
Mark was confused.

He doesn't know what was the origin of the gemstone. But somehow it was quite familiar though he can't recall what it is.

He picked it up and used the system appraiser to see what was the status of the gem.

[luna's tear]




Description: a gemstone that illuminate with pure moonlight, but it was infested with fleeting darkness. Please upgrade your authority to unfold the rest of the mystery.

By it's name, it must be a precious stone yet he didn't know were did it came from.

So put it aside for now since it wasn't that Important to him and put it at his subspace for safe keeping.

He made sure to put all the other materials in his subspace or inventory to prevent it from getting stolen.

Mark leave the carriage to the inn's nearby stable including the arkal and he started to walk by the commercial streets where many shops was built. They're were also few people from different race including some human merchant, whom also had a shop here. Mark wondered if these people were unaffected by intensity of war and 'where did they come from? Aren't they supposed to be an enemy since they were a human, how come elves and this humans are chatting in harmony' mark's bewildered thought.

The truth will be known soon but it wasn't also the important thing this time. Mark goes to various shops and for 2 hours he bought enough necessary materials for making a foton and a new mats.

He was on a clothing shop to buy himself a new clothe that comfortable to wear, though they were kid's size. When he suddenly heard a commotion outside just next to the shop.

The next of the clothing shop was the weapon shop. He suddenly remembered that sherry was still on the exact shop the commotion started, he used his life track magic skill once again and track were sherry was, he found out that she was next door were a small commotion started. He rushed to the place and found sheera being cornered at the shop with a tall kid, like a teenager.

Who was slightly has a look of an arrogant person, and two elven kid just the same age as the elf on the middle with real sheathed swords in there waist.

Mark step in as soon as he saw sheera confronting the three teens. He rushed in the middle to stopped it.

"Hey! Stop this immediately! "

Mark misunderstood the situation like they were bullying sheera which were not.

The elven kids which seems about a few years older than the two. And a bit taller than him, spoke in a prideful manner even though he was baffled by sheera rejection.

It's obvious that he wanted his precious hammer back which sherry was holding in arms.

And he was also tasked to invited her in his master's smithy by his order.

"Why would i? I, Raen Alleius, son of marquess Alleius and the my grandson was vice principal of blueleaf academy? I won't stop if that little lady won't hand over my hammer"

"b-but I found it first! It's not like there's a name in it" sherry refute holding a small hammer made of God's iron and magus chrome with it's center was a crystalline core of lava like dragon crystal.

Mark find it pretty peculiar yet familiar, but he couldn't recall since that item was acquired by him long time ago.

The guys next to Raen seems to be one of his lackeys, maybe just his bodyguards or servants.

They were quite dangerous since they were equipped with sheathed shortsword and a ornament looking common blacksmith hammer, probably raen doings. Mark was quite wary about them but it doesn't seems the case. Mark didn't pull out his training spear since they didn't unsheath there weapon and because it's forbidden to use weapon on the capital city, Alrune.

The commotion seems drawn some people's attention but there were a few of people who where watching the scene but most of them was just wanted to see Raen, a 5th class bladesman of blueleaf academy and his very hobby was craftmanship. The fact that his extremely devoted into it.

But he never neglect his sword training. Some of the watcher where just passerby.

'So he was the second son of marquess belden alleius, a noble of silvermoon empire bordering near bloodleaf empire if I'm not wrong.

His name was raenulfus, in short raen. They said raenulfus was a ancient elven word that derive as artisan' s strength, how weird was his parent's naming sense was. I've also heard the second son of that family has a quite a problematic and cold characteristics.

He just like being prideful yet arrogant, specially if it's about his craftsmanship. But his definitely a good person... A good gangster maybe' Mark thought in his mind.

His mother which seems to be a mysterious lady is the one that name him such name. Raen was an craftsman and a swordsman, he was cold and arrogant but he definitely hid his past that influence him, and he had a promise and responsibility to fulfill on his own and he workhard to meet it, the world harsh but he need to face it to reach his goal.

Mark then spoke confronting the Raen,

"what does young master alleius taking the hammer that sherry picked herself? Shouldn't you abide the saying ladies come first?"

"little brat how dare you speak like that to me, are you blind? can't you see that's my hammer? Look at the hammer crest of my family"

"sherry can I see it?"

"ok" sheera hand over the hammer on her hand and pass it to Mark.

Mark examined it, he look it ups and downs but there were no markings of a crest in it which made raen seems like a liar in this stage.

"there's no crest here though?"

"what?! It can't be... Those bratty siblings of mine must have done something on it"

The a chatter on the crowd suddenly blow.

"Is young master Raen lying so that he could obtain the hammer the little girl took?"

"it can't be, the young master raen wasn't like that"

"I agree but why did he lie?"

"poor little girl, getting targetted by sir raen's."

"he must be hitting on that girl and just make a mischief to gain her attention?"

Girno or one of raen lackey was quite infuriated that there master is getting ridiculed as a liar and they half- unsheath the short sword with no intention to fully unsheath it while shouted at the crowded in a threatening voice.

"if you defame my master any more longer! Or I'll execute you! Now scram!!"

The crowded was dispersing away while some mocks them.

"I knew it, even his guards are crazy"

"such a hot-headed lad who wasn't even graduated in a school yet is spewing death threats.. What a mad lad"

"let's just leave, there's nothing good in staying here"

After that the crowd completely dispersed. Raen was a little furious about his subordinates action so he punch him while saying.

"you bastard, did I tell you to speak up for me, my reputation is already about to fall down, now your fanning the flame again, it might possibly fall rock bottom because of you idiot."

Mark decided to end this quick so it doesn't escalate to a fight.

"sherry give it up, there's nothing special about it anyway" Mark spoke while holding her shoulder.

"b-but it's a-" sherry replied but he was interrupted by raen which seems his hearing is sharper than before.

"didn't your boyfriend said give it up? quick I still have things to do!"

"w-who's boyfriend who?!" sherry blushed at his statement, but she suddenly changed her mood when she asked Mark "Mark, are you sure?" said sherry who was crestfallen for the loss.

Mark nod and gave her a smile.

"don't worry sherry, I'll give you a better one in the future, we can't do anything about it if it's already own by someone"

Sherry blushed and replied "o-ok" he gave the hammer to raen and raen gratefully said.

"thanks, now I shall leave for I have to tend my own business" and he look at his guards 'don't get me in trouble next time' raen and his entourage walk out and was speaking with the weapon shop owner.

Mark and sherry was also conversing.

"sherry don't be sad, didn't I say I'll get you one sooner?"

"yeah... Nevermind I can just craft using even a normal hammer or even crude if its from you" he flirtily yet happily said.

"w-why would I give you a crappy hammer? Don't worry I'll give you a fine one, I mean it"

Sherry nodded while Mark was patting the cute half elf, like they were on there own world.

While on the other side. Raen spoke to the shopkeeper with sweat falling in his cheek being glared by Raen scary eyes.

"well well hinci, when did you get this fine looking hammer, looks what a fine color, isn't it BEAUTIFUL?"

He smiled coldly while the two on Raen back was looking away while drench in Sweat in fear.

"I-i-I'm sorry young master if I've wrong you!! That hammer was given to me to an unknown seller that using a robe, she speaks in a small girl like voice, she was as tall as those two there and she said that he will not sell it to me and only display it on the corner waiting for a buyer of it. I-i didn't know it was young master Raen hammer."

He was kneeling with his head against the floor, while he was getting drenched by his own sweat in fear and felt like Raen eyes was like a needli stabbing his body.

"tch, Looks like that brat is messing with me again.. Since I've retrieved it would you mind if I'll take it Mr s.h.o.p.k.e.e.per?" he spoke in a cold yet domineering tone, he was like a gangster threatening someone to extort money.

"y-yes!!" he hurriedly replied without a second thought.

"let's go, let's not waste time here" he finally decides to leave.

"yes, sir" replied the two salutely.

"ohh Mr. Hinci my last advice is do not trust someone who's you don't know and let them sell you some equipment since there was a high quality one, you might get killed because someone just stabbed your back, so watch your back!" said Raen while he was waving his back hand while approaching the door with the two.

"yes young master I'll keep that in mind" said the shopkeeper hinci helplessly. The shop keeper's face was in fear that he was shaken it's as if the demon king just threaten to eat him.

Raen pass by the the two kids which seems engulfed in there own world while laughing silently about the strangeness of his race and the world he was born to.