Nervous wreck


I had to do an early out from work because mom called. They had to rush Timothy to the hospital because he had an allergic reaction with food. We could not determine what food it was because Timothy only ate the food that he was eating all the time. When the doctor cleared Timothy, we were allowed to go home.

I took Timothy to my room and hugged him so tight. He fell asleep because the medication that they gave him could cause drowsiness. I wiped the tears that rolled down my cheeks. This was the very first time that this happened to my son and I was a nervous wreck. I made sure that Timothy was comfortable and safe then I curled up beside him and slept.

When I woke up I was alone on the bed. I got up and went out of my room. I saw Timothy and Paul watching an ABC video together. I met Paul's eyes and I could not read his expression. When Timothy saw me he ran and raised his hands to me. I carried him then I kissed his head.

Timothy pointed at the direction of the kitchen because the house was filled with the smell of garlic and onion. I brought him to the kitchen where mom was cooking dinner. I glanced at the kitchen clock and it showed six o'clock in the evening. I placed Timothy on his high chair and sat on the kitchen stool beside it.

I turned to my right when dad stepped into the kitchen. I noticed that Paul was in the kitchen entryway too. He just stood there quietly.

"Natasha, did you forget to call Paul when your mom called you at your office?" dad asked, he was looking straight into my eyes.

I blinked because I was trying to comprehend what my dad was trying to say. Paul moved closer to me and the three of them stared at me, "I remembered to call him but I didn't because all I want to do is to get to the train station."

"You didn't think that you could travel with Paul? He has a car?" Dad reasoned with me, "And he is Timothy's father."

"No, I did not think of that." I honestly admitted. I did not know what I was thinking at that time. When they called me, they mentioned Timothy and the hospital. I could not think straight.

"You and Paul are both in your thirties. You both could make sound decisions, I just hope that both of you would consider your son in everything that you will do." Dad said, then he went upstairs to their room.

I bit my lower lip and just stared at my mom. I honestly did not know what I wanted. All I could think of right now was how to keep my son safe. I heard Timothy call me, and he reached out his arms to me. I got him and placed him on my lap. I stood up and carried Timothy out of the kitchen and into the living room.

I placed Timothy on the sofa, sat beside him, and put my feet up. I watched him play with his dinosaurs while the nursery rhymes played on the TV.

"Mom wants to meet Timothy," Paul told me. He sat on the sofa on Timothy's right side and I was on the left.

"I don't know, Paul," I replied, "Just the mention of your parents brings me unpleasant memories. I think they have insulted me enough, and I don't think they deserve to see my son."

"You know I don't have siblings, Nat," Paul reminded me, "Everything that I have, I will give it to Timothy."

"He's too young for all of that, Paul," I reasoned with Paul.

"Mom just wanted to say hi to Tim, babe?" Paul insisted.

I looked Paul in the eye and said, "My answer is no."

Paul bit his lower lip and shook his head, "You will have to speak to my parents eventually because I told them that I proposed to you. Will dinner with both of our parents be okay with you?"

"Paul, can I just take a moment to recover from what just happened to Timothy today? And I want to find a new job." I told Paul.

"What new job? You are currently employed?" Paul said with a scowl.

"I don't want to work for you. I don't want you to be my boss," I explained to Paul, "And, I don't want anything to do with your family."

"How is that going to work? I am part of your life? And Timothy is part of me?" Paul's frown deepened.

"Timothy is mine," I told Paul. For some reason Timothy stood up and clung to me. Maybe he was feeling the tension between me and Paul and he got scared. I transferred him to my lap and hugged him tight.

"Nat, Paul?" Mom yelled from the kitchen, "Dinner is ready!"

After dinner Paul's driver took the Maserati and brought the Wrangler as replacement. The driver also brought some of Paul's change of clothes. Paul said that we are going out of town again tomorrow. He wanted to bring Timothy closer to nature. So the three of us ended up sleeping on the floor of my room on a comforter. But Paul had a better idea, he brought out some camping cots from his Wrangler and he spread them out in my room.

"Why so many?" I asked Paul curiously.

"I bought one for you and one for Timothy. The other two are mine." Paul explained then we all laid down on the floor with Timothy in the middle. I closed my eyes when I saw Timothy was holding his own bottle. I was on my way to deep sleep when I felt my son lifted my top and played with my right nipple.

"Is it normal for him to do that?" I heard Paul ask.

"Yes, ouch!" I answered Paul then I opened my eyes because Timothy bit my nipple. I sat up and got Timothy's bottle and gave it back to him. When I laid down again I saw Paul was watching me, "What?" I asked him.

"Can we do it?" Paul's expression was unreadable. I narrowed my eyes at him because I knew what he was referring to.

"You make Timothy sleep first then we can do it," I answered Paul, "It's time you show your vocal prowess with lullabies, babe!" Then I turned my back on them both.