
“Princess Claire of Aither Kingdom is now engaged officially to Prince Michael of Silverbell Kingdom and thereby belongs also to Silverbell Kingdom”

The people had smiles on their faces as they congratulate their Princess and the Prince, King Edward had one of the happiest smile in the hall as his aim has being achieved although partially he had wanted full access to the royal house but then this is better atleast now he will be able to plan things slowly and penetrate into Aither Kingdom without them suspecting much.

The two engaged couples stood up and walk outside the hall while the people cheer for them as they walk pass

“Your face doesn’t look so good hearing the people congratulating us” Claire said watching his sully expression

“And you seems to be enjoying every bit of the attention dear wife”

“It’s a norm for the royals and should be used to this kind of stuffs” she replied and smile as she walk through the crowd of people

“Maybe for you but not for me” he said and move a bit faster hoping to end this soon

“You need to keep the same pace as me” Claire reminded

“Well your paces are too slow and I starting to get cranky” he respond and smile at his own use of word

“a princess must always maintain a slow and steady pace especially in front of the people it shows composure and good morals” she explain and caught up with his pace but soon resume the slow pace

“You are really enjoying this aren’t you?”

“Of course I am, I’m a princess afterall and these special treatment is what differs me from a common lady or just anyhow aristocrat lady” she said and lifted her chin more higher smiling in satisfaction at the respect accorded to her as she walks, earlier before the ceremony started she had requested of the King to make this event to honor her greatly so everyone could see who really is in charge....

In a swift her arm was drawn over by his strong hands and before she know what is happening her whole body was pull into his broad chest forcefully making her hit her head slightly into his chest and almost losing her crown, she turn upset at his action but the sudden movement of his leg draw her back to him as he landed a kick to the peasant man next to them

The guards quickly intervene and rush to apprehend the culprit who was still whining at the hit he just received in his lower abdomen, the knife in his hand was retrieve from him and he was held down to prevent any further attack from him, Claire seems pretty shock at what just happened as she didn’t expect anyone to want to harm her on her engagement ceremony, quickly getting out of her shock she walk to the culprit after placing her crown back on her head and ask his head to be raise up

“How dare you try to assassin the Princess?’ one of the angry crowd yelled and everyone begin to talk and throw hateful comment as the criminal

“Everything will be taken away from you soon Princess, the proud look on your face will soon turn to sorrow you despiteful woman!” he cursed and then suddenly vomit out blood and before he could be rescue he gave up the ghost

“The same person who killed the Queen must have done this” Claire thought as she remembered the maid who died after revealing Queen Amanda as a culprit

“who could this mastermind be?’ she wondered to herself, she has tried to figure out which one of the royal family is pulling this schemes but it seems she has really underestimated her opponent

Fallon lips crack up in a smile as she watch the intriguing scene, it looks like their aim is achieved and Princess Claire received her present well enough she has been worried the plan might fail and they will end up selling theirselves to the Princess but rather their message was well passed across, she look towards her direction and nodded knowingly at her while she also showed a hint of happiness on her face.

Not being careful enough Fallon gaze was caught by Sarah who looked discreetly towards the direction she was gazing at, at first she was confused but then she saw the looks they both shared and felt something is going on besides their mistress was just attacked and the smile on Fallon’s face says a lot

“So she’s the spy all along” she thought and quickly decide to inform her princess before they leave for Silverbell kingdom, just as she was still staring the two pair of eyes change gaze and stare at her instead and then Fallon gaze also look follow her master and stop at Sarah’s, immediately she avert her eyes and look towards another side pretending she didn’t see or notice anything going on.

She frown her face and quickly stood up from her seat with her maid following after her, they walk out of the hall amidst the disrupt crowd and came to a closed area in the palace building

“My Queen what is it?” She asked immediately she stopped

“That maid saw us” she said and turn back to her with a worried look

“Which maid my Queen?”

“Princess Claire’s maid, she saw when Fallon and I shared a look and gape at us with suspicious eyes” she said further and the maid immediately understands the unease look on her master’s face

“What should we do now? We can’t afford any risk” she asked also taking in her worries

“Kill her” she respond and the maid nodded immediately moving to take action

“Wait!” she stopped her with a pull in the arm “let’s not be rash and get into much trouble than intended”

“But…” the maid wanted to say

“She’s Princess Claire’s trusted maid do you think if she suddenly disappear or get killed, Claire will stay still? No, she will fish out who the murderer is, they are still investigating about Queen Amanda’s death and if another murder takes place, they will catch up with you soon and definitely will lead to me” she explained and pace around as she thinks of another solution

“I will die alone then my princess” the maid sworn on her kneels

“I can’t let you die now, I still need you” she answered and stop pacing

“My Queen don’t you think we should really take this opportunity to kill the maid since Fallon also wants her dead and she’s suspicious of us now”

“Yes but we need to think first and a great idea just spring up in my head” she said and smirked before making a move with her maid.


The hard footsteps filled the passageway and she look dispassionate at the lady coming towards her but seeing her clearly she notice she wasn’t holding a calm look like her but rather an intense look as she look about and walk with caution, looking really alert. She stop in front of her and murmur words

“This is a safe zone you can talk” she informed her

“Why the hell do you call me here?” she asked angrily looking displeased

“Congratulation on…” she was saying but she cut her short

“Cut the crap and tell me why you called me here” she resorted

“I need you to do something for me” she finally let out and the another person stare at her dubious with no hint of trust

“Remember you promised a return if I help you” she reminded and then the other person let down her anger a bit and move closer

“What do you want?’ she asked trying not to sound harsh.

Back to the hall the situation seems a bit cleared as the dead body was taken out and the spot cleaned while the Princess and Prince continue their walk although this time the crowd were kept at a safe distance from them, Princess walk around her eyes searching for someone and sighted her at a close distance rushing to meet Claire she rush to her before she got to her and stop her from approaching Claire

“Hello Sarah” she greeted cheerfully and Sarah turn to her with a bow

“Your Highness, am in a hurry I need to see my Princess” she said as she made to excuse herself

“wait, your Princess ask me to tell you to go bring her another crown since the one she was wearing got broken earlier during the incident” she told her and Sarah look towards her mistress direction to see if there is any crown on her but there is none, sure that her mistress has sent her she turn back to the quarters to get her another crown thereby leaving the room.

Just as she walk along to the Princess room she saw Fallon’s back walking secretively to the opposite direction, having a feeling that she’s up to no good she abandon her purpose of going to get another crown for her mistress and head to the direction she saw Fallon going towards also following inconspicuously after her.

Due to her eagerness to know where she’s going and who she might go meet Sarah didn’t notice the trap set for her and fall directly into it, Fallon who was well aware that she’s being followed and had led her into the trap suddenly stop after making sure Sarah is in

Sarah who looked confused on why she suddenly stopped was late to see the lurking figure who raise a heavy object and hit her on the head sending her down in a second, she grunt in pain at the sudden attack and couldn’t stand as she struggle on the ground Fallon walk to her with a grin

“Ohh you foolish maid you’ve finally ended up in my hands” she said and pull her hair up adding more agony, the attacker made to hit her again but Fallon stopped her in a hurry before she could throw another blow

“Don’t you dare touch her she’s mine to kill” she said and took the heavy object from her and pushing her backward

“You ungrateful bitch” Sarah cursed still groaning

“Who made me this hateful bitch? You always pomp yourself round like the most high maid in the palace and always look down upon me picturing me as a bad person in front of the Princess, I was the first maid she ever had but ever since you came to be her maid you took my place completely but now am going to finish you and have my place back, but not as a foolish loyal maid that I was to her but as someone that will erase her existence” she said with despise

“You will regret this Fallon, do you think my Princess will not find you out if you dare to hurt me” she said brashly and Fallon hit her again in fury

“Do you think I merely want to hurt you? No am taking you completely out of my way and your Princess is going to find out about this and do nothing” she said and gave her a nasty gaze as her as she look so pleased seeing her whining in pain of death on the ground

“Since you are a curious cat I will tell you the plan so that when you die and get to heaven you will never have rest knowing your Princess’s life is in my hands”

“There is no time to waste” the first attacker stated finding her talks and drama a waste of their time

“After killing you I will frame everything on you and tell the Princess you are the spy and betrayal, I will convince her and she will accept me as her most trusted subordinate but then I will make sure to do worse than she did to me I will destroy everything she has” she affirmed and Sarah grumbled at her words realizing her plan she’s trying to switch them by placing herself beside Princess Claire as the good one, Sarah tried again to move but Fallon raise the heavy object up high and landed it on her head repeatedly while the other person watch unconcerned.