Chapter 9: The Aftermath

The end of the world took place in the month of June. We kept a religious track of the passing days hoping some god sent solution would appear. In the beginning my father was positive that the head of the governments had not gone into hiding, rather they were on a mission to seek out a solution while taking the necessary precautions. By August it was becoming painfully obvious that there was no salvation on it's way and staying put was rapidly becoming a challange.

With no way of getting any new information on how the rest of the world was faring, it was decided by the older members that one of use should venture out and set up a radio antenna.

I Volunteered but my contribution was quickly shut down. They, mostly the parents, weren't entirely sure of how good my intentions were. So I had tried on several occasions and almost succeeded in one to get out of the bunker, as we fondly called our prison. My mind was on a constant loop of hysterical screams and sometimes I could feel something trying to claw it's way out of my brain. I craved a change of scenery but my mother looked at me like I was trying to kill them by going out.

Thier worries were not unfounded. Precious little was known about the virus other than it was airborne. How long it lasted and how far it could spread was up to anyone guess so rather than risk an infection it was decided that we remain underground until we heard otherwise. Thier solution was not a bad one, but after the black out there had been no way of keeping in touch with the situation.

Two months had passed since then. We were in the best shapes of our lives and thanks to. Marcus and his brothers we could hold our own in a fight. All of us crammed in the bunker soon had temper rising and fights erupting as we each adjusted to sharing spaces. My friends and I had been put in the same room as Rebecca and Leon. While the rest of us were doing our best to come up occasionally for air, Leon was positively drowning. It made me happy seeing her so miserable until she became my problem.

It had been decided that I was the best person to pull Leon out of her rut. I was not. During the past two months we had not spoken more that five sentences to each other. She was neck deep in her depression and I was in no mood to pull her out. Our 'sessions' as our parents called it involved me sitting in our room and generally ignoring her. Ruth and Susan had gotten better choosing to spend time outside the room helping with chores, it was not thier idea. I appreciated the alone time it afforded me so I kept attending said sessions.

We all gathered in the living room and watched Marcus and Charles get ready. Getting ready involved wrapping themselves in as many layers of clothes as they possibly could without hindering movement. I waited until they had finished dressing before reminding them that we had hazard suits that were airtight. Their collective gasps soothed my ego as I walked out leaving them.

I was planning on spending the rest of the evening by myself only to find Leon up and beaming. The urge to permanently wipe off that smirk off her face washed over me in a furious wave, that left me contemplating actual murder. Most people find it hard to believe, but I did not hate Leon. I could forgive or more precisely ignore anything, even the fact tossed me in her trunk. However, Leon in her 'drunk on life state', somehow always become my problem. A painful recurring theme.

"Melissa!" She beamed dropping the sheet covering her body. I hate to admit it but she looked amazing, she had been clearly visiting the gym.

She marched right up to me making a slow turn ensuring I took all of her in. Her skin was still glowing despite her neglect, flawlessly highlighting every inch and curve of her body. Her dark nipples stood erect as her deliciously full breasts quivered with each move she made. Her belly button ring hang low grazing her clean shaven vagina. She stepped on my shoes as she moved closer ignoring the concept of personal space. Her nipples brushed my chest as she shifted to face me causing a stirring that I did not care to explore especially not with her.

"Wanna go out with me?" She said draping her arms on my sholder engulfing me in body odor. She took in my frown quickly adding "I meant outside".

The idea of doing anything with Leon was unpleasant. I remembered how clingy she got in this state. However, after months of being holed up in the bunker her suggestion did not seem as preposterous.