CHAPTER 9: We are Vlanakian

/ You just found out that if the Princess or Vlad Cogred go to Craxbort, they will be executed.

Chris: What??

Victoria: I don't care. All aboard.

/ You got to the boat and find a young man standing up there.

Man: Did you find the favorite boy?

Victoria: see for yourself.

Willy: and who the hell is that guy?

Octavia: That is our quartermaster, Samson.

/ You both enter on the ship. The pirates detach you. Samson's eyes land on you.

Samson: And who is this?

Victoria: You ain't gonna believe me if I tell yay.

Oliver: He is a thief.

Dereck: And a Luxamy too.

/ Without lose any minute, Samson takes his sword and points it at your throat.

Victoria: We already did that.

/ Samson ignores her and looks at you.

Samson: So Luxamy why are you far from home?

Chris: I have already answer that.

Samson: Not to me

Chris: Okay, I robbed the king of Luxamina.

/ Samson lowers his sword and chuckles.

Samson: The king?

/ You nod. They are getting ready to sail.