Chapter 6 Released Uchiha Fugaku

[Ding, indirectly killed the Uchiha patriarch, obtain: evil value +1000]

Uchiha Yuan died, and he actually got a reward. This was an unexpected gain, which also made Ye Feng sure that Uchiha Yuan was really dead, rather than cheating.

"Go and release Uchiha Fugaku."

Now that Uchiha Yuan is dead, Ye Feng intends to keep his promise and release Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fugaku, however, still has great use.

When two tigers fight, one will be injured, which is what the top officials of Konoha want to see most.

In order to secure Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart, Uchiha Fugaku must be released. Before he has absolute strength, Uchiha Ye Feng does not want to be a thorn in Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes.

Ye Feng, who has just awakened the system, still needs to live for the time being. After his strength reaches Kage-level, or Mangekyō Sharingan is activated, he will not have to be afraid.

When your strength reaches Kage-level, you can become Shikai Ryūjin Jakka.

Although Shikai's Ryūjin Jakka and Bankai's remnant fire swords are powerful, Shikai's Ryūjin Jakka is also a trump card, and it should be no problem to kill a Kage-level.

If you turn on Mangekyō Sharingan, you can also gain Kage-level combat power, and you can even fully step into Kage-level with the strength enhancement brought by Mangekyō Sharingan.

Right now is not the time for him to be arrogant, Ye Feng is very clear about this.

So he needs to create an opponent for himself to reassure the old fox of Third Generation.

"The patriarch is dead. As a member of the Uchiha family, it's not good if I don't go and take a look."

Ye Feng came to the patriarch's residence, and the place was full of sorrow at this time.

Just stepping into this place, several sharp eyes looked at Ye Feng.

Leading Uchiha Lin, Uchiha Wu and Uchiha Island looked at Ye Feng too coldly, and even Uchiha Island was too direct to draw the sword.

"You bastard who killed the patriarch, dare to appear here."

Hearing this, Ye Feng showed dissatisfaction.

"You can eat shit, but you can't talk nonsense. The patriarch is the person I admire the most. How could I kill him? What is your motive for saying this?"

Then he ignored Uchiha Shimata and walked towards Uchiha Yuan's body.

"Don't do it here."

Uchiha Wu shot to stop Uchiha Shimata who was about to shoot.

Fighting here will affect the remains of the patriarch, and it is useless to trouble Uchiha Ye Feng now.

Ye Feng is not surprised. In the future, they will definitely be enemies and not friends, but at this time, they will definitely not fight against themselves here.

The chief elder of the Uchiha family came over and stood beside Ye Feng.

"Ye Feng, the patriarch has passed away, should you release Fugaku?"

Glancing at the Great Elder, Ye Feng said indifferently: "Don't worry, Great Elder, Uchiha Fugaku will be back soon."

"That's good, you and Fugaku are both geniuses of the Uchiha family. I hope you can join forces instead of becoming enemies."

Starting from the interests of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Ye Feng and Uchiha Fugaku join forces for the greatest benefit of Uchiha.

The chief elder still supports Uchiha Fugaku in his heart.

It's not that Ye Feng's ability is not good, but his granddaughter Uchiha Mikoto is Uchiha Fugaku's fiancee.

Uchiha Fugaku is his future grandson-in-law, and he must support Uchiha Fugaku in his heart.

"It's not impossible to join forces. As long as Fugaku is willing to sacrifice a little, I don't mind joining forces with him." Ye Feng said to the elder with a smile.

The first elder shook his head. He thought that Ye Feng was talking about the position of the patriarch. The position of the patriarch, Uchiha Fugaku, could not be given up, and he would never make sacrifices.

But what the elder did not know was that Ye Feng was not talking about the position of the patriarch at all, but Uchiha Mikoto.

"I don't know how much evil I can get by robbing Uchiha Fugaku's fiancée?"

Ye Feng thought secretly in his heart.

Uchiha Mikoto he has also seen several times, and he is really beautiful.

Fortunately, the first elder didn't know what Ye Feng was thinking. If he knew, he probably wouldn't be able to resist and fight with Ye Feng.

It didn't take long for Uchiha Fugaku to return in a state of embarrassment.

He knew the news of his father's death from the road, and he rushed in like crazy at this moment.

"Uchiha Ye Feng, I'm going to kill you."

"Young patriarch, don't be impulsive."

Uchiha Lin and Uchiha Wu next to him immediately held down Uchiha Fugaku.

Before, Uchiha Fugaku was caught by Ye Feng because he shot at Ye Feng. Now that he was released, they didn't want Uchiha Fugaku to do it again.

"Tsk, what a pity."

If Uchiha Fugaku rushes over, Ye Feng doesn't mind teaching Uchiha Fugaku a lesson, and he can even arrest him again by the way.

You must know that the current Uchiha Ye Feng is already the captain of the Konoha Guard. Isn't it justifiable to catch Uchiha Fugaku?

"Fugaku, I really feel sorry for the patriarch. It seems that your feelings for the patriarch are not that deep."

Ye Feng said meaningfully.

Uchiha Fugaku definitely has the qualifications to open Mangekyō Sharingan, and Uchiha Fugaku in the original book is likely to open Mangekyō Sharingan.

If Uchiha Fugaku's feelings for his father are deep enough, this should be the time to open the Mangekyō Sharingan.

However, he should be glad that Mangekyō Sharingan was not enabled, otherwise, in order to erase the threat, Ye Feng would definitely kill him regardless of Sanqi21.

Even if he doesn't kill him, at least he will take off Uchiha Fugaku's eyes.

Ye Feng didn't want someone to open Mangekyō Sharingan before he opened Mangekyō Sharingan himself.

"Young patriarch, you are not his opponent for the time being, you have to hold back." Uchiha Lin said in Uchiha Fugaku's ear.

Uchiha Fugaku in his heyday is no match for Uchiha Ye Feng, not to mention that Uchiha Fugaku's state is not so good now.

After all, he was in Ye Feng's hands before.

Even if Ye Feng did not instruct to entertain Uchiha Fugaku well, Uchiha Sasuke also entertained Uchiha Fugaku well, which will definitely make Uchiha Fugaku unforgettable.

Perhaps after this torture, Uchiha Fugaku grew up, and his anger was suppressed by Uchiha Fugaku.

"Uchiha Ye Feng, I will settle this account with you sooner or later." Uchiha Fugaku said secretly in his heart.

Although he was just released, Uchiha Fugaku already knew the situation and knew that his father's death was indirectly related to Uchiha Ye Feng.

Without Uchiha Ye Feng, no matter how bad his father's condition was, he would have lived half a year longer.

Being stared at by Uchiha Fugaku's blood-red Three Tomoe Sharingan, Ye Feng knew that he hated him deeply, but it didn't matter, Ye Feng believed that he would hate himself even more in the future. *