beside her husband taking her place. She has been told the ceremony was just a meeting between few royals to discuss and deliberate on issues so when the King told her to stay behind she didn’t argue much afterall she wasn’t interested in talks with old boring men but then she found out it was an important discussion about her son’s marriage to Aither princess and also a pre-celebration of the two great union which will be taking place tomorrow, as the Queen and Prince Mother it’s her right to be at the discussion about her son’s marriage but she was denied that by her husband all because of the sly woman in front of her.

“Welcome your Majesty” the hostile look on her face disappeared immediately the King turned to her and it was replaced with a smile

They shared a hug with a warm smile on their faces but as their body met, a strong feeling of coldness felt by the two and they slowly withdraw from each other with the smile disappearing with the coldness.

“Where is Michael?” he asked his voice sounding too hoarse that the Queen frown at it

“What has my son done again?” she asked back her smile completely gone

“Prince Michael was called…”

“Shut your mouth Eris I wasn’t speaking to you” the Queen fired angrily at her and she keep quiet and glance at the King who cleared his throat before speaking

“Eris was just trying to explain things to you, there’s no need to be harsh” he said and the Queen gave a serious sneer

“She’s just but a mere maid, she should know her place or has she become your mouthpiece now?” she asked angrily again and King Edward glare at her

“stop spouting nonsense and go call your son for me” he said as he walk inside his palace with his Guard and personal Maid Eris behind him, the Queen gave a loud grunt as she watch them leave and also depart to find her son.

Prince Michael moved a pawn on the board blocking his brother’s next available movement, the latter stare the board trying to find a way out with only the king, knight and a pawn left for him he felt like he already lose the game compared to his brother who has his board full, he reluctantly pick up his king and place it back in its position.

Anthony bite his nails aggressively as he watch his brother beat him for the fifth time, Michael parted his lips in victorious as he took the black Queen and play squarely winning again

“Good one Michael, I will make sure to win you next time” Anthony said and refilled his empty glass

“I always beat you Anthony just deal with that” the both shared a laugh and re-arrange the board again, just as they are about to start another game Princess Izabella walk in with her entourages dressed in a flashy short gown with lot of jewelries accompanying her violet coloured dress which portrait an elegant lady of royal

“Greetings Prince Michael, My crown” she greeted the two princes, Michael replied with a nod while Anthony stood up to receive his wife

“My princess” he called and gave her a peck on the forehead

“What are you doing?” she asked displeased at the situation she met

“What else? Just playing chess game with my brother” he replied looking at the board placed on the table

“Exactly my prince, you are a responsible man and shouldn’t be found playing game and loafing around, what if the King had seen you? Will he think of you as a serious minded person?” she asked grim-faced and Prince Anthony who has a smiling face quickly put on a serious look and push the table away with his legs

“Of course not, am just about to go work” he said and made to leave with his wife

“So you are saying I’m am idle man and your husband shouldn’t hang out with a lazy and unserious man like me?” Michael asked standing up and walking to the couple

“You have misunderstood me your highness, I am just looking out for my husband and besides shouldn’t you be preparing for your wedding tomorrow?” she asked

“don’t worry about me Princess Izabella, worry about your husband and his lazy ways” he replied and Izabella smile was cut short she glare at him and give a rigid bow before exiting with her husband racing after her.

Michael look down at the broken glasses and called for someone to clean the place up, he took his seat back but not for long as someone came to inform him of the King’s call.

He waited minutes before making his way to the King’s inner room, the plan to travel for one of his business dealings has been postponed because of his sudden unwanted marriage and the least he wanted now is his Father’s nagging about the wedding and his nonchalant attitude to it, getting to the entrance he saw no guard as usual and he open the door gaining view into the cliquey room of the King.

The barbaric scene that met with his eyes made him turn swiftly away from the room and step outside the door in raging disappointment, his respected father was having what seems like a good but shameless time with his personal maid right in his room, Prince Michael clutch his hand to show his bitterness and anger at what he just saw he look back to the room fighting with the urge to go into the room and yell furiously at the two but knowing well it is not a good idea he controlled his footsteps back to his quarters but the familiar voice of the King stop him

“You can come in” he said and wait for him to make a move

“I don’t want to see how you shameless sleep with your maid” he throw angrily at him

King Edward didn’t look a bit embarrassed or guilt rather he has his pride aura of a Ruler

“Am sure it’s something you’ve seen before”

“Such a shameless thing for you to say” he resorted and glare straight at him

“It’s time you stop being a baby son and face reality” Michael scoff at his words and look away from him not bearing to look at him

“stop fussing about the past and worry about your future, tomorrow you will be married to one of the important royals in the four kingdoms you need to behave well and not disgrace the royal family, I just discuss with the councils….”

“I think I know well what to do, if that’s all I will take my leave” he cut in and turn his back at him heading for the exit

“Remember that the Princess is not here as a bride but as a hostage in Silver Kingdom”

“She will be my wife” he said halting and look back with a side eye “I will decide what she will be” he affirmed and walk out.

“your highness!’ her voice yelled and Prince Michael hasten his steps not wanting her to catch with him, the last thing he wanted for today is to see her after what he saw earlier. The long fingers grab his arm and he jolted it away fiercely almost causing her a fall

“Ouch!’ she scream out and Prince Michael instantly turn to him to lend a hand as the sound of her pain reach his ears, but then he withdraw his hands almost immediately and feel appalled at the feeling he just felt towards her, she’s someone he never want to have anything to do with in this lifetime and there he is, his subconscious reaching out to her.

“Michael” she called in her inveigling voice that he knows so well

Suppressing his feelings he turn a deaf ear to her calling and walk away, Eris stare till he leaves before she also leave to her duty.

***** The three clink their glasses together as they raise a toss to their victory, Fallon who is now intrigued by the plans so far gulp down the whole content in her glass at once the other two watch her not taking a sip from theirs.

She gaze at them with questioning eyes wondering why they didn’t take their drink

“Why didn’t you drink?” she asked not able to stop her curious

“It’s poisoned” she reveal and drop her glass on the floor smashing it, the maid too drop hers smirking along with it

Fallon dropped her glass also with trembling hands she swallowed hard and stood up slowly not sure if it’s real and if she heard her correctly

“Po…poi...Poison?” she stammered and felt her body tremble the more she look at her horribly trembling fingers and scream out, the maid swap her palm over her lips and prevent her from yelling any further

“If you don’t pipe down, you will die more aggressively” she warned and Fallon quickly keep her lips shut breathing heavily

She told the maid to let her go and she obeyed without hesitating, knowing the situation of things Fallon sat down back still shivering any little mistake from her might end her life

“Why am I poisoned? I never betray you neither did I give you out” she asked softly “I poisoned you to make sure of that” she said and also took her seat while the maid remain standing keeping a close eye on her

“You are not going to die so stop looking like that” she said and Fallon horrible facial expression clear off although there is still panic written all over her

“Not yet” she added and chuckle at the frightened maid in front of her “the poison is not going to kill you but it’s going to keep you in check and make sure you don’t do anything stupid to jeopardize my plans”

“But…” Fallon tried to say but the maid standing put a hand to her throat and tightened her hold against her neck and she immediately shut up

“Few minutes from now you will feel a sudden pain in your chest and in seconds it will hold your breath and make it very hard for you to breathe, then when you struggle for breath it will affect your respiration and you will start to bleed out blood from your nostril, you won’t be able to endure it further and will try to move to get help or yell for help but you won’t be able to, because by then all your body system will be damaged and you will only be able to lie down and die quietly”

Fallon cry out in misery and stare at her pleading a sudden pain rush through her chest again and she call out her name in frustration, she stoop down to her height on the chair and raise her head up with a finger

“What am I?” she asked sternly

“you are a princess” Fallon replied sharply and got a slap on the face, the eyes before her look so displeased that she thought she will be killed before the poison finish it work

“What am I?” she repeated picking the words slowly, after a thought Fallon swallowed the pain she’s feeling and open her mouth

“Queen of Aither” she said with her eyes bow.

Immediately a smile lighted on her lips a tablet was placed in her palm and Fallon hurry took it easing her short misery

“now that two princesses out of six is taken care of, we should move on to the next princess right?’ she said and Fallon who is just recovering from a near death experience nodded slightly

“But you see Claire is getting married tomorrow, we should give her a gift right? She’s has been of a great help to us since the beginning of everything” she said and leered while she stood up and walk away.

In her abode Princess Roseline stood in front of the mirror admiring her long just made hair, her maid Vale comb the long hair every second as she also admire her mistress

“`Am I beautiful?” she asked grinning and Vale nodded putting more oil on the hair and combing it again

“Now you will look more beautiful than Princess Zoey” she said and put down the comb

“it is obvious am trying to win against her?” she asked again checking herself thoroughly in the mirror she has spent a lot of money to get herself to be this beautiful so to have a chance also, the sixth princess will be getting married tomorrow and the King will finally be able to see her and her capacity so she has to do well in order to get favor from the King

“Is Zoey better than me?” she asked her maid again who smiled and gave an outright ‘no’

There are four princess left in the palace and from what she know Zoey is the most capable and chanced of all four so if she didn’t plan her way now she might end up bowing to her younger ones again, having to pay respect and stoop up to someone younger than her sucks a lot and she has always wanted to also be in that position where everyone respects her and do anything to get her good side and now is the chance she won’t let this golden opportunity pass her by she has to make sure she get to the top in the royal family.