
"Thanks for doing this Charles," I told Charles as he showed us around his vacation home. 

"So Paul proposed to you, you said yes, and now you are hiding from him?" Charles asked me as he drew the curtains in our huge room. Timothy ran to the glass floor to ceiling window and stared at the green grasslands outside. 

I watched Charles as he adjusted his eyeglasses, "It's complicated." I answered him. 

"Well what about on Monday? You're going to see him again? I mean you can't hide here forever, not that you're not welcome, if you know what I mean?" Charles crossed his arms too. He was wearing a white shirt, linen pants and house slippers. Charles was a very formal person, even at home. Which is the total opposite of Jerome. 

"I know," I nodded, "I just need a place to stay for the weekend…where Paul can't find us. I just want to think." 

"Why didn't you just date a regular guy before?" Charles asked with a friendly smile. 

I laughed mildly, "I know right! How is Jerome?" I asked because I wanted to change the topic. 

Charles walked towards the door, "You know him, short tempered, impatient," then Charles gave out a heavy sigh, "He is still adjusting in the Netherlands." 

"When are you flying there?" I asked out of curiosity. 

Charles shook his head, "It's complicated. I'll see you at lunch, okay?" Then he blew a kiss to Timothy and closed the door. 

I stood beside Timothy as he pointed at the herd of goats grazing the grasslands below us. I turned my phone off because Paul and my parents were calling me non-stop. I did not want to involve my parents in this so I was thinking of something that I could do to get away from Paul. I was so stupid to forget about Paul's ex-girlfriends. I could not erase the scene from my head.

And how stupid of Paul to not change his passcode? It was possible that they were still together. I took a deep breath. And told myself: I did not come here to think of that! 

After lunch, Charles and I stayed on the veranda. We were both working on our laptops. Timothy was napping on a sofa. The fresh breeze from the open grassland kept us cool but Charles still turned the ceiling fan on for additional ventilation. Charles leaned on the right side of the table to call my attention, "So what did Paul do, for you to run away and hide?" 

I smiled at Charles and leaned on the table too, "Well…when we got into his condo, there was a naked woman on his sofa." Then I wiggled my eyebrows playfully. 

Charles' jaw dropped, he leaned back to his seat, and placed his left hand carefully on to his chest, "That…is…wild!" Then he moved his chair closer to the table and added, "And then? What did you do?" 

"I walked out, went home, and called you," I answered him and shrugged my shoulders. 

Charles shook his head, "You should have stayed and asked the woman who she was!" 

I frowned, "Why would I do that?" 

"Ah, hello? Look at that ring on your finger! You are entitled!" Charles said then he took a sip of his afternoon tea. 

I sighed and looked at the grasslands, "I don't know. I'm just tired of everything, I guess?" 

I turned to Charles when I heard him choking on his tea, "Am I missing something here? What's the reason why you two broke up before?" 

I just stared at Charles and licked my lower lip. I did not know if I should tell him the real reason why we broke up. Charles and I were close but not on a personal level. I glanced at my sleeping son and paused for a moment. I turned to Charles again when he cleared his throat. 

"Jerome and I broke up," Charles said, looking at Timothy too. 

"Why?" I asked, shocked that Charles told me. Jerome was the loud one and Charles was very private. 

"Well, let's just say…I don't want to go to the Netherlands. Will that be a valid reason for everyone? I love it here on my farm." Charles explained. 

I nodded, "Yeah, that is a valid reason for me," then I cleared my throat too, "Um, Paul's parents offered me a place to stay, a car of my own and a livelihood but I have to leave Paul." 

Charles and I stared at each other for a moment then we both shook our heads. 

Charles took a sip of his tea, "If that was Jerome, he would probably have said yes to Paul's parents." 

"No doubt," I said in agreement. Then we both ended up laughing. 


I woke up at thirty minutes past five in the morning and went straight to the bathroom. I did my morning routine and got dressed. When I got out of my room Paul was standing in the living room staring at me. 

I went down and walked straight to the kitchen to find some breakfast. Mom was seated on one of the chairs and looked up to me as she stirred her coffee. I got myself a mug and poured myself some coffee from the pot. Mom carried her mug and went out of the kitchen. She walked past Paul who was standing in the entryway. 

I got bread and made myself a tuna sandwich then I ate quietly. I was adding milk on my coffee when Paul spoke. 

"Where did you go?" Paul asked me. 

I put some sugar on my coffee before I answered him, "Out of town." Then I took a bite of my sandwich again. 

"Am I allowed to explain?" Paul asked carefully. 

I glared at him while I chewed my food, "No. Do you want this back?" I asked as I removed the ring that he gave me. I placed it on the table and took a sip of my coffee. 

"We can talk on the way to work…if you like?" Paul said as he stared at the ring on the table. 

"I don't want to go with you on the way to work. I'll meet you there, okay?" I said to him, 

"I don't know what to do, Nat," Paul exclaimed. He massaged his forehead and gave out a heavy sigh.  

"You can leave us alone, Paul." I told him without blinking. 

"No," Paul answered quickly, "I'll wait for you in the car."