Aaron gets to Disney land!

Now both Aaron and Eugine were going to Disney land in the same timeline. Now that Kims were going to Disney land, Hwan and Yuri decided to take their daughter Aera to Disneyland too. In the kingdom of Light Liyen was jumping due to happiness!

Liyen: I am so happy! They are going to meet for the first time!

Miyeon: *Smiling* They would be close to each other. We can hope for something good to happen.

Liyen: Queen see! Little Aaron is going with his mother and father!

Aaron was super excited. He was finally going to Disney land with mom dad and his friend Aera was coming too.

Aaron: Mommy come come we late!

Mrs. Kim: Yes baby I am here Appa is here.

Aaron: Why is helmony not coming with us! *He said in his baby voice*

Ajjuma: Helmony is old my child. You go and enjoy I have some works to do.

Aaron: Aaronie would get helmony a giwft. *He gave a baby hug to his helmony*

Mrs. Kim: Ajjuma we really wanted you and Jay to come with us.