
Getting to know you more

"Mew! You should live your life as other people. Im always here if you need anything, Son."

"Grandma, its not like I'm not used to the crowd now, but it's about me." Mew sadly stated.

"Don't worry. The ones who loves you, wants you in their lives, will accept you the way you are. Just like I did. But remember one thing. If someone is willing to accept you with everything you have, all goods and bads, then you should also accept them equally, even in more flexible manner. "

It just took him few seconds to register what his grandmother said. And now, he wasn't insecure anymore.

"Yes, I'll do as you said. Thank you Grandma. And I miss you, you know? I'll come and meet you in our school's summer vacations. It's been a loooonnnggg time na!" Mew said like a pouty child.

She chuckled at him. "I'm sure I'm the only one who sees this childish side of yours."

Mew laughed along with her and ended the call.

"Time for change. May be God has written some chapters of happiness in my life too, right?" He said to himself.


"Hello, Mew? Where are you? Ahh aah Okayyyy! Waiting! Come safe, live the rest on me." Gulf smiled and ended the call.

"Seriously, Gulf?" Bright asked raising his eyebrows on Gulf. "I wonder what this cold guy has, you literally made him your friend. And he's even allowed to hang out with us."

"He's not cold." Gulf defended.

"Then what? Hot?"

"Wanna die right here? No? Then shut up!"  Gulf warned him.

"Alright! There's your NEW BuDdy!" Bright teased as he spoke 'New Buddy' with a total different tone.

"Sorry if I made you wait. Actually I-"

"No! You didn't. Lets go!" Gulf cut him in between and grabbed his hand.

"What now?" Bright asked.

"Nothing! Lets enjoy." Gulf said annoyingly.

"Kk. I'm gonna have some fun. Look over there." Bright pointed to a group of girls standing between the crowd. Actually, the whole crowd was because of those girls and it seemed like one of them was surely intrested in Bright. "Look! She smiled. I'm going now!" Bright said and rushed over there.

"Whatever!" Gulf murmured and looked at Mew. He saw now they were alone. An idea popped into his mind as his lips curved into a smirk.

"Senior, are you enjoying?"

He asked to Mew who was just sitting normally like nothing's happening.

"Huh? Oh! Yes I'm." Mew replied.

"Wanna enjoy more? Let's have a drink together? I wanna drink with senior."

What? A drink? But I never drank before. Plus, what if I say something ridiculous or unwanted stuffs to him?

"You shouldn't drink. It's bad for health."

"Ah C'mon! Few drinks won't make you sick. Please na?" Gulf gave him his puppy eyes and Mew was now on the edge of saying yes. "Or senior never drank before huh?" Gulf tried to provoke him and to his surprise Mew really gave in.

"Fine! Just few drinks." Mew said. May be few drinks won't really make me drunk. It's alright!

Gulf gave him a shot and took another in his own hands. "Cheers!"

"C-cheers!" Mew stuttered and gulped down in one go.

"Aishhhhh! Tastes wierd. Ewww bad!"

He murmured to himself. He looked at Gulf who was filling another shot. He was looking all fine. "May be he's used to drink."

"How about another one, Senior? Here!" Gulf cheered his glass with Mew's before Mew could really protest.

After a few more, Mew was now enjoying it as he was....drunk.

"Hey! Gimme mowree!" Mew whined as Gulf snatched the bottle away from his hands.

"No more, look at you. You're already drunk enough." Gulf said worriedly.

"But it's really good." Mew tried to stand but ended up falling upon Gulf. A pink tint blush immediately appeared to Gulf's cheeks.

"You don't want senior to enjoy?" Mew pouted and Gulf was surprised to see his childish side.

"Ehh...Mew? We had enough fun today. Let's go home now. Here, let me help you!" Gulf gave his hand to Mew for support but Mew held it tightly and pinned it above his head.

He took a deep sigh as he stared into his eyes.  "I'm literally enjoying after years...why are you stopping me? I also want to enjoy." He sat back, head hung low. "I also want to play, go out. Why everyone stops me? Am I that bad? Do I not deserve to be like normal people?"

Gulf looked at him in confusion. He tried to process and register every thing Mew just said but ended up being clueless.

"Normal people? Play?" Gulf murmured to himself and saw Mew who was nodding.

"You wanna play?" Gulf asked and Mew nodded like an excited child.

"Let's go then" He stood up and extended his hand to Mew to which Mew accepted happily.

"I'll just call Bright that we're leaving first. Hold on!"


"What's your way to home Mew?" Gulf asked Mew as he drived his car across the alleys.

"I don't wanna go home. Let's go somewhere else." Mew said while his eyelids were heavy, slowly letting him drifting to sleep.

"Its late. We can't go anywhere else. What about my house then? You can leave tomorrow." Gulf suggested and Mew nodded.


"Be careful not to fall. Hold on me tightly." Gulf said to Mew who was wiggling behind him. He grabbed Gulf by his waist and pulled him in a hug while Gulf was still trying to unlock the door.

"Ah...you took it seriously when I said hold on me tightly! Hehe...Mew! Ahmm...you can let go now."

"Don't wanna." He snuggled more into his nap. "You smell like vanila. So sweet."

Mew whispered into his ears. A sparkling shock went down through Gulf's spine. It gave him such intense chills that he stood frozen at the spot for a minute.

Slowly Mew started snuggle more and pushed him inside the house, still hugging him.

He then looked at a totally red Gulf.


"Huh?" Gulf managed to utter words which came out like whispers.

"You are my first and only friend I ever had. You know?" Mew finally completed and Gulf looked at him in surprise.

"I know I'm not perfect. I'm not even stand near perfect, but be my friend forever okay?"

Gulf was stunned for a moment. He never imagined that Mew could have this childish and vulnerable side. Mew just showed him his cold and hard side but inside a hard shell there's always a soft and sweet fruit.

" I-I'm your....f-first friend? "

" Hmmm...."

"And an only friend?"

Mew nodded again.

He's really drunk. Cuz it's impossible. He's just blabbering things. But still.....sweet.

Gulf thought to himself.

"Go and sleep now. You need rest. Let me take you to the room. And if you want to take a bath, tell me okay?" Gulf lifted Mew's one arm and snaked it around his shoulder. He slowly pulled him to the room while Mew was still struggling to stay awake.

He carefully laid him down and pulled a blanket over his body. "Sleep well, senior." Gulf whispered to him.

Mew closed his eyes the moment his back hit the bed, so Gulf thought he fell asleep.

Gulf stared at his figure for few seconds. Admiring his features, his lashes, lined-lips. Something in him was continuously telling him to get more closer but he stopped all the feelings as Mew wasn't in right state of mind. He placed a sweet kiss on his forehead and turned to left, when suddenly Mew grabbed his hand, making him sit on the bed again, leaning over Mew. Slowly, he opened his eyes, falling back the heavy lashes.

"What you did just now?" He asked.

Gulf being flustered, just looked at him with flushed cheeks. "I-I...nothing n-"

"Do it again." Mew said with a straight face.

"Huh?" Gulf looked at him in surprise.

Before Gulf could process anything, Mew pulled himself up a little and leaned into Gulf, giving a sweet little peck on his lips.

"Goodnight!" Mew said as he again drifted himself into sleep, leaving a blush messed Gulf.

He was really shocked by what happened just now. First, he found out that he's into a new comer whom he met a day ago. Second, Mew's total different side and some questionable statements he said when drunk. Third, Mew kissed him. He did.

"Did he just...." Gulf mumbled to himself as he rubbed his own lips with his fingers, trying to realise the reality.

"Was this an accident or...he did it on purpose? But he's into girls, right? Or is he even intrested in any human being?"