Chapter 10 The Murderer Is In Our Clan

Although the task of killing the two elders was difficult, Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Sota accepted the task without hesitation.

"Don't worry, I will instruct some people to cooperate with you. Remember, don't expose it."

Ye Feng didn't want others to know, he sent someone to assassinate the two elders.

"Understood, please don't worry, Lord Ye Feng."

In fact, it is not difficult to simply kill the two elders. The second and third elders of the Uchiha family may not be weak when they were young, at least they are Elite Jōnin.

But they are older than the deceased patriarch Uchiha Yuandu, and their strength has regressed, and they may not be as powerful as Jōnin.

With the strength of Uchiha Sota and Uchiha Sasuke, it is not difficult to kill them, but the hard part is that they are not exposed.

"Hope the two of them don't let me down."

If Ye Feng made a move, he would definitely be able to deal with those two old guys without knowing it, and he would definitely not expose them.

But if he is the boss of everything, what should the younger brother do?

If their tasks are done beautifully, Ye Feng will definitely not be stingy with rewards.

[Ding, order to assassinate two elders, get: 50 detonating charms, evil value +2000]

After waiting for two hours, Ye Feng heard the system prompt that he had obtained the reward, and knew that the two of them had succeeded.

However, Ye Feng was not satisfied with the reward he obtained. It seemed that he had to find Uchiha Mikoto when he had time.

A few minutes later, Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Sota came back.

"Lord Ye Feng, the mission is complete, we definitely didn't expose it."

"Well, I see, you guys did a great job. This is a B-level ninjutsu Fire Style Fire Extinguishing. After you read it, you burned the scroll."

Ye Feng handed them the ninjutsu scroll that recorded Fire Style and Extinguishing Fire.

"The lost ninjutsu is extinguished."

The two were very excited. This was the Fire Style ninjutsu that was lost in the Uchiha family, and it was a very powerful attack type ninjutsu.

As a B-rank ninjutsu, its power is not weaker than A-rank ninjutsu, and it can even exert the power of S-rank ninjutsu in the hands of the strong.

In fact, the level of ninjutsu generally refers to the difficulty of learning, but the higher the learning difficulty, the more powerful and effective the ninjutsu, so it is true that the higher the level of ninjutsu, the more powerful it is.

"Leave first, and leave the murder weapon you used in the assassination."

Ye Feng let them go, and then went to refine Chakra.

The daily practice of Ye Feng has never stopped. Before the awakening of the system, the ability to have a quasi-Kage-level strength is inseparable from Ye Feng's efforts.

After breaking through to Kage-level, Ye Feng's Chakra has more than ten times more than before, not only the quantity has increased, but the quality has also improved a lot.

Unleashing the same ninjutsu, consuming the same Chakra, the ninjutsu he unleashes now is much more powerful than before.

"Find a place to try Ryūjin Jakka's Shikai another day."

After refining Chakra, Ye Feng wiped Ryūjin Jakka.

After the strength reached Kage-level, Ye Feng was already qualified as Shikai. After Shikai Ryūjin Jakka, Ye Feng felt that even facing the powerhouse at the peak of Kage-level, he could burn to ashes.

The next day, Ye Feng found a separate training ground and trained Lightning Style·Chidori and Fire Style·Hohuo Extinguishing.

Ninjutsu purchased from the system can be used directly without learning at all, and it is very skilled.

Ryūjin Jakka, Ye Feng still refrained from testing, even if only Shikai's Ryūjin Jakka was Ye Feng's trump card.

If he can maintain Shikai for a long time, Ye Feng is not even afraid of super Kage-level powerhouses.

The trump card cannot be exposed casually, especially for ninjas, revealing the trump card means that death is not far away.

Afterwards, Ye Feng trained some physical skills and swordsmanship. Before the training was over, someone came to Ye Feng.

The bodies of the second and third elders were finally found.

In the residence of the two elders, Uchiha Fugaku had a sullen face, and the gloomy appearance of the child could be frightened and cry.

"Who did this, and who dared to kill the two elders of our Uchiha family, so bold, this captain will never let the murderer go."

Ye Feng's righteous voice came, and anger could be heard faintly.

Uchiha Sasuke, who knew the truth, couldn't help but exclaimed. As expected of Lord Ye Feng, his acting skills were simply superb.

"Captain Ye Feng, you really don't know who did it?"

Uchiha Lin looked at Uchiha Ye Feng coldly.

Although there is no evidence, he suspects that this is what Uchiha Ye Feng did.

"If I knew who did it, I would have caught the murderer long ago."

Ye Feng replied indifferently.

"The two elders worked hard and made great achievements, but they were assassinated unexpectedly. This murderer, our Uchiha family will never let go."

"Yes, the murderer must not be spared."

Uchiha Fugaku stared at Ye Feng stubbornly, if his eyes could kill, Ye Feng would probably be slashed by a thousand swords.

"As the captain of the Konoha Guard, the death of the elder is my dereliction of duty."

Ye Feng ignored Uchiha Fugaku's knife-like gaze with a guilty expression on his face.

"Captain, don't say that. The murderers who assassinated the two elders are too cunning. It's not the captain's fault."

Uchiha Sasuke quickly cooperated, and the two were the same as those who sang double reeds.

"Everyone, the death of the two elders, I suspect the murderer, is hidden in our Uchiha clan, that is, someone in our clan."

Uchiha Fugaku walked to the middle and said.

It must be Uchiha Ye Feng who killed the two elders. Uchiha Fugaku can confirm this 100%.

"Lord Fugaku, don't talk nonsense."

"I don't believe it. The two elders must have been killed by outsiders, not our own."

"Do you have any evidence, Mr. Fugaku?"


Uchiha Fugaku's words made the surrounding clansmen very excited and dissatisfied. What does it mean to suspect their own people as murderers?

Uchiha Lin's face changed after hearing Uchiha Fugaku's words, and he shook his head secretly: "Fugaku is too radical."

The murderer is definitely related to Uchiha Ye Feng, there is absolutely no doubt about it, but since the other party dares to do it, he will definitely not leave evidence.

"Search, let's start with Uchiha. Even if we search the entire Konoha Village, I have to find the murderer. I don't believe the other party can leave no clues."

Uchiha Fugaku stared fiercely at Uchiha Ye Feng.

The ninja's investigation ability is very strong, and he can even obtain some information from the corpse. He does not believe that Uchiha Ye Feng can do it flawlessly.

Even if Uchiha Ye Feng didn't do this by himself, it was also done by the people Uchiha Ye Feng instructed him to do.

Even if Uchiha Ye Feng can't do anything this time, he will cut off one of his arms. *