

"Yes Martina, a cheek swab and a blood test was used for the paternity test before the wedding. I believe Natasha agreed to do it." We heard Atty. Cayetano said as Paul and I walked towards them. 

We arrived at the Sainz holiday home here in the south around ten last night. Paul told me that this 5-bedroom and 6-bathroom house was just completed a year ago. It looked very modern because of its functional design. It was also built with a home smart assistant. Paul's parents and their family lawyer were having breakfast outdoors and they were kind of startled when they saw us. 

"Good morning dear," my mother-in-law greeted Paul. It did not matter to me if they greeted me or not. I was just doing this for Paul and Timothy. 

Paul pulled out one of the chairs for me and sat on the other seat opposite his father, "We were just discussing how Natasha hide her pregnancy from you, son?" Paul's father said. 

"You want to do this during breakfast?" Then Paul scratched his left eyebrow. 

"We can discuss this at a later time if you like?" Atty. Cayetano said as he switched glances between Paul and his father. 

Paul and his dad just stared at each other. Paul had so much respect for his dad so I was not surprised when Paul broke eye contact and shook his head. He glanced at his mom and nodded, "Mom knew about Natasha's pregnancy." 

My father-in-law turned to his wife in surprise. Atty. Cayetano stared at her too. 

"I thought mom already cleared this with you but apparently not," Paul massaged his forehead, "Natasha knew she was pregnant before I returned to the states but she did not tell me because it was supposed to be a surprise. So Natasha told mom instead. But mom had other plans." 

I closed my eyes because it was like that traumatic event was flashing before my eyes. It was interrupted when I felt Paul touch my left hand. I looked up to him and he squeezed my hand. I nodded at him then we both turned to his mom. 

"I was only thinking ahead, dear," Paul's mom responded, "You and Natasha still ended up together." 

Paul pushed his chair and stood up, "Mental breakdown, shitty relationships, self-doubt and many other things that I had to deal with because you were thinking ahead! Thanks mom, we're leaving." 

Paul helped me with my chair and held my hand. We walked away from his parents and did not look back. My knees were shaking but I was able to keep up with Paul's long strides. 


My ringing phone woke me up and I reached for it from the nightstand. I checked the caller ID and it was Paul's assistant, Cora. 

"Hello?" I answered Cora as I sat up. 

"Madam, Sir Paul has a 9 o'clock meeting and he's still not here. It's already 8:30am," Cora sounded agitated. 

"Wait, I'll check if he's still here," I got off the bed and walked out of our bedroom. Paul and Timothy were lounging on the sofa with a Disney film on the TV screen, "He's here. I'll remind him, Cora." 

"Thank you, madam," Cora responded then hung up. 

Paul turned to me after I pressed the end button, "That was Cora calling me about your 9 o'clock meeting, why are you still here?" 

Paul and Timothy were still in their pajamas. Minda was seated on a single chair near our display cabinet to my left. Timothy walked over to me and reached up to me. I carried him and brought him back beside his dad. Paul hugged Timothy as he sat on his lap. Then Paul playfully winked at me. I turned to my left when I overheard Minda saying the word carbon copy. 

Minda smiled at me, "They looked so much alike, madam." 

I smiled at Minda as a response. I turned to my boys again. We were seated on a white L-shaped sofa. Rays of sunshine were streaming inside from the semi-drawn curtain. I smiled because my boys were a sight to behold. Same bushy brows, symmetrical nose, same brown hair and broad shoulders. Then I remembered Cora's call. 

"Babe? Your meeting?" I reminded Paul again as I glanced at the animated film that they were watching. 

"I'll probably meet them in Zoom," Paul answered without looking at me. 

"You have to tell that to Cora, babe?" I told Paul. 

"Later," was Paul's only response. His eyes were glued to the TV like Timothy. 

I sent a message to Cora and told her what Paul told me. I did not want to keep her hanging. 

After breakfast I gave Timothy a bath and told Minda to put clothes on him. I headed to the master bedroom to take a bath as well. Paul was on a single sofa inside our room and a foldable table in front of him. On top was his laptop and he was in a Zoom meeting. I entered the bathroom quietly and checked the temperature of the water. I turned when I felt a movement at my back. It was Paul removing his clothes. 

My eyes widened, "Did you just leave your meeting?" 

Paul nodded and added, "They were just wrapping up." 

I took my clothes off and threw them on the laundry basket, "Why didn't you go to the office today?" 

"I don't want to see my dad's face today, that's why," Paul answered as he carried me towards the shower, "I'd rather do quickies." 

I giggled at him and we kissed. Paul and I made love and washed each other's backs. We were already rinsing when I saw Paul's expression change. He turned the shower off for a moment. We paused and listened. We could hear my ringtone so we moved faster and dried ourselves with towels. I wrapped myself in a towel and Paul put on a robe. 

I was wrapping my hair in a towel as I checked the caller ID. I greeted Jerome and put him on the loudspeaker then Paul and I headed to our closet. 

Jerome: I can't believe you are siding with Charles, Nat! I thought you were my friend! 

Paul and I exchanged glances then turned to my phone. Jerome was yelling. 

Jerome: You could have convinced him to follow me here in the Netherlands but instead you stayed with him in his farm! And told him to forget about me! How dare you, Nat! You spent a weekend with my boyfriend while I was here alone in another country! You and Charles can go to hell! 

I walked over to my phone and Jerome hung up. I looked up and Paul was frowning. 

"What weekend?" Paul asked, "Did he mean the weekend you disappeared with Timothy?"