Chapter 13: Mortica's transformation

---------- At the outskirts of Uranus------

The entire cave was partially bright as the crescent moon gave little light through the inky clouds, at the outskirts of Uranus the night was quiet and the only sound heard was that from the hooting of owls.

few kilometers away from the cave, two figured stood there having a telepathic conversation, demonstrating every now and then,

[I hope you get this job sorted out and as quickly as possible] the female figure telepathed

[Of course ma'am, we already have and insider]

[Who is he, how convinced are you, he won't let us down?]

[Err..he's a gladiator and a very close one to their family and coven head] he looked sincere and quite convincing

[Fine just don't disappoint me, this time around] she looked at him with so much expectation

[Of course]

[Good then, that would be all, you can go] she dismissed him and they both used seperate ways to return back to the cave.


"You know Mortica I didn't quite get what you kept on saying about having a plan to make our situation easier for us" Cassius asked his wife one evening.

She ignored him and kept pacing, impatiently waiting on the results from the mission she masterminded.

"Mortica, he called again but got no reply, MORTICA!" he called furiously with deep red eyes and his fangs peeking out

"WHAT!, she replied visibly angry at him, would you stop bothering me already"

"You know am sick and tired of your attitude towards me, he paused and took a deep breath, you said the other day you had a plan, can you let me in on it?" He pleaded a little softly

"What so you could do what, screw up?"

"Mortica.... You know you're pissing me off" he said giving her a daring look

The more Mortica kept going with this her attitude, the more he has kept questioning her loyalty, he had been suspecting her, last night he didn't see her on her sleeping spot but he let that slide, now she's slowly cutting the tiny thread of patience he held onto.

"What?...what are you gonna do huh? Put me in the pit, cause I know that's the least...."

She turned her head sharply looking at the direction where the voice came from,

[Ma'am is done, we've breached their universe]

[Awesome, gather everyone in the council room]

Mortica's joy knew no bound, that was the message she had been waiting all night to hear,

Smiling mischievously she looked at her husband," you know I've never hated you, I only disliked the fact that you've got no balls to do what you are meant to, you instead punish and slaughter your own people for it"

"And what the hell do you want me to do huh?, I try as much as possible to manage our predicament, but instead of getting your assistance as my wife you only critisize my judgement..., sagging his shoulder he sat on the floor as his skin turned white, which....which is so unfair"

With no ounce of compassion Mortica stared at him with irritation," was part of your judgement throwing our son inside the pit?" She asked with raised eyebrows

"That wasn't my fault, he stole and it was only fair of me to punish him rightly"

"You know, you need to wear the dress while I wear the crown, he wasn't caught by anyone, but your stupid sense of justice didn't let you see that"

"Mortica that's in the past, just let me in on the plan already"

"Well you'll know, not now but when it has succeeded, don't need anyone ruining it for me'

"I demand to know am the leader here, am the cave head" he commanded with resentment in his eyes

Mortica became suddenly stunned, looking at Cassius she did not know when she began laughing, she laughed so hard as tears rolled down her eyes," and no one is doubting that, you look so pathetic right now, I would like to continue this useless conversation, but I have matters to attend to, I'll leave you alone to continue with your thoughts" she said and rose to leave him with a little smile playing on her face,

"Mortica, he called out, Mortica get back here, what are you planning on doing?"

She paused "you just have to wait and watch, and don't worry I won't take all the credit"

"Mortica, I'll have you thrown in the pit"

She ignored him and continued heading to the council room.


There was a piercing chorus of dissent as Mortica moved with swaying steps into the palace. She stopped and faced the crowd her heart racing as they members hummed and spoke together in rumbling tones, there was slight glimmer of vacancy in their eyes, resentment and grinding depression in their eyes. She knew a park was either Les by an alpha or a Luna and that she was neither, so this was going to be solo difficult, she has to win the pack over by all means. Taking a deep breath, she spoke,

"I know you all are wondering why you are here, I'll explain that to you, but first am sure everyone wants to i right?"

There was a mummur of approval from everyone, seeing the little progress she continued,,

"Good very good, she nooded, what am about to say might sound a little delusional to you, but it is our only chance for survival. Everyone seemed to be itching to hear what she had to say, for decades now after all our futile trials at last Jupiter has been breached, loud gasp escaped everyone as what she said seemed to be impossible...yes you heard me right, we can now enter and leave their universe as we wish it's mystical gate has been removed, and I hear they have enough food and animals for everyone of them as well as we, you see no harm would come upon us if we take some of theirs right?"

A riple of whispers rose in the air and her pathetic posture seemed to faunt the crowd, suddenly just as the whispers rose it died out. People now stared at her in cheerless silence as the head of the warriors rose up, his look dismal, he steeped out of the crowd and gave her a very piercing gaze" you...are crazy, you...are delusional, you want to begin a war with the vampires? You sure know what happened centuries ago how we were almost wiped out from the surface of the earth and you want to begin another war?" He looked at her with contempt

"Am not beginning another war, am just saying we take some of their animals.....and we'll...some of them"

"Are you crazy! and does Cassius know?....."

"If you would let me finish, she cut him off, we have already set the plan in motion, as their witch Angelica, is already dead and that is why their gate is gone and to answer your question, no, Cassius doesn't know about this"

A loud sigh escaped his lips, "why doesn't our alpha know about this? he asked giving her a weird look, she opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off, Everyone knows that there is no pack without an alpha, and a Luna, and that you are neither. so what is the need for calling on this pointless meeting?" He asked with scorn in his voice.

There was a murmur and cheer of approval from the crowd, Mortica knew this was going to happen, she knew that as a werewolf clan they only listen to their cave head, which was Cassius and only an alpha can lead a pack, but she was just a beta, with yellow eyes, an innocent beta who has never killed a werewolf despite her numerous training she received from Cassius, taking a huge gulp she spoke up.

"We...well...we need food, stuttering she continued, our livestock farm is left with only twelve animals and this is just two months and three weeks into the drought, we can't keep feeding on our kind in the fighting pit when we have another option."

There was a light murmur of agreement, so increasing her bravado she continued, "we are survivors I know, but we still have six months and some weeks to go, the vampires have rich and fruitful lands, I hear they have weather's like rain, snow and the rest, it won't harm if we feed from little of theirs" she concluded ignoring the look the warrior kept giving her, cheers rose as those that were ready for war began pounding the floor.

"Hey! What are you all cheering on for? the hall quietened a little, being led to the slaughter? We can't go to fight a coven which had our brethren slaughtered centuries ago, we know the vampires are the strongest immortals to exist, we can go to fight things that fly, are super strong and for fucks sake hear us coming days before our arrival, what? he looked at Mortica, am only saying the truth and our clan head isn't aware of this, we are being led by a beta an innocent beta to go fight vampires, hell ma'am there is no way am going with you, infact you are not going anywhere" he concluded

Angered by the disrespect she received, she looked at her son seated fixed with sadness in his eyes, she can't loose this, this moron doesn't know she only trying to help out and here he is blabbing on and on about Cassius, she has never received any respect from the werewolves even with her position as the clan heads wife not even from her children, but now she's had enough.

"You fools, she blurted out shamelessly, am only trying to help you out and here you are disrespecting me? That's it we are going to war and that is final!"

"What a lot of bullshit, the warrior chuckled, you know what am going to inform Cassius about this nonsense."

At the mention of his name her ear pricked and stood, hauling forward she rammed into him and sent him crashing hard on the brick wall, she caught him in mid air and drew out her full claw and slashed his throat, he coughed and spat out blood, then opening her mouth wide she bit his neck and tore out his flesh.

Everyone watched with their eyes wide open as Mortica threw the remains of the strongest warrior in their front, standing up her eyes glowed as it's color turned deep blue and her claws became two times it's original length.

Wiping her mouth with the back of her palm she spoke" Sooo....we are going on a war agreed? No one replied or dare make a sound, okay silence I'll take that as a yes, anyone else has anything to say?" No one made a sound or spoke, releasing a dark menacing smile she spoke we leave at sunrise tomorrow, hopefully we would arrive there before sundown you are all dismissed." She turned and began to leave, but still everyone was still glued to their seat, she paused, and just so you know it's a full moon tomorrow, so be ready" she continued as she exited the hall.....