I’m The Protagonist?! 9

After the event was the awarding of awards. Normally, the champion would be given a reward and a contract but since the champion of this I.T competition was the son of the CEO. Cheng Xiu found that segment to be a redundancy and so, the price was given to the second.

But they later learned that even the second winner disappeared as if they never existed.

Cheng Xiu's eyes widen slightly when he received the news. "That is quite a shame. I wanted to meet such a promising opponent" He sighed and Feng Shi agreed.

To be able to match the male lead, Bl4ze 5 must be eating a very formidable ally or foe.

"Maybe he had an emergency or something?" Feng Shi told him as she can see that he is quite disappointed in not being able to meet such an excellent opponent.

"Perhaps so" Cheng Xiu reluctantly agreed.

"Bha! Who cares about that? Come on! I'll call the others to celebrate" Feng Shi invited pulling him out of the room.

"Alright, alright. You don't have to pull you know" Cheng Xiu helplessly said but he did not bother to remove his hands from hers in the slightest which amused Feng Shi and did not heed his plea anymore.

She dragged Cheng Xiu out of the building, Xiao Wang trudging behind them obediently.

The others wanted to congratulate Cheng Xiu or try and curry his favor but did not dare to approach seeing as they seem to be in a rush.

Plus, a small wolf trailing behind them was enough detriment for most people.

With that, the three, two humans and one wolf pup finally reached the parking lot.

Cheng Xiu opened the passenger seat for her before going to the driver's seat.

As Cheng Xiu was buckling up and starting the car, Feng Shi messaged their friends to meet her at their favorite club, Silken Light. She had also booked a private room as she was doing so.

"So, where to princess?" Cheng Xiu asked tilting his head at her.

"Silken Light. I already booked the room. And just to tell you in advance, it's my threat since this is a celebratory party for you and no, I will not accept any second opinion" She firmly informed him smiling at him brightly but for some reason, Cheng Xiu felt a shiver run down his spine.

Knowing better than to argue, he nodded obediently. "Got it"

With that said, he began driving towards their destination. The entire car ride was silent but not an awkward silence. They were engulfed in a comfortable silence as Cheng Xiu drives and Feng Shi looks out the window watching the brightly lit city as they pass by.

Despite it being near night already since the event took two hours, the city life is just getting started.

People dressed in various styles walked down the pathway, some entering shops while others merely passed by, wrapped in their own world despite the thousands of people they passed by. Others are simply passing the time standing by.

No matter how many times Feng Shi has seen this sight, it never bores her to see how similar and yet so different some of the worlds can be. Every world has something unique and in a way so are people. One person can be like the next but cannot be a replica of the other.

As her thoughts wonder they slowly arrived in a building with the words 'Silken Light' written in shifting neon colors with cursive writings formed by what was supposed to appear as silk.

As always, the line was long but since they had a VIP card for this club, it was easier for them to get in.

The guard immediately removed the red line for them to pass through.

"Good evening Miss Feng, mister Cheng" The guard greeted as they reached him.

"Hey, Joe, busy night as always huh?" Cheng Xiu greeted back fist pumping the burly man.

"You know it, boss. The rest of your gang is already inside" He informed them as they head inside.

"Got it, thanks Joe," Cheng Xiu said before they headed inside while Feng Shi smiled politely.

As she focused on the inside, she was met with the bustling music over the crowd's cheers.

People were grinding and dancing with each other while others were drinking at the tables or the bar.

The DJ was also dancing to the beat as the crowds partied without a care about the world.

There were also decently dressed dancers on the stage, as decent as they can get anyway since the club upholds its reputation. They respect their employees and protect them fiercely.

"Whoo!" An already drunken teen swayed over in front of them spilling his drink on the floor. Thankfully, Cheng Xiu pulled her away in time so that the drink won't spill on the floor.

"Come on. Let's head upstairs!" Cheng Xiu yelled trying to get his message across the upbeat sounds.

"Good idea!" Feng Shi replied hugging Xiao Wang tighter as they walked up.

The club's main color theme is gold, red and black.

The walls are painted black while the chairs are red and there are golden linings everywhere but if you look up, connected to the chandelier where neon-colored strips form a rainbow sphere, the rainbow strips reflect the changing lights.

They immediately went to their own private booth and found that their friends had already started partying without them.

"Yow, our main man is finally here!" Huang Jun announced loudly through their crowd of friends, standing over and patting Cheng Xiu on the shoulder.

"Congrats man!" Sima Lin also congratulates tipping his glass for a cheer.

The rest of their friends also joined in the celebration, congratulating him.

"You sly fox. Taking our little Shi on a tech nerd date without even telling us. Not cool, Cheng, not cool" Cao Ai playfully scolded causing Cheng Xiu to look sheepish.

"It wasn't a date" He tried to explain but Chia Biu just cut him off.

"Boo!" She cut off before he could drone on about how they are just friends.

Feng Shi chuckled, taking a sip of the glass of wine in front of her before sitting down.

"Aren't you too drunk already? I only sent the invite like, a few minutes ago" She commented leaning over the couch's back to get comfortable while Cheng Xiu was surrounded by their friends and by his flustered face, Feng Shi smirked over her glass, she can already tell what topic they are talking about.

"Nah! We were planning to have a guys' night out, then Cheng Xiu said he had a last-minute plan and a few hours later, you text us and we kinda guessed that the bastard practically ditched us to woe his little moonlight." Huang Jun shrugged juggling down his glass.

Feng Shi laughed slightly at that before simply watching their acquaintances fool around.

She didn't even realize how long it took for Cheng Xiu to escape the crowd and made his way toward her.

Cheng Xiu sighed as he slumped down by her side tiredly.

Just like the foolish teenagers they were, they messed around without a care about the world and at one point, Cao Ai had to excuse herself rushing to the bathroom to puke making Feng Shi scrunch her nose in disgust.

Needing fresh air for a bit, Feng Shi also excused herself from the party animals going wild in the room.

Cheng Xiu was torn between joining his friends and accompanying her but she just waved him off stating that she won't be long.

There is a balcony in this building looking over the bustling street. Feng Shi immediately bee-lined towards that spot, sighing in relief as the cold night breeze grazed her skin.

She simply closed her eyes, enjoying the breeze and listening to the noises around her.

The loud music from the club was toned down making the noises from the cars and the crowd mix in.

She took a few minutes to gather herself before finally heading back.

But as she turned from the door, she collided with someone making her apologize before extending her hand.

The boy was fair, to say the least, with golden curly hair, blue hopeful eyes, golden curled lashes, chubby cheeks, and pink lips. The boy looked like an angel! An angel in a night club at least.

"I'm so so sorry! Are you alright?" Feng Shi asked helping the boy stand back up

"Ye-yeah. I'm fine, Feng Shi right?'' The boy replied smiling at her brightly.

"Ah, yes. You know me?" Feng Shi asked tilting her head in confusion.

"Kinda hard not to. I'm Michael Claus, and I guess you could say I'm your school mate" The boy introduced surprising Feng Shi.

"Oh! I didn't know that. I haven't seen you around after all" She tried to keep her voice playful to make him know that she doesn't mean that in a bad way.

"I'd be surprised if you had. It was nice meeting you in person Feng Shi, I'll see you in school then" The boy waved before running to where she assumed his friends were.

Feng Shi brushed the encounter out of her mind as she went back to her own friends.