The back shop is actually an open backyard which is twice the size of the shop. There is only a little roof near the fireplace where the metal can be hammered but the rest is getting bathed by the sun.

On the other side of the backyard, there is a locker with a gemstone at the center. The locker is the size of two grown men and all dark, but there is no rust on it.

‘A magical locker, heh?’

Lekas had only seen magical lockers in his previous when he joined the academy of Lucoris. Seeing one here is now bringing back memories.

Vers goes to the locker and places her hand on the gemstone.

Clack! Clack!

After infusing some magic into it, the sound of the mechanisms moving fills the place for a moment as they stop, the locker opens slowly, revealing weapons neatly arranged inside.

“What are you guys using?”