Chapter 21


(File: Retrieved 07-31-2022)

"Vitamins?" Fr. Driarco blared begging the question accepting with reservation the envelope extended by Cathy, the Subdivision Election Coordinator of Mayor Torres.

The good priest knowing what's inside the envelope resolved joining the fun because he hasn't experienced yet receiving money from a politician until today although the practice has been there for many decades. Besides, such money just represents a small portion of the lion's share received from Big politicians up in national tickets as a pre-condition of delivering winning votes for them.

"Okay I know what is inside," glancing through the opening Philippine money protruding.

"This is by the way given and not asked alright?"

"Right Father," Cathy readily answered nodding approvingly knowing the implication of the deal forged.

"What if Mayor Torres learns that you reached here sharing his blessing?" the question existing in his mind but he divulged it anyhow putting chubby Coordinator in a defensive.

"No, this would not reach back to him unless you reveal this. I know you would honor extreme confidentiality of this arrangement," Cathy deliberately responded with caution wanting the good priest to get real reason behind her generosity of including him in the list. She knows that's where the error of any assuming candidates just delisting outright from their prospective voters and supporters not knowing that voters' perception depends on the color of the money given. For in this Coordinator's mind, the more she is getting more votes reaching out influential people like a priest to deliver winning votes for her client albeit perceived belonging to opposition, the better she values her work. Yes, it's a win-win solution for Cathy seeing Mayor Torres winning. And what if not. It doesn't make any difference. She also wins her favor on the opposition.

But Mayor Torres' coordinator had a valid reason for doing it.

"Why includes him?"

It's because candidates are very creative. They are first on her list of possible recipients of Vitamins because they are God's servants in His vineyard large mass of people congregate.

Giving away money to the electorate is never new in Philippine politics. For the opportunists, it is an occasion to show his worth let alone a day vindicating anew his generosity. For those in the government service, it is called "Sunshine Day" as employees lined up to receive their share given by politicians through an office Head. The problem is the bundles of money supposedly for distribution to employees were already divided the lion's share logically goes to the pocket of the Department head leaving the crumbs to lowly paid rank and file employees.

For some lowly esteemed people in the church, it means receiving a windfall or early Christmas bonus.

Why all this windfall? It's still worth taking the risk, an astute politician would say because they could recover back their expenses in the first six months or so holding office anyway.

"Wrong," a sharp observer would counteract. "Not that long but on the very first day of office they're elected."

"Why? Because of their warped belief that getting elected by the electorate accrue them all the rights and privileges in exploiting whatever juicy projects his municipality would have." Its standard operating procedure concerned corrupt officials don't worry as the deal is implied upon the approval of projects. How much? It used to be 10% to 20%. That's even short.

"Some Mayor even demands 40%," Bloggers Now You Know revealed. Wonder no more why we have a low standard of projects both vertical and horizontal projects like Farm-to-market roads and buildings.

"No wonder losing candidates who could not bear the stress of losing so much investment of the game gone nuts."

In layman's parlance, they are not entering politics but rather deliberately gearing themselves up for whatever monkey business there is available in Bureaucracy. Business, what else? Why so? Politics being synonymous with service has been corrupted to mean wanton destruction of the sanctity of ballots.

"Wow how creative and generous politicians are having during the night of election today," said the good priest more amused than bewildered having experienced for the first time the new meaning of 'Vitamins.'

Fr. Driarco beamed obviously smiling seeing crisp bills of money spread neatly later on his table given by a Coordinator. P500.00 is for Congressional candidate, P200.00 for Vice Mayor and City Council. The lowest P20.00 for a neophyte City Councilor Candidate. The total is P900.00.

"Wow. What a prohibitive engagement this is. No wonder why politicians would sell their business, real estate, apply for instant loan just to finance their candidacies," Fr. Driarco realized.

Now he understands why P50. Millions of pesos are spent to win in one municipality alone. And why politicians coming from religious background eat religious upbringing joining that high-priced political race.

The good priest laughs out loud learning how new candidates connect the fun eaten by the system outright. Since it was his first time receiving this election windfall, he thought laminating them for posterity would be the first order of the day. He was right. Who knows that single experience would bring him awakening understanding the elusive game politicians are fond of playing today to get elected by just looking at them as reference?

"That's not just historic but more so, symbolic."

"Just who knows how much this laminated politically charged money would fetch in the incoming generation."

"Why not and who knows? The candidates' name would still be respected and not exposed anyway."

"Just how effective this money politics is?", Driarco cleared. This is serious matter whose implication could make or unmake Philippine brand of politics.

"Look how block voting from Congressman down to City or town Councilors secures winning ticket. Wonder no more why local surveys are no longer relevant unless you sponsor such crucial experiment to bolster your winnability.

"That brings us similar reality of that exercise on the national scale."

Here the priest was cautious relating how block voting practiced by strict religious organizations imposed on their members happened transforming them robots during election day. This is where the likes of I Need your Cash church, Cultists-like Quiboloy's, the Lord of the Badjao's The Name Above Every Name and Eddie Villanueva's Nicodicodeines and Pastor Geodetic Engineer Mike Velarde Unusual religious group comes in. Payback time to ingratiates themselves for most likely wining candidates. The trend applies all the way down to small but independently surviving little religious Congregations. No choice but to dance with the music. Never mind ideology and religious independence.

"You can't eat the Bible. Tithing is not enough. Survival is the key. What's a little sacrifice you can bargain with your members in an election day," these Janus-faced Reverends would insist. Their Modus Operandi - just waiting for Survey Results who would most likely make it to national elective posts and there enjoys whatever windfall received.

With some exceptions, the bonanza mostly happens the night before an election. The Coordinator controls the budget and dished out in an envelope the following early morning. But for those who have been victim of corruption brings their bag man and gives directly to concerned voter to avoid misuse of the budget.

"Just mere showdown of generosity the night before election day is already enough!" the good priest synthesizes.

True enough his suspicion was validated learning later that mostly those in the envelope's name save for a Mayoralty candidate won in that election. The reason he would learn later the money given by the candidate to his Coordinator was squandered and corrupted. The pattern holds true in many places in the provinces.

"Why is this so?" the question so intrigued him.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

While it used to be birds and the bees voting during an election in the country since Pres. Elpedio Quirino's time, Philippine politics has already leveled up where the dead also voting. Here the more ambitious politicians grabbed the opportunity hitting the nerve of the issue – buying directly the votes of the living instead why not when these votes hold key in winning an election. Such became an unforgiving scheme resulting to the collapse of voting process corrupting the entire system. A local artist done with such abusive practice playing around gullible and needy voters produced a painting depicting Juan de la Cruz held hostage by unjust system represented by the Philippine flag draping him with that classic Creation story as backdrop.

"But why not just buy the votes of the living then when they hold the key to win an election?"

Fine polarizing those who don't have money to run in an election, COMELEC delisting anyway, and those who have big budget buying electorates. For the super rich, why not buy the Smartmatic replacing manual voting and transformed it into voting machine?"

Sad to tell but that has been how election process in the country ended. The trick is you just hire a go-to-guy and insert an SD Cards with complete figures spread in many hours. Viola, that simple your entire slate of candidates won. Right, but the hitch is as SD sponsored candidates only. This is scary because, it has transformed election into moneyed politics where those who have the cash can buy-out election results. As of the latest, Osigan voters were given P3,000.00 per voter for block voting Congressman down. As a result, all opposition candidates were wiped out. This latest election literally revealed how lethal money politics is. The young governor and his cohorts were literally benefitted selling the soul of Osigan, noted Leni |Robredo's country having won all 13 municipalities last 2016 Vice Presidential election to include BBM. That's huge but effective because all they have to do is to buy at least 50% of voting population to secure winning the election.

Depending on the area, windfall could reach as high as P5,000.00 per voter in urban areas like El Salvador, Misamis Oriental according to the bees in Grapevine. More and sky-high could be said to Muslim municipalities. It's P15,000. per voter in Jalosjos country according to Fr. Driarco's gym buddy Datoy. The priest's student working as Coordinator during election revealed that the amount could even reach P25,000.00 per family on special cases especially in far-flung barrio requiring them not to vote anymore especially when their candidates are sure of winning. From our Online study under Graduate Theology Program class at St. John Vianney Seminary, Cagayan de Oro City, a classmate shared that BBM bribes her brother running as Mayor for P50M. He backs off being a layman of the Church because his conscience could not take it. As he wished for it, he was defeated in that election.

. . . . . . . . . .

Business as usual followed despite hostility at Osigan. Like other municipalities, the atmosphere was festive; normal development every time election is fast approaching. Commerce was at its peak what with all makeshift shanties installed along the road, plaza, market and just everywhere displaying household needs from clothes to kitchen utensils, bread to fish, balloons to ice creams, live chickens to livestock animals. Farmers indeed have their day full displaying all they have to augment their meager income as subsistent workers. All intended to pay tuition fees of children other than tying both ends meet and to generate savings for the rainy season. This is the normal event nearing the election. The world simply stopped finally giving time for all eligible voters to highlands down and cast their votes. This is how election personified Osigan – a vibrant homecoming of a multitude coming over to elect leaders to run the affairs of municipalities and villages.

The gloom that was yesterday was merely a fleeting second of events as the fiesta mood eventually transformed the municipality into an animated industry relegating the erstwhile unceasing hostile environment on the sidelines. But many are still looking forward to better days. That is what appears to many people around seeing the promising future of the province. But not to Driarco and Taklin who are yet to find answers to many unsolved criminalities. The omen is there and imminent. That if their respective analysis of the situation is considered based on a series of incidents setting the trend of the once peaceful municipality morphing into an unpredictable area.

Depending on who is speaking, the election is such an ambivalent term defying almost its once classic definition of service Filipino practice in the Philippines. For a common tao, it's synonymous with a town fiesta wrapped in colorful garb bringing wholesome entertainment to the electorate oftentimes giving surprise dividends like exotic food, liquor, and cool cash. The amount ranges from measly P50.00 to P200.00 depending on the role you play. If you're the coordinator of a party, yours is relatively higher than say a watchman or a voter. It is alright a flagrant violation of the Election Omnibus Code. But who cares anyway? Neither the officials themselves nor the voting population. Forget the dumb candidates but not the voters who placed them into public office, a warning reminding the importance of votes. But who cares given how money flooding the electorates and other stakeholders buying their votes happening a day before the election?

But Mayor Torres' coordinator had a valid reason for doing it.

Why include him? It's because candidates are very creative that first on their list of possible recipients of Vitamins are God's servants in His vineyard because that where large mass of people congregate. Giving away money to the electorate is never new in Philippine politics. For the opportunists, it is an occasion to show his worth let alone a day vindicating anew his generosity. For those in the government service, it is called "Sunshine Day" as employees lined up to receive their share given by politicians through an office Head. The problem is the bundles of money supposedly for distribution to employees were already divided whose lion's share logically goes to the pocket of the Department head leaving the crumbs to lowly paid rank and file employees.

For some lowly esteemed people in the church, it means receiving a windfall or early Christmas bonus.

Why all this windfall? It's still worth taking the risk, an astute politician would say because they could recover back their expenses in the first six months or so holding office anyway.

"Wrong," a sharp observer would counteract. "Not that long but on the very first day of office they're elected."

"Why? Because of their warped belief that getting elected by the electorate accrue them all the rights and privileges in exploiting whatever juicy projects his municipality would have." Its standard operating procedure concerned corrupt officials don't worry as the deal is implied upon the approval of projects. How much? It used to be 10% to 20%. That's even short.

"Some Mayor even demands 40%," Bloggers Now You Know revealed. Wonder no more why we have a low standard of projects both vertical and horizontal projects like Farm-to-market roads and buildings.

"No wonder losing candidates who could not bear the stress of losing so much investment of the game gone nuts."

In layman's parlance, they are not entering politics but rather deliberately gearing themselves up for whatever monkey business there is available in Bureaucracy. Business, what else? Why so? Politics being synonymous with service has been corrupted to mean wanton destruction of the sanctity of ballots.

Driarco, Taklin, and the rest of the gang would be quick spelling tirades that local officials for instance of many municipalities in the hinterlands are the ones engaging in illegal cutting, mining, and all that destroying the ecology and wildlife just to finance their candidacy. The rest, from their political patronage, looked at them as their political surrogates in the area. To think that these people were merely ordinary mortals before the election and now are acting as masters of the universe is not only ridiculous but also, stupid. How could local executives not be corrupt when they already blessed their corruption with grease money even before they are not elected yet. Worst, it has been theorized that kidnapping is also resorted to by some politicians to finance the prohibitive cost of an election, this is what the two gentlemen also gathered from authorities.

Thus seen, the election is sometimes a good exercise of futility spending peoples' taxes away to waste, an ordeal to any beleaguered Filipino taxpayer. No wonder politicians are moving heaven and earth committing those atrocities just to get themselves into power. Like one's favorite peeve, once power is tasted, it was hard not coming back

Like a circus too, election time is fun-filled full of surprises and magic. Think not just about the birds and the bees casting their votes but also zombies; prospective wannabees hurling tirades against one another on such issues as graft and corruption, abuse of power, immoralities, and of dishing out false promises.

Like death and taxes, an election is also a great leveler. It practically transcends the power of education, wealth, and what you have. This is the lighter side of it.

The more popular, the better the chance of being elected. Such has been the case with many celebrities who experienced a sweet political metamorphosis. Rogelio de la Rosa of the olden days was one. Joseph Ejercito Estrada popularly called "Erap" followed suit. Fernando Poe Jr. would have been Malacañang's occupant were it not for GMA's "Hello Garci" political manipulation.

The list is progressing giving benefits of doubts to those working in the movie industry. One caricature puts it in fact why this practice of Juan joining politics throughout the movie.

"But of course, what else if not to enter politics later."

Not to be relegated to the sidelines are the local celebrities themselves, the counterpart of big celebrities right there in Manila. These were drop-outs either in high school or college who because of their rags-to-riches story are always the forces to reckon with during the election. Not that they could rival the offer of the opposing candidates but rather the electorate themselves can relate and identify their cause with them. These are the voters who have been fed up with so-called traditional or patronage politics. Lacking for instance political acumen and maturity, they could pull some surprises from under their sleeves comes election adding color to democracy. They tell us the lighter side of it. They act as clowns during verbal hassles in the municipal hall, and even in such august bodies as congress and Senate. Outside in many public forums, they provide the needed humor not commonly found among promising politicians whose speeches are delivered dry.

Asked for instance why a politician has the habit of writing his name on many basketball courts he donated. The funny politician would answer:

" What do you think of me, a fool or a cheap. To whose name would I be writing anyway – my opponent or the donor – when it's me who donated it!" he would readily answer sending many listeners laughing at the top of their lungs.

And asked why he has to affixed his name boldly even on the cover of many coffins he donated, the fellow would be quick to reply that why limit the possibility of returning the compliments of their generosity through their votes later- that if ever there would be one held up there in heaven.

Now that he finally won the election, the media asked what his plans are.

"Oh, I do have many plants you see. Rose, gumamela, fruits, trees and all that," he would readily retort. And queried further his being prompt in the assembly area the media still asking: Did you ride or did you walk to which the answer is 'Of course did you ride!' with feelings yet sending bedlam away among the general listening public during public rallies.

Trapping indeed these fortunate politicians proved very slippery and sometimes, admit it, difficult. One kind of such person was an undefeated politician who could afford talking two straight hours in corrupt and unorthodox English yet his paid listeners could only afford to take. Wanting to give benefits of the doubt to his opponents on his undefeated political career, he would take all serious and light criticisms thrown against him but manages in lodging back the issues neatly to the opponents. For instance, challenging their opponents' sanity, he would accept the fact that they have reached that far earning college decrees becoming professionals like lawyers, accountants, etc but he would berate them later as he exposed his extraordinaire exploits building his huge economic empire making him one of the richest citizen of the country employing many professionals running the operation of his various industry.

His conclusion naturally would then be:" Who is more intelligent now between or among us then?'

From there, he would start reciting litanies of disparities his opponent had against him. Like 'his house was merely my pigpen before' and many others getting laughter and nod from his prospective voters. It works. And it seldom boomeranged.

Politics from all angles could be considered devoid of meaning. But not when you go through a deep analysis of why it happened otherwise there's just no business for Filipinos holding an election. Why do other democratic countries maintain the sanctity of their ballots?

"It's how Juan does it. For what once perceived as a legitimate way of extending services has been transformed into a meaningless exercise of one's vote."

One such master politician was President Marcos himself. An alleged Bar Topnothcer in 1939 though in reality his BAR Exam incredible record was surpassed by Florence Regalado of Iloilo City albeit review done by himself while in prison because his name implicated in Nalundasan case. He was voted into office in 1965 defeating Diosdado Macapagal. He had shown what it takes to get into Malacañang and possibly how to die sticking himself in power. With PD 1081 stuck in his belt anyway, who could question his legitimacy, he proclaimed Martial Law and ruled the country with an iron fist. As a model politician, he shows generosity by parceling out his loot after the election to trusted lieutenants: Cojuangco, Cuenca, Dewey, Dee, Desini, Benedicto, and the rest of Alibaba's bunch of thieves whose lust for money was filled ad infinitum at the expense of millions of population starving. For him, loyalty is practically non-negotiable. You either vote for him, a euphemism for 'eyes always on the board' or 'shut off' meaning getting out of his way with a price – end of your political career. And if you offer resistance, a shut-in your head by his brown shirts on loose adding you to the already long list of persons disappeared. It's always a deal and nothing else. As a bonus, he does not only provide money but also firearms. This is what he did to selected warlords in the South exchanging their irrevocable loyalty. One anecdote has it that when he asks them his chance of getting elected anew in one confidential meeting, the aged die-hard warlord retorted that the election in his area of responsibility has already long been over.

"That fast!"

"Yap why not," he emphasized.

"And the winner. "

"Of course, Marcos won," he easily added.

Taken aback, the President asked: "You mean this early!" to which the acknowledged warlord responded:

"What do you think of us – liar and cheat!"

What Marcos did up there is also what then-Mayor Torres practiced in the field. But not now when the top guys including Mang Clineo, Driarco's father, and Nong Tonio were gone from the equation their replacements reviving their brand of politics. There's also Nimfa, wife of Mayor Torres waiting in the wings should there be a vacuum arising from the Mayor's office. Nursing Paras and Bernabe de la Rosa are two other options for the voters. Nong Clineo and Mang Tonio were out of the list because of their fate. Any of the two would have brought the glory days of once old Osigan Politics politics.

Election fever must have been high-pitched winning candidates to be decided by plurality votes among four hopefuls officially registered by COMELEC. Of the three mayoralty candidates, Mayor Torres seems to be popular and has been unperturbed against two rivals he knows could not mount fair and decent competition. Why so? Their resources are suspect. By his conservative estimate alone, he is willing to bet that he could even clobber Narsing Paras, an independent candidate, ten percent or 3,000 votes from roughly 30,000 registered voters. The unassuming Nanding Palma, the fourth candidate running as an independent candidate completed the circus. But who knows given that it's going to be a four-cornered fight?

"Even if they have their votes combined, it would still be far from those of the incumbent." This, his men are willing to bet too.

Bernabe's name comes into the scene as a last-minute replacement for Nong Tonio however what makes him apprehensive.

"What if the two others would join forces against him as strategy later," he thought would most likely consolidate their votes in Bernabe's favor being an opposition.

That would do him no good and inflict severe damage on the ballot. But should he win, it would be the sweetest victory ever to boost his third victory in a row as an Incumbent. Though assured of the victory on a silver platter, he doesn't intend to leave any stones unturned or his chances blown away destroying business and concomitant personal interest attached like the young Lita, his favorite mistress. He knows the psychology of his women. They are only after his funds as all women are crazy about. He likes best Lita because she's still in her thirties. He knows that sooner or later he would be consigned to just an Ex in favor of more moneyed and handsome younger boys out there. For the Mayor, it's the prize he has to pay and would most likely not give a damn given other girls in his life. It's payback time having been a Local Chief Executive enjoying those perks and beautiful ambitious girls out there.

"This is the moment of making it even'" he vowed. But his situation, being a Mayor and father of five grown-ups allowed him to enjoy life while still alive. He hopes that Senate would pass and approve the divorce bill sooner so he could have an option of living with the best woman of his choice.

"It's true that it most likely would not see daylight promulgated into law let alone implemented. So be it and I'll just see how long would I be able to hold myself playing this so-called crazy love," Mayor Torres told reading the mind of lawmakers who are philanderers and or immoral themselves.

Here Fr. Driarco made his mark revealing his liberality on the issue.

"We don't have divorce alright. But look how querida system we inherited from Spanish rule is practiced albeit in secret by many Filipinos," he remembered valid critique from well-meaning Catholics. Such a comment always puts him on the defensive. And the worst clincher – "Isn't that far worse than divorce?" is a question he could not entirely answer convincing the Pro-Divorce Christians.

That is undoubtedly the current development of the country – possible legislation of Divorce in both houses of Senate and Congress for Divorce as the third option. But good that an upright Father conducted his research given his partial treatment of the subject learning its reality on the ground to just waiting for whatever was in store of the proposed Bill.

His discovery to his amazement was resounding 'Big No!' In sum, precisely thrive because of very loose married life for both couples.

"Strengthen that marital bond and you would have a lasting relationship throughout."

"Tell that to the marines!" the opposition strongly defended in glee knowing that Fr. Driarco's position is far from reality.

"And the bottom line of them all – the children – as collateral damage!" he reminded them never mind not listening at all.

"This is very crucial because family is where everything starts," he contented.

"Losing! Giving away my higher political ambition! Never and over my dead body."

. . . . . . . . .

Thus far, all eyes focused on the fast-approaching local election. With Mang Tonio out from the equation, excitement about who could be it played in the minds of the electorate came out on election day. As usual, he reserves her biggest budget for the purpose lest he would be transformed into a plain citizen after the election jobless.

His two rivals have been very busy too holding public rallies in different barangays hopefully to get the desired number of votes from the grassroots. Nursing Paras rallied particularly the younger generation telling them his 101% support to sports and athletics if ever he would get elected. Of the three, Bernabe, Nong Tonio's replacement as a credible candidate has the possibility of pulling off what with the legacy of his father, warm and full support of civil societies and NGOs. That excluded a dramatic way of staging their rally delivering his platform of government.

"How would you not be insecure running scared given those factors most likely giving a run to his ambition as acting Chief Executive of the municipality. That if he would readily concede," an observer whispered to a Mayor loyalist nearby.

Bernabe is not a nuisance candidate. Another party invited him to join. He shook his head at this invitation learning that he would be uncomfortable with their platform of government. His' is the new voice and new politics riding on such issues as people empowerment, better and responsive government, and local employment. Being a neophyte politician, he would not mind losing. It's all part of the journey, his value as a leader is measured.

"God opens the window after closing the door," he rationalized.

"I could extend services to the people even as a private citizen. Why not? I've been there," he said.

If elected he promised to build indispensable infrastructure projects in the municipality especially all-weather roads in far-flung villages to help farmers market their produce in the cities where prices of agricultural products are attractive. Back to LGU and barangays too through the power of ballots is his interest.

Thus, the four cornered-fight loomed like Damocles' crucible hanging over the heads of the electorate.

The Commission on Election did its job as stipulated in Omnibus Code. A Gun ban was instituted, no movement of personnel, no hiring, and all that. Liquors away from sari-sari stores during the election.

The public forum was held at the public market giving each candidate time to ventilate their program of the government. It started with an extemporaneous speech each candidate then a rebuttal followed providing the general viewing public better option for whom to choose. Teachers would be deputized in canvassing the election returns later. Every three candidates were given the chance of delivering their platform of government. First was Mayor Torres, the incumbent; the opposition next.

He almost brought the house down brandishing his onion-skinned stance hitting below the belt and berating his opponents as lame ducks.

In his turn, Narsing Paras hurled his tirades spelling out the litanies of failures of the incumbent administration from the glaring graft and corruption supported with relevant documents like receipts, canvas papers, nepotism, abuse of authorities, and payroll padding.

"Bring them on in any court," naturally was the incumbent's response later in the rebuttal.

"But yes in God's time and proper forum," he answered.

And his bombshell – failure in protecting the environment of Sta. Rita through rampant illegal cutting and mining.

Validating his point, he was quick to reveal that local officials for instance the municipality are the ones engaging in illegal cutting themselves, destroying the ecology and wildlife in the area.

"What for?" he asked.

"What else – to finance their election bid to perpetuate themselves into power."

Well said there by the opposing candidate.

"To think that these people were merely ordinary mortals before the election and now are acting as if they're master of the universe is not only ridiculous but also, stupid. How could local executives not be corrupt when they already blessed their corruption with grease money even before they are not elected yet?" his inquiry.

"As proof look at how much they are worth today from their SALN? These documents speak for themselves."

What used to be a forum for a healthy free market of ideas virtually transformed into an exercise of verbal calisthenics. A war of nerves was on.

Mr. Rene Herculano, the moderator on the other hand was quick to call for order every time there was a conflict of interest or debates digressing from the agreed format.

"Excuse me but let us not forget to order here. This while we have not professionalized politics in this country. Whatever you mean."

"It is unfortunate though that death from stabbing to cold-blooded murder becomes an extension of the election. It could be an amazing experience in fact when no one is killed. Reported incidents of similar cases are felt throughout the country. It's all there printed on the front pages of all national dailies. COMELEC's record high of casualties thus far are stunning," he said.

"There's no need going that far unless there would be a reversal of fortune this time," Mayor Torres indicated his thoughts seemingly confused.

It's not entirely bad he thought offering many bodies sacrifice on the altar of politics for success. Why not, especially if it is theirs', he insinuated.

"It's the reality sometimes you have to accept."

"Unless you are prepared to vacate your post to any successor with all amenities accruing to it you have to learn the reality and should live by it," he confided.

"Fine. But isn't it that's political suicide?" the thought at the back of his mind.

Naturally enough as his family dynasty in the making has been gripping its power for almost three decades now.

"It's hard giving it away given your attachment to it," his thoughts on the issue from his family's context.

"It was decisive and would either spell out your success or failure." The fast-approaching local election is his political barometer. If he succeeds then it's high time to shift gear like running maybe in Congress for his district next.

"What's the beef here," the thought came to his mind.

"If others did it why can't I," he challenge not privy to his party mates and constituents.

"But what if lose, that might could be it," he felt.

. . . . . . . . .

The incumbent and Nanding Paras gave their pieces eloquently sending curious onlookers and spectators sometimes in frenzy. Bernabe's turn came. Clearing his throat, he called for sobriety and honest to goodness election. Some reservations were holding him off from raising sensitive issues but he felt the time is now to tell it all so that the people could decide who are the people they would put in office. And his initial bombshell – the immorality the incumbent has been living.

"Indeed let no man put asunder and that we don't have any divorce in the country but look right into our homes, right on our backyards, concubine exists through querida system, the legacy we got from the Spaniards still thriving, a disgrace to this Catholic country and a blight constantly destroying the moral fiber of the nation," Bernabe, Mang Tonio's young replacement cleared remembering an anecdote from a Jesuit priest sharing tough question giving talk abroad.

"I don't have the money the way the incumbent has. But I have unconditional willingness and industry serving you with all my heart and mind. That tradition of service by the way stretches back to the early de la Rosa that have served you for many decades. Unfortunately, though, death snuffed out that early his life challenging me to take the fight where he left off. I don't intend to treat you here with rhetoric as whether we like it or not regardless of how far words would bring us up there one thing is sure. We would still go back to the earth and deal with the same problems and issues. We should be ready to answer any of this. And I don't have any monopoly of answers as I'm not a magician with all aces tucked under my shelves to wave wonders. Here your turn comes in handy providing necessary lift helping one another for common good."

He calls for more sobriety from the audience and is advised to select and go for the best qualified to deliver the service among the wannabes later. Raising further his voice he said:

"All of you attending this forum should decide at least after closing this healthy debate. You may join us or may not depending on where you stand. The choice is yours!" he emphasized.

"It is now a movement slowly but surely gaining momentum sweeping the entire nation. Thankfully, it's finally hitting the mark consolidating the mass base and making its presence felt among different areas of the country as people from different walks of life- students, farmers, retirees, government workers, NGOs, church, professionals, artists, and all concerned tax-paying citizens - are joining the crusade for effective and transparent government," he added.

"Isn't it that service is the classic term for politics?"

"We should move on and fight continue serving or the implacable rumbling of sounds and fury that have been polluting our environment would all that we would be hearing all over again everywhere ad infinitum. Let's install back the order and restore decency to where it rightfully belongs. Where else if not to our original true home where our heart is, there's our happiness also, barangays in our beloved municipality. It's payback time for that basic unit of the institution. When else we would be returning the compliment anyway having lived, breathed, and moved there and have our being if not now when the surge is strong needed to overhaul that wrong perception of its people expectantly turning around, making the system works for its good."

"You might not know it. But the nostalgia and consciousness pervading the atmosphere are just like rediscovering a new home. It is. We've been all there only more as mere residents and transient without ever openly participating in its affairs. We merely extended lip service concocting desirable interventions in papers only through mere support without ever participating in it. See what we reaped? The whirlwind of confusion instead of clear-cut direction, division instead of unity, and worst, squandering of resources instead of harnessing them into a vibrant economy. And need to say more of the patronage system and less empowered citizenry in politics, that which we all seek to weed out to establish a better and transparent government."

"The litany of enmity is long as far as our inaptitude would allow.

With your votes, however, we could make possible things happen. That incompetence should already be thing of the past. It's just the nature of man to cling to which that is good and do what is best for himself and the community. Right? As the relevant didactic maxim further puts it: All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. And true enough "it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness!"

"Would you then dare to share making a difference? By all means, join. Take the challenge. Your time and effort will go long way. Vote for Bernabe de la Rosa" Brief rest before he continued.

"If you can't manage, never mind. That for as long as you come out from your shell and start ironing out issues in your respective barangay. No need to go macro. Just be there in your area as a concerned taxpaying citizen. You can make things happen by simply practicing the advocacy for which your barangay stands for. How to do it?

Here are some relevant questions for your checklist. Do you know how much IRA your municipality or barangay has? What are its resources that once explored and exploited would add revenue for your barangay? What about the arts and talents encompassing your area. Do you attend the barangay assembly? Most importantly, do you help formulate Barangay Dev't? Plan before its integration to Municipal Dev't. Plan. There are many issues.

It's there for you to take it as a concerned taxpaying citizen."

"Most importantly with the election of municipal and barangay officials fast approaching this May, it is behooved upon all stakeholders now to form the battle lines to secure the right of suffrage among the constituents. After the poll automation, it's time to continue holding clean elections hopefully to clothe elected officials with a clean and fresh mandate. As such we can rest secure as we laid down the basic foundation of the entire government with the power solidly resting on its sovereign voter down in the barangay, the basic unit and truly home of us all," he concluded.

Well delivered.

"Many thanks," Bernabe thanked the moderator amid thunderous applause from the audience.

. . . . . . . . . .

If you cannot lick them, then join them., this has been explainable in Philippine politics. But that is easier said than done.

"For unless you have the money the better not attempt running at all or just be man enough licking your wounds, in the end, joining the Heartaches Loser's Club wailing and sour-graping that you were not defeated but cheated. "

"If you are not in the league of an Oligarch and can't manage to engage in this very prohibitive industry, the better just be on the sidelines and enjoy the great entertainment unfolding," the Moderator cleared further but not after reminding that this topic is beside the point.

Digressing from the issue for the common good especially the electorate, the moderator tapped the services of those who volunteered in the past election hopefully to secure the sanctity of the ballots in their respective barangays.

"Who would protect us from irregularities if not, in the end, we people comprising the great majority of stakeholders in this political exercise," he emphasized giving a break for some blueprint for development in an election.

"Fr. Driarco's past election experience has provided him nuggets of wisdom. He is right with us in the forum. May we be taught by him how and what to contribute comes election day," he said as the priest went upstage.

"This is my second experience volunteering for PPCRV as a citizen's watchman over this very important political exercise in the country."

"First, I don't think there is as much excitement serving people than doing it in faraway sitios and barangays, home of gullible voters easily swayed by money by favored politicians."

"Far-flung areas are more prone to irregularities, especially villages," he added.

"There I went as a poll watcher."

Part also of the challenge is the experience he had under NAMFREL back then where one sitio registered more than ten irregularities from vote-buying to ballot box snatching. The only regret he had was, that such election misdeeds did not earn corresponding action and

response from the commissioning authority despite the submission of required documents as evidence. He recalled submitting these documented irregularities to the NAMFREL Head official but got no response regarding the action required in addressing the issue.

"Unfortunately, nothing came out from such effort. Said report probably fell on deaf ears consigning such irregularities to the dustbin of history."

Enthusiasm dampened by this experience, he deliberately inhibited himself away volunteering similar work in the ensuing election. But as the relevant adage goes:' Evil thrives because few good men do nothing!' he swallowed his pride and volunteered again that year as a poll watcher for PPCRV. It was indeed unlucky that even the local COMELEC was quick to a draw declaring winner of the just electoral contest despite official notice of irregularities.

"Explainable as they too were held hostage by the LGU holding office in the municipal hall."

"It is therefore hoped that all our efforts in PPCRV elsewhere would not be thrown in the trash bin as in the past and concomitantly given corresponding attention and action to maintain sanity among electorates securing their active participation next election."

"It is then behooved upon these officials to take notice and

address all irregularities to determine the extent of dishonesty and provide solution curbing them preserving the sanctity of the ballots every election," he stressed.

Looking back, the experience was not easy. What's more today given the historic use of poll automation corruption could be widespread what with the facility of computers where the result could be altered using an alternate memory card reconfiguring figures favoring your bet sent to the Center canvassing the votes.

"Who knows for instance the miracle each memory card had after reconfigured and returned to various precincts foreign viruses forcibly installed in them. Corruption bigtime. This is it!"

"What about those exorbitant and prohibitive costs of election folder cover and cellophane stickers that cost very negligible in National bookstore. Oh, there were too many miracles already identified and yet COMELEC is merely giving lip service to these complaints. Why engaged in Witch-hunting forcing some Governors out of office in favor of their wards through a political patronage system instead? Some were even begging the issue. What further exacerbated the issue was the deafening silence of submissive pious people surprisingly not sounding off any fury and defiance over injustice committed on their innocent elective public officials?"

"Let us just anyway hope against all hopes that all would be peaceful and normal before, during, and after the election. Given that many youths comprised this year's voting population is already a positive indication that the next exercise would be better and that we could no longer afford to commit any irregularities unless we disregard their collective strength as organized watchdogs and emerging voting power base."

"The cry of barangay was already over. It was no mean feat. But it's good that congressional mischief in its three attempts over a decade for possible postponement of Barangay elections didn't see daylight. Thanks now that all system goes to for inclusion in the forthcoming election. The province alone has more than 1,000 and 201 of these come from Esperanza and osigan thousand plus voting population are the largest."

"Sea of humanity trooping to different barangays to cast their votes, what a spectacle to behold. That alone calls for celebration, an apt description as we choose leaders to be elected as service expanders and providers in our respective municipalities and barangays."

"Observers from Non-government organizations, churches, and civic groups earnestly hoped that this important exercise of sovereignty would come up with worthy leaders from among the educated whose character is beyond reproach and moral integrity and persuasion could stand the test of time at least while they are in office worthy of the votes cast on their favor giving best service over petty politics to the constituents. But unless these concerns are articulated in the public plaza, nothing would happen."

"Let therefore the voters reflect on who among the wannabes deserves our votes," he encouraged.

"If possible, give a premium to those who have been serving the community without counting the cost. Vote outright to those who pledged not to get their salary when elected. But check if they declare this wholeheartedly not as rhetoric and antics trapping and capturing your votes. We need this new breed of politicians, not those who are moving heaven and earth to get elected for pork and its equivalent IRA in barangay. It's short of sacrifice and they are the kind of people we need most - unselfish and service-oriented. Truly, this kind of leader who would serve above their interest is rare but we need them to dramatize that LGUs and Barangays are not job givers and that any prospects and opportunists running for public office for personal use and satisfaction should be delisted right away," Fr. Driarco further dished out making COMELEC officials happy. Never mind that the words delivered were sensitive. At least they were uplifting taking such issues for and on their behalf.

"Look for the professionals and those oozing with talents, not the political surrogates who are only there to promote the whims and caprices of their mentors to perpetuate patronage politics and establish political dynasties. Section 38, of the Omnibus Election Code, is very categorical on this stating: "The barangay election shall be non-partisan. No person who filed a certificate of candidacy shall represent or allow himself to be represented as a candidate of any political party, political group, political committee, civic, religious, professional. . . "he further ventilated.

"But incredibly, even some Chief Executives are making a mockery of this provision going all the way campaigning his surrogates at will."

"Shun away the drop-outs. How could we professionalize our primal base and improve it if we allow them and those in the D and E brackets to call the shots instead over the professionals of the A-B-C brackets."

"Let them finish and complete first their studies if they want to leave an imprint on the constituents."

"How could they best serve the community and not succumb to corruption when they're in office if they are not well equipped and would rely only upon IRA and other benefits for survival," he articulated without any sign of fear and favor.

"I repeat our municipality and Barangays are not job givers, you should know. It's both a company and an economy alright with all those resources - land, labor, and capital available -. But these are reserved only for those who have talents and initiatives exploiting these resources for good."

"What good having all these resources if we don't have the minds, and hands to make them productive in the first place? Most importantly beware of casting your votes to those who dish out money, noodles-sardines-rice, and other in-kinds with your votes in their mind."

"Be true. Your vote is not worth their salt, right? Your gullibility is simply taken for a ride by these opportunists making you an accomplice of corruption. Your stand on their passing windfall is the gauge. Why take them if you know that you're worth more than the goodies and freebies offered by them. Otherwise, exercise freely your sacred right in determining who's the man who could deliver the best shots for you. Or you don't have any business for their recall as inept leaders later as provided by law through Constituent Assembly."

And my invocation for God for all voters especially the new ones.

"For all eligible especially the first-time voters, pray before casting your votes that you are doing it honestly, voluntarily, and freely as your covenant and pledge of commitment before God and nation voting the right persons for the job. That way you help build the true essence of democracy and contribute to building a strong Republic giving legitimacy to those who will govern and thus help eradicate corruption right from its base, cutting the vicious cycle of fraud and deception by selecting the incompetent ones."

"Service is the classic definition of politics already defined by an earlier speaker. Precisely we have an election to transform this into an institution as "sovereignty resides in the people and that all government authority emanates from them." Decide then to look through your prospects' track records and see if he has what it takes to serve. All this is undoubtedly done for the future, the younger generations coming. Reforming now the system, getting out the resurgence of patronage politics ensuring qualified and competent officials weeding out corruption is the best legacy we could offer to them. The best of luck then to all of us," the good priest ended confident that direction and guidance were given to electorates.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

In his turn, Palma hurled his tirades spelling out the litanies of failures of the incumbent administration from the glaring graft and corruption supported with relevant documents like receipts, and canvas papers, to nepotism, abuse of authorities, and payroll padding. What used to be a form of healthy ideas turned out as an exercise of verbal calisthenics? A war of nerves sometimes could be an appropriate term. It is unfortunate though that death from stabbing to cold-blooded murder becomes an extension of an election. It could be an amazing experience in fact when no one got killed during the election. Reported incidents of similar cases are felt throughout the country. It's there printed on the front pages of all national dailies. COMELEC's record of casualties thus far is stunning.

There's no need to go that far unless Mang Tonio would be resurrecting from the grave. It's not entirely bad, candidate Palma thought offering one body as a sacrifice for the municipality.

"But let his blood be an additional offering to our forsaken land according to the whims and caprices of its officials not by the people who in the first place voted them into office."

"It's the reality sometimes we have to accept. Sad though he was gone too soon." Mr. Palma empathized.

The message incidentally didn't augur good news to the incumbent sensing partiality giving more leverage to Bernabe. This raised all the more the high blood of the incumbent apprehensive that the oppositions are in a conspiracy against him.

He has been gripping the power for two-term and this could be his last before leveling up in Congress. It's hard giving it away having been used to it. This election would be very decisive and would either spell out his success or failure. If he does succeed then it's high time to shift to higher gear like running as Congressman for his district. If others did it why can't he? Such has been his challenge; his ambitious career moves in life. He couldn't afford to lose this opportunity or it would be a kiss of death to his political career. No wonder that this early he has already deputized his well-oiled machinery providing needed logistics to penetrate the remotest barangay and possibly any unknown sitios.

Another NGO speaker this time was even hitting right the nerve of ambitious Filipinos running in an election. He said:

"I don't intend to scare off the wannabes to run for next election. But if you intend to run, better start now otherwise you'd be left behind blowing away your chances of making it without you knowing it. That for as long as you have the money. By money, I mean not just barely enough to make it. If need be hiring a good mathematician to give you an exact figure, one that would catapult your dreams to an elected post. By that, it means securing overhead that's more or less than the budget you'll spend on the principal. Ignore this reality and you would soon utter to your heart's delight: If I know pa lamang, I will never gayod later!

"Sounds like a mantra for a successful election," the COMELEC guy laughed out loud appreciating the joke.

"Actually yes. I'm speaking this piece after gathering relevant data in the field and analyzing why an incumbent slate who so far has been there making it to elected local posts via landslide victory finally folded leaving only one Municipal Kagawad winning by his lonesome self despite well-oiled machinery. There might be other variables like their being not residents in the area and all that. But it seems that short of not delivering the goods to the voters, especially in the homestretch sealed the fate of the failures of the seven incumbents. It was like a very strong wind blowing their chances away without ever knowing why," he added.

"With money too, you need not be affiliated with any popular political party.

Your budget is already enough to make the difference especially when yours is much higher than what they are giving.

The best thing they can do is to dish out higher money buying out in other words what you gave. In that case, you should make your stake higher above than theirs so that the momentum would go back to you again or you would soon wake up badly beaten."

. . . . . . . . . .

Such was the case of the four independents who mostly make it to the final winning magic eight of Municipal Kagawad.

"Not what we're talking here is merely Sangguniang Bayans and you know how much at least they budgeted for their victory? More than half a million pesos at P50.00 per voter for at least 6,000 voters adding their budget on food, gasoline, and drinks. Where did they get the money? That's crucial for the uninitiated. Where else if not from the proceeds of selling properties and loans securing their candidacy bankrolled till the end."

"It is just unfortunate that incumbent strategist didn't do their homework otherwise they would have remained in power. The better they stop throwing tirades fomenting further division. The better they go back to the drawing board and start renewing their interest if they still intend to regain their lofty position and get back the power. Simply lick the wounds in other words and no need to cry over spilled milk. Politics anyway is a higher brand of entertainment. Pakapalan lang yan ng mukha. That if you have face to reckon with. What if the problem instead is your face! That needs complete reconfiguration as in the PCOS machine earlier subjected. As they said in English: it's very hard to face the problem if the problem is your face."

Reflecting how the immense power of gold among the guns and goons has transformed the lives of political wannabes for good, it's no wonder that many unknown, unfit and unschooled make it to the corridor of powers and down the lines in local offices where the almighty incumbent Municipal Mayor made their entry possible in the world of politics. Some stayed there until they lost their stellar political career. Think for instance the elder Ampatuan who defeated Candao then in the ARMM election. The elder Ampatuan was only graded four compared to Candao who is a statesman and yet look, how he made him mere smithereens in the world of politics in Maguindanao. Many others carved the niche of their political career by sheer guts and with the help of vast and great resources.

These are the likes of the elder Democrito Plaza in Agusan del Sur and the Roa's of Misamis Oriental who all first secure the power of their financial base before they engage in full-throttle political dominance in their respective districts.

A similar observation could be said in other provinces.

Ergo, it's all money in the world of politics. It's not only the oil that keeps you burning and running your political machinery but most importantly that vital cog keeping your dreams alive and afloat without or better swallowing your political ambition. You might not even make it. But the fact that you shared your resources with the voting public, especially the poor win or loss is already a modest effort of reaching them out to your dreams in Sociology's Leveling Theory. And that you may be blessed.

. . . . . . . . .

True enough all trusted lieutenants armed with grease money and guns carrying a master list of voters went house-to-house conducting information drives here and there. Selling the good news of their favored candidates is the first order of the day. Soon they also employed dirty tactics sabotaging the rally of opponents. They would provide drinks and appetizers to bystanders and kibitzers and other curious on-lookers disrupting later the gathering. Sometimes they would block the road with huge logs, rocks, and anything their hands could lean on discouraging the people attending the occasion other than instilling fear of fake ambush which doesn't happen anyway. Some kibitzers out of the heck of it have the nasty habits of wiping the makeshift bridge suspenders normally small bamboo posts hanging horizontally, with human feces. Who could indeed detect that they are human waste in the evening when electricity is not available? Dung for these unsavory dirty tactics. The public viewers sometimes could not help themselves but seethe with anger. To whom? No one knows except the opposing parties. The rest would just laugh it off away and never allow themselves to be duped by attending similar political rallies, again.

. . . . . . . . . . .

True enough Philippine politics is not only marked by violence but also touches of humor, intriguing many analysts on such development. Indeed, it is hardly imagined that any sensible Filipino could still laugh given the casualties during the election. In many other parts of the country like Bohol and Muslim Mindanao killing during the election is just such an ordinary phenomenon. How could it be avoided for instance when a gun ban sometimes is only instituted in papers. Many Muslims do surrender their firearms but not all, especially those high-powered ones. A gun for them is an extension of their intestines, their status symbol, and protection of bloodbath carried over from the past. They would rather not eat than not have any guns at all. Thus, you would see even grown-ups tucking long barrel firearms in many areas, especially those

they controlled with or without. So how could be killing avoided? It is even a miracle any election passed without any bloodshed. Politics Filipino style just defies miracle. For instance, how could an opponent get zero votes in all areas, especially his bailiwicks? Whatever happened to his trusted lieutenants and paid watchers? Did they stage a boycott or have their votes sold to another party? Did their nerve break up in the last second? Questions like that are indeed miracles but do happen in any election. Why then that no single vote cast in his favor? Whatever happened to his friends, paid voters, relatives, his wife, and children.

"They might have changed their choice alright shifting their votes but my God, not definitely mine," he griped.

Even COMELEC utilizing computers later tallying votes manipulation still finds its way. Out of disgust, those manning the software staged an en masse boycott stalling the counting of election returns, and its video footage was shown on national television.

Changing and snatching ballot boxes featuring armed goons and rebels whatever have also their day. And who would resist? Not the lowly paid teachers and or people deputized by COMELEC unless willing to pay the price for their resistance.

. . . . . . . . . .

The incumbent was right. He won handily the election over three other rivals. It was not a hard-earned victory in the polls. The people just felt that he is still the necessary evil available in town and that there was no semblance of tough opposition from three opponents. He was elated about this. At least, the people are giving him their license to run the government piling new huge investments for his next target – Congress. Not bad if he could make it. If he was able to make it to the top post of Sta. Rita thrice in a row continuing the legacy where he left off. Why not indeed, he boasted. What if somebody with all resources comes along challenging for a good fight.

"Done, just well done the last election," he said relegating the issue.

He doesn't know why this developed out of nowhere. But who knows possible re-emergence of Mang Tonio's ghost among his people in the higher post?

"No way," the newly–elected Mayor said.

The just-concluded election falls in May when the fiesta is celebrated. That makes the newly re-elected Mayor doubly busy and excited. For one, he would only be preparing just one celebration for two occasions after winning the top post and as a Father of the municipality, he now hosts countless visitors and well-wishers joining the party.

The inauguration of a new set of local officers ensued as usual. The newly elected mayor and the rest of the councilors renewed their commitment to service. Mayor Torres, in his speech, promised to give his salary to deserving students who would finish their studies either in high school or in college. This scholarship program started since his election into office might have been the plus factor that won him the mayoralty post anew. So far nobody doubted this plan. The electorate especially those related to his scholars cannot afford not to support him. Unknown to many, the subtle mayor has bigger plans behind his altruism. He still intends to continue exploiting the remaining forest reserve in the mountain and control the bidding of infra projects he received lion shares from the winning contractors

"Everything boils down to standard operating procedure," which the new Mayor knows best as he is not privy to his brand of politics.

"What now?" that's the question that remained to be seen as his term progresses. He told defending the secret he has been keeping secret ever since no one bugging it off.

"While you're in the prime of your life and career, enjoy!" he reminded himself elated over the new mandate given by the people never mind if by plurality votes," he snapped.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

No choice actually for the moment. The benefits were all given. How could he not be receptive and magnanimous of this? What's wrong with all these standard operating procedures. They're all part of the deal.

"I never demanded it, so what all the fuzz over it when he has been enjoying the fruits of all these deals – handsome incentives from the purchase of heavy equipment from dump trucks, bulldozers, prime movers virtually making the family eligible contractors."

This excludes vast, thick, and prime agricultural landholdings they have accumulated over the years on top of more than thousands of castles in their pasture land. They're right had they share the benefits of this windfall with the people. But no and never. Delicadeza should have been observed. Engaging in business as a family smacks the right of opportunism, and subtle manipulation using LGU as a front for engaging in such illegal activities.

For an ordinary layman, such a picture provides the glaring anatomy of graft and corruption. No Juan de la Cruz, unless he is a Saint, could resist that. The Mayor recalled that temptation is never considered a sin unless one gives to it. Unfortunately, it's the easiest way to fall into the trap of committing that sin. Evil begets evil, Mayor Torres knows that but saying 'sorry' could wait until later. With many mouths to feed, armed bodyguards to maintain, girls to be with living in immoralities, who could afford not to fall into the trap of temptation. He did and was smitten by the excitement generated by it.

. . . . . . . . . .

Mayor Torres' party did not however dominate the just concluded election. Danny, Fr. Driarco's younger brother was one among those who made it to the magic eight taking the topmost spot among the eighteen candidates for councilor. It was not his choice to run for politics. But that of the Liberal Party whose national agenda includes the termination of military bases agreement, higher wages for both public and private workers especially the teachers who have been deprived of better salary pay. Being a son of a well-loved former mayor naturally was a plus factor whose name recall easily caught the electorate during the election.

He understands the power play employed by Mayor Torres but it is still too early to come out in the open. Time will only tell. He also knows how to uproot graft and corruption. He learned this after analyzing the complex process involved in carrying out big projects. It's the only solution available but he's sure that it will work weeding out the blight and corruption in the bureaucracy. Maybe not entirely but might be a breakthrough. The solution simply calls for the control of resources eliminating the bidding and canvassing committee depriving third party's participation in the entire process. Unfortunately, it's easier said than done.

"You could be altering a little bit structure of bureaucracy installing a Department exclusively tasked in the acquisition of materials and or equipment and thus saving what is there left for the government," he would challenge his detractors.

"Look at that. It didn't happen in Russia and China and other communist countries. Who are you fooling whom?" he recalled his friends questioning the merit of the proposal nipping right in the bud of the issue.

"It even slips away with the presence of an auditor supposedly conducting regular audit checking and cross-checking all transactions how much more when you employ just two persons."

"You bet, it is more dangerous than the present system we are adopting?" Danny acknowledged. But that's the way to do it.

"Yes, because there's no deliberate attempt to safeguard the government's money, all stakeholders are party out of making

personal profit is given by the occasion. Yap buddy, you are right whatever system we would adopt, the success factor is very slim. But that's the only way to do it," he answered.

"Give me time to validate my theory now that I'm in government service," the thought came back to him.

"Who knows I'm might be vindicated here. No one can tell," he cleared.

It is a rough road ahead for Danny from the looks of it. By force of circumstances, he has on his side, fortunately, the tradition of honest and clean government practiced by his father. And by all means, he is bound to take the cudgel for and on behalf of the rest of the local officials who have a similar vision but are only apprehensive to be counted. What he probably needs is ample time, more time for exposure, more time for maturation, and more time to summon enough courage to give flesh, blood, and bones to his plan of action.

It's been of common knowledge that Sta. Rita was his father's baby before Mang Tonio got elected continuing the long tradition of honest government. That it has probably grown as a progressive center of trade, commerce, and industry that part of the province until a needle took him out from that promising limelight. It was his father who spearheaded the morality of civil disobedience when the power of the ballots was silenced by the muzzle of the gun. He agrees very well to the maxim that sooner or later those who get the position out of the bayonets could never stay long sitting on the tip or they would have their anus cut into half. Others look upon his father as a romantic revolutionary, a title his father doesn't mind. For he was an epitome of public servant imbued with humility, simplicity, and strong political will. He practically revolutionized the government in Osigan by donating his salary for charitable purposes like scholarships, ironically continued by Torres' family. He defied protocol personally cleaning the streets, halls, public markets, and other services. He wears only t-shirts on many occasions. He doesn't smoke, drink, and what have you to dramatize his crusade for better government in his municipality.

The fight again is on, his alter ego was saying on his first assumption of duty in the municipality. Danny managed only to smile. Now together with Driarco, they could unleash a two-pronged attack fiscalizing the Sangguniang Bayan session hall. Engaging in guerilla warfare in ensuing sessions with Driarco, Taklin and all people supporting them would already make his day.

"But why all Filipinos are crazy about politics?" he thought trying to muster what it is in the Filipino psyche that Juan de la Cruz is so crazy about. And Driarco so far has only one answer, an answer probably shared also by millions of other voters.

"Pork or money. It's all the same, two flipsides of a coin." Crazier even that even in Parents' Teachers' Association, Juan is there lobbying for a possible post. Again, why so because of money wrapped up in the word 'service' subsequently willing to serve. But you can't just find fault in Juan because big Juan de la Cruzes up there in Congress and Senate have been setting the precedents too. Nothing mysterious here, he thought. Despite this stunning reality, he is yet to see whatever prompted this virus affecting many ambitious people today joining politics.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Red meat, ham, animal protein, beef, chicken, mutton, and lamb – it's all synonymous with pork any carnivorous man can't live without. In the world of Philippine politics, it's called Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) enjoyed by 23 Senators and 270 Congressmen.

In sum, it accounts for a P23.7 Billion yearly budget of the latest culled straight from taxpayers' money and returned allegedly to them through various development projects. Sounds great but not when you know that the music is grating to any concerned taxpayer's ear. It's indeed sad that the people themselves are shortchanged and left on the receiving end what with more than half of the budget railroaded somewhere passing through third parties with greasy hands before reaching the constituents supposed to be direct beneficiaries of PDAF. Put it simply, the scheme is a great source of corruption.

"You want to get rid of corruption?" the other facilitator explained.

"Weed out the third party! But can we? There is just a problem lurking somewhere. Political will? Maybe. Inaptitude? Maybe. It depends on who is its apologist. For as corrupt English dictum bares it all earlier: 'It's very hard to face the problem if the problem is your face!'"

"That all will agree. Thus, the pressing issue - do we have what it takes to face the problem head-on? Must be kidding. Yes of course only we don't give a damn about it," the thought rekindled the speaker.

"That has always been a sad refrain hearing all these legitimate complaints reaching us to far greater proportion all opportunity slipping us by beyond control us tarnishing our image as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. And yet we are undaunted basking in glory from this infamy."

"Witness all the seemingly many excuses and approaches combating this malady but all palliative. Look how our good Congressmen in the House of Representatives brazenly mangled the 14 years and still counting in passing the Freedom of Information Bill only to be buried in the last minute without seeing the dawn by a mere technicality! "

An instance that speaks well about the issue, surprisingly, Mayor Torres's true color came out when he revealed back home later on one radio station that no way he could appreciate the faces of journalists prying they perceived as questionable projects in effect begging ACDC journalist should first clean their backyard instead before scrutinizing their business interest through FOI Bill.

"What an irresponsible declaration from the good Mayor as if all members of the media are corrupt" an early reply from concerned media people.

It was a very good gambit and familiar antics the same way many subtle politicians employed invoking mere technicality digressing and evading from the issue.

The same tactic was employed in one important hearing conducted over the sensitive issue of the Freedom of Information Bill concerned Congressmen deliberately did not register their presence despite being seen on Congress premises. Their ulterior motive – was to protect their interest in pork they could hardly account for many ghost projects. Ironically, the numbers of honorable Congressmen would have been enough to constitute quorum only they were seen just loitering around not accounting for their presence. Where the heart is willing it will find thousand means, but where the heart is unwilling it will find not just a thousand but millions of excuses.

Securing enough courage moving heaven and earth not to muster enough numbers for a quorum was the best thing they could do. Undoubtedly, it was a conspiracy or passing that FOI Bill early on would have opened Pandora's box of corruption smelling fishy as more skeletons in their closet would be revealed to the public. That incident was technically corruption in the highest order.

"It is just hoped therefore that such scandalous event would not become a precedent given that similar advocacy would be passed by next administration fighting corruption with finality," Danny challenged his mind engrossed in the talk of the speaker.

"Correspondingly, slashed the pork from those who have not delivered the results to their district. Or better still, why not directly give the pork to their constituents making many all happier," Danny continued.

"Why not start right treating this malady with its corresponding cure right in our backyard or suffer identity crisis instead of becoming casualty as corruption blows right before our faces. That's precisely the problem. Unfortunately, such observation doesn't deserve further qualification unless we suffer mental lapses."

"For isn't it that this was identified as one of her campaign pledges?"

"Most importantly, he'd been through it incidentally enjoying the smorgasbord menu given the pork of our Congressman and Senator and its form in Local Government Units – yearly Internal Revenue Allotment."

"Alright, it might be difficult now addressing the issue revealing the true character of his administration vis-a-vis corruption. But when would he start curing this malady, "Danny concluded.

He has been there any way for the past three decades riding on the crest of his constituent's blind loyalty. He has already weathered the troubled road of politics passing and celebrating Easter of election garnering an overwhelming mandate. What more does he need when he has everything at his disposal? The right move at the right time. This is my show, in my time. Must be Showtime," the elated reelected Mayor felt.

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"Anything new from the last election?" Fr. Driarco clarified.

"Maybe new faces here and there for those who were able to make it or winning some and losing some for others. But the grandest of them all, winners all in both National and Local elective post by one great big family."

Why not if all factors for victory concocted by professional strategists and spin doctors were followed to the letter. The unfortunate ones wallowing still from the ignominy of defeat unable to shrug off the hangover of reversals of fate reeking of humiliation. This emerging new special kind of family simply savoring their victory with relish on cloud nine qualifying them as the New Almighty today until the next election when the people would decide again their fate whether they deserve to prolong their stay in office or its time to pack their bags and giving away for new space occupants relegating their previous victory in the dustbin of history. But here's the catch, money.

What would you get anyway with millions of money poured in their campaign chest for instance securing the needed votes, especially in the home stretch if not their votes. From all indications with resources already secured in the bag earned resources pooled together from dispatching properties and getting hefty bank loans used to bankroll their candidacies bearing good results of a resounding victory for one great big family, is a celebration of life.

"Nothing is impossible in an election, we know that. How much more if surveys had been conducted showing the trend of incoming polls indicating a great probability of making it'" newly elect Mayor shared in the Victory Party that ensued.

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Such was the result of the last election. Many were happy but the happiest undoubtedly was a big family. The victory came in different shades depending on how many members of a family made it. As in sociology, it could be a simple family unit where both husband and wife won. Or nuclear were other members of the family made it. It could also be an extended family or other relatives of the family made to the winning circle either in the national or local election. Now take the sum of their return of investment through the pork barrel, IRA, and other perks, and you have correspondingly one big great family very happy naturally enjoying most the best there is in power their post-offer.

Look at the occupants of the Senate. You have there the Big Three brothers the likes of Bong Revilla, Jinggoy Estrada, and Lito Lapid who at last authored the Lapid Law providing as usual pro bono legal services to pauper litigants.

Never mind the spitfire Miriam Defensor Santiago, the Big Man promising big justice Frank Drilon, Manong Juan Ponce Enrile, erstwhile kilig ng mga kolehiyala Ed Angara, Mr. Fiscalizer Joker Arroyo and the sport enthusiast Pia Cayetano. Add the Drug Czar comedian Tito Sotto and what you've got if not one Big Movie family.

With the entry of Ferdinand Bongbong Marcos and TG Guingona, the cast in Senate is simply stellar. It's just unfortunate though that the villains in the mold of Ka Satur Ocampo and equally progressive Liza Maza did not make it to the screening test via Senatorial election

That was tough but as we know all is well that ends well. With Noynoy's battle cry Tapusin ang Korupyon sa Pamahalaan during his term, the show would not be that smooth-sailing. Let the show, therefore, begin, Fr. Driarco's thought wandering.

It was not only that one big movie family celebrating victory last election. The same incident consolidated one separated family into one big great family. You have the Estradas for instance save for Erap not making it back to the presidency. But the previous love of his life Guia Gomez was elected Mayor of San Juan with sons Jayvee Ejercito winning as Congressman in his district and later of course joining Jinggoy retaining his seat in the Senate. Same to Ilocos Norte and you have the Marcoses back in power with Bongbong of course as Governor relinquishing the seat later to Imee Marcos after earning the seat in Senate. Imelda has been in Congress by the way. So how short is our memory, reminded by the writer of an impending return to the dark ages of dictatorship! What about the Binays all in the family in Makati. Similarly, it was not at all bad for the Villar even if Manny didn't make it because his son Mark was also elected as Representative of their District on top of Cynthia Villar enjoying her status quo as Congresswoman.

Going down in Mindanao and you can see that nothing significant change happened in its political landscape save for Maguindanao Toto Mangundadatu's win vindicating his crusade against Ampatuans. The prize for such change was unfortunately too prohibitive in that 54 lives majority of whom were journalists sacrificed on the altar of greed in politics. Davao City, as already indicated had the Dutertes calling again the shot although this time, the younger daughter of Duterte will assume as Mayor relegating the post back to elder Duterte later. That she beat the veteran Prospero Nograles also added color to her cap.

"If you want a truly safe city like Davao, then you should have a James Bond Mayor albeit No License to Kill doing the job for you."

Bukidnon of course has the Zubiri's despite some of his lineups being mercilessly clobbered by the new rising political star in the first district in Jess Paras' mold who relinquished the post though to Malou Acosta, earlier staunch political stalwarts of Bukidnon.

Gauging from the recent development with Inaki Zubiri winning the Mayoralty post in Malaybalay, it is very probable that their grip on power would be ad infinitum. The trend is similar in Misamis Oriental, Camiguin, and Lanao del Norte where the 196 political dynasty families reign supreme. The Emanos, Romualdos and Dimaporo - all these respectively reign. Oscar Moreno would however cut the long reign of elder Emano setting a new trend of politics at Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental.

"It is just hoped anyway given the vast power enjoyed by these big families could vindicate the mandate extended to them by the general voting public. They'd been there and now they're back riding anew on the crest of the majority mandate from the people. Now is the time to test their political maturity by dishing out services beyond partisan politics. Most especially, payback time giving utmost services to people and that they don't buckle on the pressure. Instead, should be in their best element and one in pursuing service excellence never mind if one great big family," Fr. Driarco's last thought.

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