Chapter 41 Blueleaf Grand Library

It's not easy for a student of blue leaf academy, specially the freshmen who just got successfully enrolled in the academy to familiarize the confusing corridors and hallway of the building. Some who have been in there for the first time tends to lost there way in there, but luckily there is a lot of students and this academy and they could probably ask out for a direction to where they wanted to go.

Mark was disappointed, he wanted to ask ardis to guide him but i guess it's too much to ask. Now he has to go familiarize himself to the place alone since ardis is busy doing his thing, he thought of visiting edelina first but he also doesn't know where the women's dormitory is. But the library is definitely a good choice to go, after reflecting himself to the life and death battle she had with that girl on the garden, he know that he needed to improve his skills in combat than magic itself, depending on magic is not a good train of thought.

This academy is somewhat different from halter academy although halter was a bit small than this academy it still has more students than this academy. Speaking of halter city, maybe i should prioritize my goals to go home. He thought.

He then left his dormitory room leaving ardis who were focus on reading a book, looking at him, an eyeglasses would probably look good on him.

Mark then started his journey to familiarize the routes and many room types in this school. As he walk left to right, looking up for the sign of what room it was and asking fellow student for directions.

Mark finally found his way to the library, the library was vast, he was amaze by how grand and plenty the books contained in it, plenty might not be the word but enormous towering bookshelves, he felt he won't be able to read all this book even if he spent his lifetime to devote himself to it. The most amazing sight to see where the floating bookshelf around the library being continuously afloat.

He was mesmerize by the view of the book, it was truly a wonder to behold.

It was a baffling sight, he doesn't even know where to begin his information gathering.

"Greetings, by any chance you are u new here?" the librarian has made it's appearance while carrying some books.

'right, i should be asking the librarian here about books to learn new skills to hone myself specially some spear arts' he thought.

"Yes, i am marcheon everleaf, a freshmen in this school starting today, by any chance do you know where the librarian here?" He asked replying to his previous question.

"I'm Elrune Lydril, the bookkeeper in this blueleaf grand library, so yes what can i help you, student?" Elrune spoke, elrune was tall and has a graceful vibe, he has a blonde golden hair with a gentle and calm demeanor, he was also an elder who are tasked to maintain the library with him around, the grand library becomes a vibrant place.

'Shouldn't mostly bookworms and nerds wear eyeglasses, he is just too charismatic, he just ruined my perception on them' mark thought.

Many students here mostly read books, yet since elrune is also was famously handsome, a bookworm who only appears in the library and rarely comes out if it was an important matter to attend to. Many girls who comes here are just people who wanted to see him, with his calm demeanor he wasn't bothered by the eyes of others in him, but if there is someone who ask him for his guidance to where the specific books can be read. He knows well about every book in this vast place, with his keen memory he remembers most of the books in this library.

"Sir elrune, do you know where i could read some martial arts books?"

"Martial arts? You mean weapon technique, most of the 1st to 4th grade weapon technique can be found at the 3rd floor, section 60th, now then i hope you find what your looking for student marcheon, i shall take my leave, but you must remember please exercise silence as to not enterrupt everyone in here" after the abrupt wave, elrune left in the opposite direction probably rearranging the books on the other sections.

"Yes, i guess he left"

'section 60th,3rd floor? Hhmm, i wonder where would i find the stairs, the more i observe this place, the more confusing it get, the first floor is like a maze made of bookshelf, seeing how small is the very ceiling of this place I don't even know how many floors does the library had' he rubbed his chin trying to think on how to ascend the floor.

While he was still near at the entrance standing a while, someone sneakily approached him, he didn't notice that someone has enter the place.

"March, so this is where you are all along, I've been searching for you!" Mark noticed it, he recognized that voice 'edelina?'. He wanted to look back but it was too late, edelina cling on his back with her arm wrap around his neck. Her expression also was inexplicable joy and affection.

"Edelina? How did you..but first let go of me!"

"Let just stay like this hehe" He tried to shrugged her off but the more he tried, the harder she cling, in the end mark gave up. He could tolerate this playful act of her.

"Sigh, alright but firstly don't just shout like that, this is a library, let's not disturb the others here"


"Secondly, do you know her, I'm guessing you came with her" mark notice a girl chuckles besides them, she wore a rimmed eyeglasses and a hat he commonly see being wore by some npc wizards in (planar war Online).

After hearing marks words, she stopped clinging giving mark a sense of relief, his discomfort has vanished, he can now breath comfortably. Edelina goes to her and introduce her with an easygoing and carefree attitude.

"Ohh she's my dorm mate, alexia berdun, we also has aligned profession, to be a druid" she exclaimed.