As the week progressed, things began to take a better turn that I never expected. I could not decide, no one expected that I could want in my peace with one person.

Ok. Bonfire was greatly exaggerated, but you get the idea.

Our relationship was getting better and better, and if it was pleasing to me, imagine our friends, who didn't take the smile off their faces, and of course, didn't miss the chance to tease us when there was some interaction, especially after what happened yesterday when the teacher was returning the papers we handed in on Tuesday.


- Attention, before handing in the assignments, I would like to say that I was very pleased with the reviews, especially those of some pairs. I'm not looking for the names to come, meanwhile, I want no noise. - said the history teacher as she gathered the papers on her desk.

I was nervous, I didn't want to do badly in this subject, let's just say I'm not a big history fan, you can tell me to do a 50 question math test and I swear I won't complain, but don't tell me to talk about the military dictatorship, I'll just embarrass myself.

While I'm staring at a look in thought, I hear my name being called to Isabele's, I anxiously throw out my double, and soon it's reciprocated with a finish that has a reassuring effect on me.

When we reach the teacher's desk, she looks in our direction and smiles:

- congratulations girls, I really liked your work and I'm very glad I didn't make a mistake in putting you two to work just right. I was a little bit disappointed that you can't show our work for longer, to my ultimate surprise - and then come to tell our work period, which at the end of my surprise of the top grades.

I don't think I have ever been so cheerful and happy at the same time, and that finished me off. I simply turned to Isabele with a smile on my face and gave her a hug.

She was in shock when I did this, I could tell because she didn't immediately respond, but after a few seconds I felt her arms around my waist.

I don't understand what the heart can use, but neither can time explain, a feeling of great power, that can serve at the same time, as well as that the heart can be used in the same way. And this all in a few seconds, but it was as if we were in slow motion, especially when I got out of his arms and saw that smile and yours shining together.


An embarrassment set in after that, we walked away from the teacher to finish the delivery of the papers, and on the way to our respective seats, I spoke:

- Thank you, if it wasn't for you and for helping me to understand the subject, I would already start the year very screwed up in fast history - I speak lassoing a look.

As soon as she gets to her seat, she turns around with a smile on her face and says:

- Alice very smart, stop with a good one and maybe the teacher is right, we have that and spoke looking directly at my chemical eyes, but you can see the redness in her words the redness in her words.

- A-Ah, yeah... maybe she really is right," I say, looking away from her gaze and internally dying for having stuttered in my speech.

I quickly turn to go back to my chair, but the first thing I see are the smiles on our friends' faces directed at both of us.

As I sit down, I turn toward them and speak:

- Joker loses is ugly for the psychopathic face you are making - I speak and look a little startled. I am only returned by laughter and a few provocative glances.

Nobody deserves it.


Something else there is with these people, they are very strange, they are not suspicious at all that they have a finger my approach to Isabele, the way they are without knowledge of what, but while they will leave it behind because if it really should make them, I am very grateful.

Now one thing I can't let go of is a situation I've been observing this week.

Marina and Caio.

Sometimes, two people knew the two of them talking in the greatest intimacy, they were not that friendly, or something else right if you judge by the idiot face that Marina looks at him, when he looks at her.

And I already know, then I will comment with Fernando, let's get this story straight, because nothing could be more fair. She is so fresh with me and Isabele, it's time for me to start fighting back.

When I decide to turn my attention back to class, which no longer had class in class, which has already started class at school and interspersed, one week is class last week theoretical and the other is practical.

I quickly grab my uniform and head towards the locker room to change and not to get fucked.

I am a very forgetful girl in some cases, and this is one of the things that irritates my mother the most. Already complaining to the physical education teacher in class meetings about always forgetting my uniform for the previous practice, she said my uniform that would only go from this year on would be every day in the backpack in the front compartment to take it out of there when I used it and needed to wash it, but would soon put it in the same place when I was cleaner.

It was a hint as it just got rid of the first one possible to make the year great.


I was together with Eduarda and Lucas talking about what maybe we were going to play in class today, when I see Alice together with Marina and coming towards us.

And gee, how can she look so good in a P.E. uniform?

I think I spent so much time admiring her that I only came back to reality when I heard Eduarda's voice whispering:

- I think you'd better stop drooling over Alice, because she'll soon be so sick of you dry humping her - she said, letting out a laugh right away.

I quickly turn my face in either direction in an attempt to pretend that I had nothing.

But it turned out that this is no use, if by look pelatou of shame on his face and his shyness about me.

When the trio to the evil, the teacher spoke up, as the present our attention came warning about the class.

The was simple, we were going to split into pairs and diet volleyball game with another team, but points would still be awarded in each game.

As soon as he warns how the class would be, everyone is already separated, but everyone is already in doubles.

Except her.

I only feel a push towards Alice. without process I end up almost tripping, but soon I am helped by her.

- Everything okay over there? - she asks, holding my arm after having prevented a fall.

- Yes, thank you for helping," I say, a little embarrassed by this mico. Or the second, if you count the look on my face that I had taken in his direction a few minutes before.

- Since I saved you, you can repay me by being my partner again, if you like," she says with a smile.

- Of course! Because I think we've already gotten the hang of working together," I laugh, being followed by he

The class went on quietly until it was our turn. We were going to play against Tomás and Clarisse, and this scared me a little.

- Is something bothering you? - asked Alice.

- More or less, Tomás is violent in the games he plays and I'm not very good at sports, so I'm afraid he might end up hurting me or me. - I say with a worried look on my face.

She just gives me a warm look and says:

- It'll work out, it's just a simple one, he won't hurt us, he's not crazy, but if that happens I'll call Lucas and Caio to beat him up - she speaks in an angry tone, but soon letting out a laugh.

We positioned ourselves behind the net and the match.

The game was going smoothly, but it was strange when I saw Tomas' face get rooted for Alice scoring another ready one, making our pair 4 points ahead of his.

At one point in the game, I saw him throwing the ball ready to rebound, but with a greater force than he was putting in before.

Everything that was quick wasn't easy enough, but it wasn't as specific as my face wasn't easy enough, but it wasn't as specific as my face.

I heard Alice soon drop my name, and soon after her vision a little distorted as I watched my face distorted She was all the time but not a response.

After a few minutes, I was already coming back to earth, and soon saw the professor coming towards me.

- My God, Isabele, your nose is bleeding! Alice, take her to the infirmary to check that there's no fracture, it was a very strong blow," he said, but soon withdrew and headed in the same direction as Tomás.

- Come on, Isabele, hold on and let me go - Alice helped me and then accompanied me to the school infirmary, but all the time looking at my face with a non-visible vision.

I won't let you go, Alice - I thought and finished discreetly.