Chapter 24 I will help Third Generation educate your son

Others may show cowardice in the face of Sarutobi Hiruzen's imposing oppression, but Sarutobi Hiruzen's imposing oppression is ineffective against Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's strength is no weaker than Sarutobi Hiruzen, how could he be afraid of Sarutobi Hiruzen's imposing oppression.

"Those who are caught have problems. Our Konoha Guard will never let a bad guy go."

Ye Feng said righteously to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen put the pipe on the table and looked at Uchiha Ye Feng with a pair of eyes.

"Can you explain the security management fee to me?"

"This question should be asked of yourself, Hokage. Konoha doesn't give money to the guards, and the guards can't drink the northwest wind. Or, you have to find a way to keep it going."

"We worked hard to maintain the security of Konoha Village for the sake of Konoha Risk. Isn't it all because of our guards that the shop owners can have such a stable environment, so it's normal for us to charge some money."

Ye Feng explained to Sarutobi Hiruzen unhurriedly.

"Lord Hokage, do you know, this time I found out that we, Konoha Village, are actually some wicked people who pay security management fees and contribute to Konoha and Ping An order, but no one is willing to pay."

"Hey, I'm really heartbroken, how come they don't know how to contribute to Konoha, such selfish people don't deserve to be in Konoha Village."

Listening to Uchiha Ye Feng's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen's mouth twitched, Uchiha Ye Feng's eloquence is very good.

It is said that he has become a messenger of justice, and those who don't pay are wolf-hearted.

"Let's end this matter, let everyone who was arrested be released."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

You know, many of his clansmen were also arrested by the Konoha Guard, and his son Sarutobi Shinnosuke was also arrested.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has two sons, the eldest son Sarutobi Shinnosuke, who is one year older than Ye Feng, is twenty years old this year.

There is also a young son, Sarutobi Asuma. Sarutobi Asuma is younger, and he is five years old this year.

After the people of the Sarutobi family were arrested, Sarutobi Shinnosuke wanted to let the Konoha guards release them, and then went to make trouble and was imprisoned by Uchiha Sasuke mercilessly.

"Release all the people who were arrested? This is not acceptable. They are all criminals. The justice in my heart will not allow them to be released."

Ye Feng refused without hesitation.

He is still waiting to rely on those people for wool, and letting them go is equivalent to letting go of money and the value of doing evil.

Being rejected mercilessly by Ye Feng, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't have an attack either.

He wants to maintain Third Hokage's majesty and won't get angry easily.

"Uchiha Ye Feng, why did your Konoha Guard suddenly expand, can you explain this?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Uchiha Ye Feng, wondering if Uchiha Ye Feng had other thoughts.

The Uchiha family has always coveted the position of Hokage. Does Uchiha Ye Feng have this idea? He wouldn't allow Uchiha to have such dangerous thoughts.

"It's not that there are too many people violating security regulations in Konoha Village. The Konoha Guard is obviously understaffed, so it is planned to expand."


Sarutobi Hiruzen's tone was calm, and there was no joy or anger in his plain watery tone.

"By the way, Lord Third Generation, your son has openly attacked members of our guard team. This is a serious crime problem."

"Lord Third Generation is so wise, you can't let your son ruin your reputation. I will help Lord Third Generation educate Sarutobi Shinnosuke well."

Ye Feng smiled and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's hand was on the table. If you look closely, there are cracks on the table, which is caused by Sarutobi Hiruzen's uncontrollable force.

He found that he really couldn't help Uchiha Ye Feng now, and couldn't completely turn his face with Uchiha Ye Feng.

If you turn against Uchiha Ye Feng, it is equivalent to turning against the Uchiha family, which is only bad for Konoha Village and not good for anything.

As for sending someone to assassinate Uchiha Ye Feng, Sarutobi Hiruzen had this idea, but could not find a candidate to assassinate Uchiha Ye Feng.

Uchiha Ye Feng's strength is not weak, and only he, Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Hatake Sakumo can be beaten by Konoha Village.

These are what Sarutobi Hiruzen thought without knowing Uchiha Ye Feng's strength. He had no idea that Ye Feng's strength had reached Kage-level and even opened Mangekyō Sharingan.

If they really fight, Sarutobi Hiruzen is not Ye Feng's opponent.

Among the shadows of the Five Ninja Villages that are still alive today, the only thing that really troubles Ye Feng is Third Raikage.

Being able to face the Third Raikage of Eight Tails Gyūki, Ye Feng felt that his strength was much stronger than Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The strongest Hokage of all generations is placed on Sarutobi Hiruzen's head, but in fact Sarutobi Hiruzen is definitely the last among all Hokages.

Ye Feng left the Hokage building. When he left, Ye Feng still asked about the funding of their guards.

"Uchiha Ye Feng, your life is indeed dangerous to Konoha."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood at the window and watched Ye Feng leave, a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to kill Ye Feng, but he didn't know that Ye Feng had grown up, and Sarutobi Hiruzen had no chance to kill him.

With Ye Feng's strength, although it is difficult to single out a Ninja village, no one can really keep him.

Even if the lingering old guy Uchiha Madara shot himself, it would not kill Ye Feng, Ye Feng could not be beaten and could leave.

After all, the old Uchiha Madara now has both eyes for Nagato, no matter how strong he is, his strength is limited.

Back at the guard, Ye Feng immediately sent someone to bring Sarutobi Shinnosuke over.

He said he wanted to help Sarutobi Hiruzen educate his son, so it must be a matter of words.

"Let me go, my father is Hokage, you quickly let me go."

Being held by two Uchiha tribesmen, Sarutobi Shinnosuke struggled frantically, but unfortunately he couldn't break free.

After being detained in Konoha Prison, someone used a unique sealing technique to seal the opponent's Chakra.

His strength is Jōnin, and after being sealed by Chakra, he cannot escape the control of the two Chūnin.

Seeing how hard he was struggling, they couldn't even help but slap Sarutobi Shinnosuke, they didn't care about Sarutobi Shinnosuke's identity, Laozi Uchiha was number one in the world. *