Chapter 31 Another Pupil of Uchiha Mikoto

Mikoto, who was crying bitterly in Ye Feng's arms, finally passed out, and the mental stimulation was a little big. She used Tsukuyomi just after turning on Mangekyō Sharingan. She was very tired, and it was normal to pass out.

"Pack up the body of the Great Elder. In addition, Mikoto opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, I don't want to spread it out, do you understand?"

Ye Feng swept across everyone present, and the terrifying aura made everyone bow their heads in horror.

"Understood, patriarch."

Afterwards, Ye Feng took Mikoto out of here temporarily.

After going back, Uchiha Wu reported something to Ye Feng. Uchiha Lin passed on a message before, so that those diehards who still supported Uchiha Fugaku left.

"Patriarch, do you want me to take someone to get rid of all those rebels?"

"Don't go, there will be opportunities in the future."

Ye Feng didn't let Uchiha realize, and even if he did, he couldn't kill them. It was estimated that those people went to Uchiha Fugaku.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen really took in Uchiha Fugaku, would Sarutobi Hiruzen allow him to deal with the betrayed Uchiha clan?

Certainly not, although Sarutobi Hiruzen hates Uchiha, Sarutobi Hiruzen also needs those people to fight him.

Therefore, if Ye Feng sent people to arrest those people, Anbu would definitely stop them.

There is no need for Ye Feng to do things that are meaningless.

What's more, there are not many people who betrayed them. Even if they all add up to their families, there are only about 30 people.

Compared with the more than 700 people in the clan, this is nothing at all.

That's right, there were quite a few members of the Uchiha family at this time, there were nearly 800 people, and both men, women and children were basically ninjas, so they were feared by Konoha Village.

Of course, this didn't mean Ye Feng would let them go.

If you can't make an open shot, you can play yin, and refer to how the Senju family died out.

If you can't deal with them in the village, you can put them outside the village. If you don't believe them, they won't leave the village.

Even if they didn't leave the village, Ye Feng would still trouble them.

He is the Master Konoha Guard, it's not easy to find a reason to clean them up.

"Uchiha Wu, inform all the clansmen that the Great Elder is going to be buried in a glorious way."


He knew that the patriarch had an unusual relationship with Uchiha Mikoto, and that Uchiha Mikoto might become the patriarch's wife in the future.

And Uchiha Mikoto is also worthy of the patriarch, she opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, which is the ultimate power of their Uchiha clan.

After letting Uchiha Wu leave, Ye Feng came into the room, at this time Uchiha Mikoto woke up with grief in his eyes.

"You woke up, this is the suicide note your grandfather left you."

This suicide note was found from the elder's house and left for Mikoto. Ye Feng did not open it.

"Grandpa stayed."

Mikoto immediately opened the suicide note and cried again after reading it.

"Grandpa, I don't want to turn on Mangekyō Sharingan, I just want you to live."

Above, the elder had written all his plans and told Mikoto not to be sad, anyway, his old bones were already dying.

That was all he could leave with Mikoto before he died.

"I will let someone hold the most beautiful funeral for the Great Elder." Ye Feng said to Uchiha Mikoto.


Mikoto glanced at Ye Feng gratefully.

For the funeral of the Great Elder, no other family came, but the Uchiha tribe.

It's normal. Now that the relationship between Uchiha and other families is freezing, how could they come to the funeral.

What's more, it's just that the elder is not the patriarch.

But even if there are only Uchiha people, the funeral is still not small.

After the funeral, Ye Feng patted Mikoto on the shoulder: "Go back, even if you keep standing here, the elder will not survive."

Mikoto nodded, then silently followed behind Ye Feng.

"I... the suicide note left by my grandfather, I hope you can marry me, can you fulfill my grandfather's last wish?"

Mikoto asked Ye Feng with a slightly apprehensive voice.

Ye Feng turned his head to look at Uchiha Mikoto.

"Yes, now you are indeed qualified to be my patriarch's wife."

A beautiful woman who was delivered to her door, why not, not to mention that Uchiha Mikoto is not weak now, the strength of quasi-Kage-level, plus Mangekyō Sharingan is not impossible to fight against Kage-level.

Such a female ninja with both strength and beauty, why not.

"Remind you, don't use Mangekyō Sharingan casually, Mangekyō Sharingan has side effects, and excessive use can lead to blindness."

Although he knew that Uchiha Mikoto was not the one who abused Mangekyō Sharingan, Ye Feng still reminded Uchiha Mikoto.

"By the way, one of your Mangekyō Sharingan is Tsukuyomi, can you tell me the other one?"

Susanoo, the pupil art, can be used as long as the Mangekyō Sharingan is turned on and a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan are present.

And Mikoto's other pupil technique made Ye Feng very curious.

"Tianchang Lizun, my other pupil technique is called Tianchang Lizun. It can absorb other people's ninjutsu attacks, then replenish his own Chakra, and absorb the pupil power of other people's Sharingan to replenish himself."

Uchiha Mikoto has no secrets about his Mangekyō Sharingan abilities.

Of course, it's not that Uchiha Mikoto is stupid, but since Ye Feng has agreed, then Uchiha Ye Feng will be her husband -kun in the future.

She won't hide from her husband -kun.

If anyone else were to ask about her Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil technique, Mikoto would never tell them.

Any man would be satisfied with Mikoto's character.

"Your pupil technique is very powerful."

It can absorb the opponent's ninjutsu attack, and the ninjutsu attack is directly invalid to her, and it can even replenish Chakra.

As for the other ability, it is even more pervert. It absorbs the pupil power of others to supplement itself. It is estimated that there is no need to worry about blindness.

Even, Ye Feng guessed that as long as enough pupil power was absorbed, Mangekyō Sharingan could automatically evolve into Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Awakening such a powerful pupil technique, it feels like Uchiha Mikoto has taken the lead script. *