Chapter 37 Bullying Sarutobi Asuma

There was only one outsider who came to the wedding, and that was Uzumaki Kushina, and the others were from the Uchiha family.

"Minato of Damn it, can't you postpone your practice for a day? You have to follow Mr. Jiraiya to practice, so I came to Mikoto's wedding alone."

Kushina muttered softly.

"Congratulations, Mikoto."

After seeing Mikoto come out, Kushina congratulated Mikoto.

Unexpectedly, she talked to Mikoto the day before yesterday, and Mikoto is getting married today.

"Thank you Kushina."

Mikoto looked at Kushina's smiling face, and guilt flashed in his heart.

Between husband-kun and her best friend, Mikoto has already made a choice. In her heart, husband-kun has a higher status, so she can only feel sorry for Kushina.

The carefree Kushina didn't see anything wrong with Mikoto, and took a glass of wine and had a drink with Mikoto.

The wedding was not very complicated, because Ye Feng hated it.

"The major families, as well as these ninjas from Konoha Village, didn't even come to our wedding. It's really ignorant."

In the evening, Ye Feng hugged Mikoto, who had become his wife, with a cold look on his face.

"It's Ye Feng, you offended too many people."

Uchiha Mikoto, who was in Ye Feng's arms, raised his head and said.

If it wasn't for the major families in Konoha Village who were offended by Ye Feng, they would definitely give some face.

"Anyway, it's their fault. They made me unhappy today, and I will never make it easier for them."

"I always feel that husband-kun is deliberately trying to find fault."

Mikoto thought to himself.

The guess in her heart was correct. Ye Feng just wanted to find fault on purpose.

His current small goal is to buy the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, but the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan needs one million evil points.

Now Ye Feng has only collected a quarter of one million, how can he do it if he doesn't work hard.

What's more, the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is only a small goal, Ye Feng is after Rinnegan, or even the Nine Gou Jade Samsara Sharingan.

This goal is a bit far away for the time being. Let's find a way to get the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan first. After getting the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, at least you don't need to worry about blindness.

The day after the wedding, Ye Feng came to the Konoha Guard.

Just as they were about to come up with a conspiracy to reap the value of evil, Uchiha Cangtai and Ye Feng reported an important matter.

"The news that Hatake Sakumo's mission failed has spread throughout the village, and the action is quite fast."

Ye Feng was not surprised at all when he got this news.

The person who spread the news must be Shimura Danzō, the sinister old guy, and Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, must also play a role in it.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to suppress, as his Third Hokage, it is not difficult to suppress.

"If I follow the fall, I should get a lot of evil value."

Ye Feng will not have the slightest psychological burden to deal with Hatake Sakumo, and he has no friendship with Hatake Sakumo.

"never mind."

The current Ye Feng still has a little bottom line.

I just learned Hatake swordsmanship from Hatake Sakumo, and it seems too shameless to attack the opponent again.

The bottom line, Ye Feng still has a little bit.

Otherwise, Ye Feng would have gone to slaughter ordinary people to get evil points. You must know that killing people can get at least 100 evil points.

Although 100 points of evil is not worth much, but if you kill more, you will.

What's more, even if he kills ordinary people, he can still get the value of doing evil, but Ye Feng doesn't want to become a puppet who pursues power.

"Oh, I'm still not bad enough." Ye Feng sighed in his heart.

Not bad enough? Uchiha Fugaku said he had something to say.

"I got married yesterday, and none of these families in Konoha Village gave me face, so you should know what to do, right?"

"Understood, patriarch."

Of course he understood what Ye Feng meant, and he wanted to make some trouble for those families, which they were very good at now.

"Is there any movement from Uchiha Fugaku's group?"

Recently, Ye Feng didn't have time to pay attention to them, but Ye Feng knew that they would not be safe.

"It has been investigated that they are all in the Sarutobi family, where there are people from Anbu, there is no investigation into what they are doing."

Uchiha Sota just found out that Uchiha Fugaku is staying with the Sarutobi family.

And after Uchiha Lin died, those ninjas who betrayed the Uchiha family were all with Uchiha Fugaku.

"Third Hokage, it's really you."

When Uchiha Fugaku was taken away by the mysterious man, Ye Feng guessed that Sarutobi Hiruzen sent someone to do it, and now it is confirmed that it is Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen's youngest son, is he currently studying at the ninja school?"

There was a dangerous look in Ye Feng's eyes.

"Third Hokage's youngest son, Sarutobi Asuma, is indeed still in Ninja School."

"Well, I see."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took in Uchiha Fugaku, apparently wanting to use Uchiha Fugaku to fight with him, what if he didn't retaliate.

Ye Feng came to Konoha Shinobi School about the time to leave school.

This ninja school was established by Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, and Ye Feng also graduated from this school.

"Good guy, he looks really old."

Ye Feng wanted to complain after seeing Sarutobi Asuma.

Now the ninja school can be admitted at the age of five, and Sarutobi Asuma is only five years old, but he looks a little anxious.

At this time, Sarutobi Asuma was following behind a girl, the little Loli with black hair and red eyes, who was very cute, this should be Yuhi Hong.

Ye Feng stood at the school gate, attracting the attention of many students.

The precocious little girl couldn't help but secretly looked at Ye Feng.

Ignoring those little girls, when Sarutobi Asuma was about to pass by with Red Yuhi, Ye Feng suddenly kicked and kicked Sarutobi Asuma out.


Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Sarutobi Asuma nearly fainted in pain.

Thanks to Ye Feng's control, otherwise, Sarutobi Asuma could be kicked to death with one kick.

Walking over, Ye Feng stepped on his head unceremoniously, bullying a child, Ye Feng was not ashamed at all, and did not mean to let go.

[Ding, Host is bullying the small, get: B-level Ninjutsu Fire Style·Fire Dragon Flame Bullet, Evil Value +3000]*