Chapter 34: Nothing ends

I knew why Marcus volunteered us. No one else wanted out more than the two of us. It was a never ending itch that kept growing and growing with no real way of satisfying it. So it made sense for us to go. Aside from that, including those who had volunteered there was none more qualified than us. So for the first time in two years we suited up in protective gear. With nothing but time on our hands, new anti radiation suits had been invented. The scientists had put their heads together and come up with a light weight suit that could handle ten times what the original hazard suits could.

The suit was both aesthetic and practical if your were a punk goth type of person. The black suit with intricate silver detailing that must have taken ages to tailor was nothing short of stunning. The fitting head gear that had been customized for us was the highlight of the suit with built in monitors that displayed radiation levels, viral pathogens and temperature among other things.