CHAPTER 4: The hunter in the palace

/ The days have passed since Rose announced that there is a witch in the Skiburg empire

The Queen has called all hunters she knows but no one has caught the witch.

Queen: I was expecting better from you Dalius.

Hunter: I know my queen but I don't require all skills to catch that sort of beast. Maybe you should try to reach Aria?

Queen: I already try and she not available. You are free to leave Dalius

/Dalius bow and make his way out. You stand there with your hands behind your back. The queen groans, fall her head back in her throne chair...

Queen: how blind was I to let such a thing happen in my empire on my watch.

The butler: May I suggest that this is not your fault, your highness.

Queen: I and you both know it is, Galvert. I let my guard down.

/ The queen sigh and raised her hand to gestures you to go. You both bow before disappearing into the hallway. When you are out of the queen's sight, you turn to Rose.

Chris: who is Aria?

Rose: She is the best hunter in all empires.

/ She eyebrows you...

Rose: it a surprise that you never heard of her.

/ You touch where she bites you yesterday and left a tiny mark of her teeth on your neck, she notices...

Rose: sorry about that.

Chris: no, it's nothing besides I enjoy it.

/You lean close and whisper to her...

Chris: It was sexy.

/ She bites her lips to hide a smile but you can see her cheeks turn red. Without another word, she runs into her room. You shake your head and went to yours.

Next evening you are in your room, while you look at your window and see someone cover his whole body with black clothes

Chris: It a woman? Maybe she is a witch.

/ You put your shirt on, you fast head to the throne chamber find her bow in front of the queen.

Queen: Welcome to Skiburg's empire. Aria

/ She uncovers her face...and reveal a gorgeous face behind

/ Aria speaks with her beautiful hard British accent voice.

Aria: it always a pleasure to see you, my queen. I have heard rumors that there is a witch who permit himself to come to Skiburg.

/ The queen throws a serious look at Aria then stumble her fist at her throne chair

Queen: Rumors or not I want that witch out of my empire. NOW!!

Aria: on it.

/ She bows at the queen and heads toward you. She scans you up and down. She raises her eyebrow...

Aria: I suppose you are Chris?

Chris: yes.

Aria: so...where did you see the witch?

Chris: Underground storage.

Aria: what were you doing there?

Chris: I was going to search for more bourbon

Aria: were you alone?

/ You look at Rose but she is nervous looking at her toes...

Chris: yes, I was alone. Listen to Ria...

/ She corrects you

Aria: ...Aria

Chris: Right. Sorry, Aria. I didn't see much because I was hiding in the closet

Aria: closet?

Chris: I mean cast.

/ She glances at you long enough like she was impressed with your answer...

Aria: one last question? Where are you from?

Chris: Well, I... I'm.....from...

Aria: second thought. Never mind.

/ She disappeared headed to the storage.

A moment later she comes out with a smile on her face

Queen: so do you know what we are dealing with?

Aria: yes, it an Exciobil monster

/ All the room gasp and turn to you... Vlad Cogred speaks with anger in his voice


/ Everyone around starts murmuring...


/ You feel tense and goosebumps all over your body, the princess stands from her chair and heads in your way, she stops in front of you.

Princess: See, he got a point there Chris. The Exciobils can not be seen by a human eye, that why the hunter wears a Zirlyck. If I guess right you may be a hunter or...a witch.

/ The room goes quiet for a moment, all eyes on you. They are waiting for you to answer the princess's question...until Aria clear her throat and step forward...

Aria: actually, Katharina there is another explanation.

/ Everyone turns to her, and your eyes go wide...

Chris: there is?

Aria: yes, I think you are a Luxamy.

/ Everyone stares at you surprisingly... she catches you in shock.

Chris: A what now?

Aria: don't pretend anything Chris, it ties up

Princess: but Luxamy can not see an Exciobil, the can feel it

Aria: well, I have an explanation for that too. See, Chris didn't want people to know about him, so if he does say that he felt like a monster in the palace, he would have exposed himself but he could also not keep quiet about it. To make you act quickly. It was the only way

This means he's neither a hunter nor a witch

Princess: Well, that makes sense

/ She turns to you with an apology for a look

Princess: I'm sorry Chris for doubting you, I should not make such a quick judgment.

Queen: It all makes sense, I know there was something, you were so different but I do never have to guess that.

Princess: that true, we haven't met many of your kind around here.

Chris: it okay princess.

Princess: after rumors, I have heard that your kind is so proud and noble to quite their land including strong. Why are you here?

Chris: I needed a fresh start

Princess: And you came here work as a maid no one would have guessed that

Vlad Cogred: I'm sorry too Luxamy, I treated you wrong

/ You turn to find Vlad Cogred his arm on his chest, looking down like a half bow, and you nod. The princess takes your hand in his

Princess: so, that your secret. You are a son of Luxamina...

/ Before you respond. Aria step forward and cleared her throat means to interrupt

Aria: As warming, this is, I hate to bring that we still have a monster to catch.

Vlad Cogred: sure thing, and lucky for us, we have a Luxamy now.

Chris: Why is that lucky?

Vlad Cogred: Because you are going to hunt that monster with Aria. I'm talking in a name of the Skiburg empire. Your help will appreciate and I'm sure your skills could be helpful out there

/ Before you respond... Aria beams...

Aria: well, I wouldn't say no to a company, it has been a long time since I have one.

Chris: but I was n...

Aria: come on Luxamy, prove to me that your kind is strong, noble, and proud as the rumors say.

/ Without thinking twice, you wave at Rose, she waves back and you follow Aria outside.

Far away from the palace, in the wood

Aria stops and she looks at you suspiciously... then sigh, she continues her way while she speaks

Aria: ok kit, I want an honest answer now. Who are you and where are you from?

/ You look at her in horror with a worried face but responds anyway

Chris: as you say in the palace, I'm a Luxamy

Aria: well, you can fool them but not me. One thing is clear you are not a witch neither a hunter.

/ She stops and throws you a cold face

Aria: and sure not a Luxamy

Chris: But how?.........

Chris has fooled the people of Skiburg but will he do the same with Aria? Or will he tell her the truth? And most important, will they catch the monster?

Find out in the next Chapter...

Chapter 5: It in the woods.