I'm The Protagonist?! 11

Feng Shi laid in her comfy bed, dressed in a full-body black cat pajama, spread like a starfish, and lost in her own thought.

Feng Hai had tried to get back at her when they came back but needless to say, she would never underestimate her again.

Her brows furrowed, focusing back on the memory of the previous host.

Thinking back may have been painful for the real Feng Shi but the one occupying this body now has no qualms about going back to the hellish day.

Before that blazing fire, she remembers that the door never locked in case of emergency but coincidentally or not, on the day of the accident, the doors trapped them inside.

Feng Shi would be a fool to believe that it was an accident and the previous host also had her doubt but the ones who knew the truth about that accident can only be the mastermind and the pawn.

But the question now is who?

Thinking back harder, she finds only three servants then since that was their vacation getaway. So that narrows down the suspects.

If only Xiao Wang was here, that fluffy ball of fur would have managed to track every single one but Xiao Wang is currently in his own self-cultivation.

Feng Shi cannot fall behind her companion. She can't go on like this but right now, she only has herself to rely on.

She immediately stood up thinking of an idea.

She may not have her amazing information treasure trove of a little friend but others in this world can be used.

She rushed to her drawer and took out three blank pieces of paper and drawing materials.

Fortunately, she has a photographic memory and an incredible drawing talent that she perfected in the previous world once she retired as an artist.

She has mastered many forms of art during her time in the previous world and she cannot contain her grin knowing that she did not spend her time in vain.

With fast speed, she drew the faces in her memory. Granted that it won't be much but at least she is getting somewhere.

She laid out her masterpieces on the table, proud of her work.

One shows clearly of an old woman, every wrinkle as clears and defined as the rest of her face. She was fat and appears to have no neck because of the fat. Her expression did look motherly and kind.

The next was a woman in her mid-thirty that was clearly not pure Asian based on her blond hair and dull blue eyes. Despite the normalcy of her features, she can be considered attractive based on the foreign mix in her looks. The expression looked taunting and proud with her nose up in the sky.

The other was a short-haired girl fresh out of college. She was an average girl in terms of looks but if she remembers correctly, this girl used to be smart in the previous host's impression.

Mysteriously enough, all maids disappeared right after the fire.

Sure her stepmother started firing those around her but that was a year into her marriage with her father.

She stared down at the life-like portraits seriously, her pointer finger tapping on the table. Them disappearing right after is pretty sus[icious but who exactly is the culprit?

Is it one of them, all of them, perhaps only two, or even none?

Regardless, this three is all the lead she has at the moment. She must find them no matter what.

Putting the drawings in a folder, she looked out the window at the night sky.

She can't possibly go out now without arousing that witch's attention.

Sneaking out is plausible but reaching her destination would be a problem since a cab can't possibly enter here without notifying that witch too.

"Ugh!" She groaned throwing her head back in frustration.

There has to be a way but she doesn't have superpowers or ninja abilities so her options are limited.

Unless... How stupid! How could she have forgotten about that option?

Smacking herself in the forehead for her stupidity. She immediately opened her computer, took a pic of the photos one by one, send them to her computer, and then logged into her dark web account. She used the code name Phantom Twilight. She doesn't know why but when she thought of another name, that immediately popped into her mind.

There must be some under-the-law detectives here. And true enough, after searching for a while she managed to get a tip about a certain hacker.

Bl4ze 5!

The mysterious programmer in the competition that Cheng Xiu entered.

Feng Shi could not help the joyous grin on her face.

If she can get the help of a person that could even rival the protagonist, then surely her mission is as good as done in regards to finding the truth behind the fire!

"I want information on three people. Name your price. It is not a problem but I only have portraits from years ago. Do you accept the challenge?" She messaged making sure that she is untraceable.

She knows that it's impossible to get a reply too soon so she was about to stand up when her computer dinged as she received a reply immediately.

"I accept. Information for a favor"

She stared at the red words on her screen for a bit before replying. "Deal but the favor is debatable"

Agreeing to a favor without knowing what you're agreeing to is not her style. She is far too cautious about that so this is her compromise.

"Agreed. The portraits?"

Feng Shi immediately sent her drawings to the other followed by a question. "When can I expect the result?"

"What you have is vague. Expect the result in an hour"

Feng Shi gaped at the reply. In an hour? Isn't that too soon?

Now even she is curious about the devil hiding behind the screen of the other.

What kind of person are they?

"Really?'' She messaged in amazement.

"You reached out to the best so you should expect the best"

She can practically hear the smugness of the other in that line but talents do have their right to have their pride. She will give them that.

She no longer replied and simply read another book from her growing collection while waiting for the fruition of their transaction.

Bl4ze 5 did not disappoint her though, an hour later, she received detailed information about the three.

From their birth, the ten generations of their ancestors, their relatives, their childhood, their darkest secrets, and the trajectory of their lives up to the current time.

Feng Shi could not help but be amazed and a little bit afraid of just how detailed the information she received was.

If she was an inhabitant of this world, the other person would probably be able to have complete access to her information.

Fortunately, this worked out in her favor.

What interested her was what they did after they disappeared.

The girl had a sick sister who suddenly underwent an expensive operation, the woman's bank card had a large amount entered, and the old lady's debt along with her grandson's suddenly got paid.

All of which came from hidden accounts.

She doesn't have solid proof yet but she already has a hunch on who she needs to investigate them all to cover all variables.

This is what is not given to villains. They are all seen as evil, ruthless and despicable while only watching from one side of the story.

Since Xiao Wang told her that her role would basically be a villainess, she has researched on how to act her part.

She noticed that people tend to hate them without understanding them and she has learned from that lesson to see past what others cannot.

To see not just one side of the story but from all possible angles to have a just judgment on the situation.

Having the full information regarding the protagonist not just on how others view them but also from their victim's perspective helps a lot in her conviction against them.