Not black and white


Paul woke me up before he left for work. He handed me my phone and told me that it was Jerome calling.

"Hello?" I said, I was only half awake. I could not even open my eyes. I could not believe that Jerome would literally call me this early after our call last night.

"Did I wake you?" Jerome asked in a low voice.

"Yes," I whispered. Then I opened my eyes to check the time on my phone, "Wow it's 7am, what time is it in there?"

"It's one in the morning," Jerome answered, "Philippines is six hours ahead of the Netherlands, Nat."

"Thank you for the info, Jerome," I responded, "It's just that when I say tomorrow, I did not mean early in the morning, you know." I explained further with eyes closed.

"I can't sleep, Nat! I've been thinking about Beau Robinson and Charles!" Jerome raised his voice.

I moved my phone half an inch away from my ears, "Okay, calm down. I am not your enemy."

"I want you to find out who this Beau Robinson is and what he wants with Charles!" I think Jerome forgot that I no longer work for him.

I squeezed my eyes shut, "Okay, um..what do you want me to do?"

"Make Charles invite you to dinner or something. Just tell me what this Beau is like as a person." Jerome instructed me.

"Mmmkay," was my response to Jerome.

"Hello, Nat?" Jerome said from the other line, "Did you hear what I just said?"

"Yes, I did," I answered Jerome as I bit my lower lip, "Can you call back again after three hours? So that I will be more coherent?"

"This is important to me, Nat!" Jerome yelled again, "I would never ask for your help if I can do this on my own."

"I know," I replied, then I shook my head, "I'm just so sleepy right now, Jerome."

"Fine!" Jerome said, "I'll call you back later."


I was checking myself in the mirror. I was wearing an emerald green fitted dress and green satin jewel buckle pumps by Manolo Blahnik. My long hair was up in a sleek bun, which took me two hours to make courtesy of a Youtube tutorial video. On my face was just light makeup. I did put a wing tip on my eye just a little bit for drama. Then a memory came to me, Jerome and Charles said that my eyes were my biggest asset next to my boobs.

Then they also noticed my small waist too. They said that it was so unfair because I already gave birth. And that they were both envious and proud of me because I had a C-section and that I would always be a "forever virgin" because of that. I verified it with my OB-GYN and she just answered me with a smile. I rolled my eyes as I recalled that cafeteria conversation that we had. I pouted my lips to see if my light pink lipstick was evenly distributed.

Then I walked back and looked at my ensemble. This green dress looked good on my fair skin. I got my small beige handbag and went out of the room. I kissed Timothy then I went down to the basement where my new car was parked. Paul bought me an Audi Q8 as a wedding present. I told him that it was not necessary but he said that I need it for groceries and for taking Timothy to school. He knew he would not deceive me with cheap tricks so he used Timothy instead.

We made Timothy choose the color of this SUV and he chose the Dragon Orange Metallic. Which was like a bright yellow orange that anyone could identify easily at the parking lot. I got in and drove to Paul's office. I wanted to surprise him. I wanted to see what his office looked like. It was supposed to be a fifteen minute drive that turned to twenty five because of Friday traffic.

I parked near Paul's Maserati. The model of his car reminded me of the acclaimed Japanese animation film studio. I glanced at the back of his car and it said Ghibli Modena S. I locked my SUV and then walked towards the elevator. Paul's office was on the 11th floor, I pressed it then stood at the center of the elevator. My three-inch pump really did its job to boost my height and posture. The elevator stopped at the fifth floor and my eyes widened when I saw Annie.

She looked shocked too. I moved to the right to give way to her then I composed myself. I glanced at the floor indicator to avoid looking at her. But I could feel that she was watching me. I released my breath when she went out on the 7th floor. When I reached Paul's floor it was so busy and everyone was moving around carrying papers from the printer.

I glanced at my watch and it showed ten o'clock which I knew was Paul's break. When Cora saw me she was also surprised.

"Welcome, madam," Cora said as she stood up to greet me, "I'm sorry, Sir Paul did not mention that you will come today."

I smiled at her, "Is he busy?" Then stood near her table.

"I think he's in a phone call but we are about to go on our break," Cora explained to me then her Avaya phone rang. She answered it by pressing the loudspeaker.

"Yes, sir?" Cora said to the speaker.

"You can take a break," I heard Paul say on the other line, "Also Cora?"

Cora glanced at me before she answered again, "Can you call Annie? I think she was waiting on the 7th floor?" Paul added.

Cora's eyes widened and mine narrowed. I placed my right forefinger on my lips and did a mouth shh gesture to Cora so she would not mention that I was here. Cora just nodded in response.

"I will call her right away sir, before I go down for my break," Cora told Paul.

I narrowed my eyes at Cora as I listened while she called Annie. I was a little shaky inside that I wanted to hurl something at Paul but I was also thrilled to know what was going on. I was here to surprise my husband but instead this was what I got! Paul did not even mention to me that Annie—his former lover—worked here in the same building. I sighed. I could not explain what I was feeling at the moment. All I wanted now was the truth.

"Can you take your break after we talk, Cora?" I asked her, "I need you to be here for this." Cora just nodded nervously.

The elevator opened and Annie came out. She was definitely not expecting me again based on her expression. She gave Cora a questioning look. I motioned Annie to go inside and I followed her in my eyes. Both her and Cora's chest were rising and falling quickly because of obvious agitation. When Annie closed the door, I leaned on it and tried to see if I would be able to listen but there were only inaudible sounds so I opened the door instead and got in.

Paul stood up from his chair. His jaw dropped open and stared at me. I stood in the center of the room while Annie stood on my right side.

"Good morning!" I greeted Paul with a mischievous smile then I glanced at Annie. I walked back to the door and opened it, "Cora can you come here please and let's get down to business."

All three of them were nervously staring at me, "Close your mouth Paul," I told Paul and he did what I asked.

I sat on one of the available swivel chairs near Paul's table. I placed my bag on the table and crossed my leg, "Who wants to go first?"