Finally, it was night time and both Eujine and Minjun were in their room. Minjun played a game called Call of Duty with two of his friends, Dylan and Nick, on his laptop. Eujine was reading a book.
Minjun: Aish what the heck! They keep killing us again and again! *Eujin looked at him*
Eujine: What happened? You look really frustrated!
Minjun: Aish you know noona they keep beating us repeatedly in the game! *Eujin stood up and came to his bed*
Eujine: Who?
Minjun: You see this? This account is called Arn. They keep beating us again and again!
Eujine: Need any help?
Minjun: We sure do! But how do we get help? *confused*
Eujine: Wait since I need to divert my mind I'll play with you three!
Minjun: What! You? But it's a challenging game you know. It's a battle royale!
Eujine: Why you don't want to play with me? *She turned around*
Dylan: Minjun shut up! Yes yes, noona we want to play! *He spoke out from the game*
Eujine: Okay wait then.