The friends' plan was created and started to go into practice the same minute, because as Educar said: time is money and patience. The moment that the friends saw that it would be the best to take the first step, was on Tuesday, 1 month after returning to school.

In the middle of the history class, the students listened carefully to what the teacher had to say about the first assignment of the semester.

- As it is the first assignment of the year, I won't need much from you, it will be simple, the only difference is that it will be in pairs and more than that, don't come with a pair of three, because the answer will be no," said the teacher, turning around after her speech and going towards the blackboard to write down the themes that would be worked on.

When she finished writing down the themes, she continued her speech:

- one detail, I'm not going to choose your pairs, because I don't want to choose a pair, but only in the next class, because no one would still be king of time to think about who would be chosen, but only in the next class announces it.

- And now, my friend, you're my hope, you're the one who's good at these things, everyone knows I'm terrible in the world, especially in this story," complained Alice towards Marina.

- Cal, maybe the teacher will bot with someone from our group - and you, Marina and all her friends agreed with her.

Caio, who was finishing packing his things, heard Marina's speech, and this gave him an idea. I hope this happens, you took his arm and this happened so that Marina would stay away from the movement that is going to run through the door.

- It could be more delicate, couldn't it? - said Marina trying to recover from the fright, realizing soon that they were in the school garden afterwards, and as Caio wanted. Alone.

- Sorry, but it had to be fast, Alice and Isabele couldn't have seen them," Caio said, but then continued:

- But anyway, did you hear what the teacher said?! This could be our chance, let's tell the guys and find a way to get them to do it together, that would be great. he exclaimed excitedly.

- Hold on there pretty boy, it's not as easy as you think, did you forget that it's the teacher who will choose the pairs?

- Let's talk to them, but be careful that they don't suspect each other more than they already do, maybe they can get an idea, Fernando is smart, there's no one else who wants them together like that. - finished Caio.

for the service of the patio building your break.

When Fernando finished lunch, he noticed several notifications from the new group with his classmates, which they affectionately named Operation Gays United, is, perhaps that day, creativity was not present.

Group: OPERATION GAYS UNITED - 08 notifications:

Caio - did you guys see it in history class?

Caio - I even said to Marina, I think this business of doubles could be a good step to get together as two.

Marina - but I told her that this is going to be complicated, it's up to the teacher to choose. Ana Laís - I don't know, it could be risky - but I'm trying to think of something.

Eduarda - You know how the history teacher is, I'm even afraid.

Lucas - aaa guys, I like the idea.

Lucas - We have to give them this opportunity, there is not much room for them alone, and with the work they will be forced to do, that's for sure!

Júlia - Accept it, come on people, think about how we can make this work.

Fernando: What happened?

Fernando: Well, maybe we can try to talk to the teacher and see if she can help us.

Fernando: The class they fight the most is history, because Alice is making jokes about Isabele, saying that she wants to show off when she answers the teacher's questions.

Ana Laís - Look, I think this could work out well.

Caio - right, so let's get together tomorrow and try to talk to her.

Júlia - We'd better split up, only three people are going so that they don't get suspicious.

Fernando: That's right, then, and since Caio was the one who came up with the idea, he, Marina, and I can go talk to her.

Caio - that's fine with me Marina - ok then

When it's time to leave the other day, Caio, Marina and Fernando are already at the entrance of the parking lot reserved to the institution's teachers and employees.

As soon as they saw the history teacher they ran towards her.

- Teacher, we need to talk to you," said Fernando.

- Now, boys? Can't it wait for Thursday's class? - said the teacher.

- No ma'am, we had to talk before class because it's work," said Marina.

- Assignment? I told you I won't let you do it in three classes," complained the teacher.

- Isn't that right, with our friends from class, looking together and giving a hint about a pair, which I think would be perfect," exclaimed Caio.

- I know you can't stand the fights between Isabele and Alice, and, believe me, we can't stand them anymore, so, for this year to be different, we're organizing ourselves to try to bring them closer together, because there's never been a reason they don't like each other, they never have a conversation for more than five minutes that isn't an exchange of barbs," said Marina.

- And with this work, they would be obliged to work together, and this could be great, please teacher, help us," pleaded Fernando.

The teacher looked at their faces for some kind of joke or something, when she saw that they were serious and a little desperate, she answered:

- I don't know very well when I don't like you, I really don't like you very much, taking your time until class, for Thursday to know my verdict - they looked hard at the case in front of their car.

The friends remained silent watching the teacher leave their sight, when she got into her car, Caio said:

- I wonder if it worked out? - put

- I don't know, now we just have to wait for tomorrow - said Fernando.

They soon left and headed towards the school exit, where probably their caretakers were in charge.

Thursday arrived and with it, the explanation of the friends to know what the teacher decided.

- What is it with you all looking like the police are going to show up any minute to take you to jail? - if Isabele seeing the identification on her friends' faces.

- You're crazy, I just don't want to be with someone who doesn't care about his studies - answered Ana Laís, given the first excuse that crossed her mind. Isabele was suspicious of her friend's argument but said nothing, just turned around to wait for the teacher.

In the back of the room the other part of the group was located, but Alice couldn't notice her for long, as the other part was counting on who would be the duo.

- Good students, I'll start telling the names of your pairs, I don't want to waste too much class time. - said the teacher, soon continuing her speech:

- Remembering that the order of the themes of each pair will be the themes of each pair that I will be saying, will not have names of pairs, the name that I say will be yours, will be your partner and without changes and order of you will have 1 week to deliver since it will only be a review of two lines referring to the subject. Okay, final warning given, let's get started - having said this, the room became tense, especially a certain group of people.

- Eduarda and Lucas, Caio and Júlia, Ana Laís and Fernando, Marina and Eduarda ... - the teacher started to call out the names of the pairs.

- Did she think it was just a joke and not take it seriously? - raised Fernando worried.