
Following his day after that, Levi is starting to make a preparations for his first trip to another world, he also doesn't forget to complete his quest which is now only need few kill to complete it.

[Quest : Kill criminals

Success condition : Kill 100 criminal

Penalty : They will always commit crimes such as robbing, stealing, killing and others. and the residents will become victims of the crimes if not stopped.

Rewards : Super Soldier Serum (Modified : The recipient's body does not need to be saturated with Vita radiation, but when injected, the recipient will fall into a coma for 3 days.

Progress : 87/100]

He also makes Yuki train her mentally by inviting her to hunt more criminals, they even had to kill a boss of a company because he likes to blackmail his employees who are stuck in debt by forcing them to hire their wife as his secretary and then rape her after that.

Enough of blood and gore. Levi's daily life is also pretty good, starting from having sex with his sister in the bathroom in the morning, then Yuna and Nina during the day at school, then Sera and her mother after coming home, needless to say he is quite satisfied with this kind of life but he knows life with sex alone is not healthy so he wants another world adventure.

That 'boy' didn't come to school again that day after Levi 'gently' kicked him and send him out of Sera house. He wanted to check what had happened to him to make sure he wasn't doing something nasty like plotting something on his girls or something, but considering they had poisoned him which made him feel pain when touching girls, he decided not to think about it anyways as his girls weren't weak by any means, except maybe Sera and her mother.

In preparation, Levi also wanted to ask Vermeil some questions. So when he was alone in his room he started asking questions to Vermeil who was now in her physical form.

"If I go to another world, does the time in this world will be stop or just keep moving?" He asked that question because it was very important to determine his plans whether he would be in that world long or short, because if time kept going it would mean that he would also keep his mother and lovers waiting as long as the time he was in the other world.

"Time will run as usual Master~ but don't worry because if you are strong enough or have time control skills then you can change it~" Hearing that, Levi sighed in disappointment but relieved when hearing the last part.

"Okay then, for my next question, will I choose the world I will visit? or is it random?"

"It's up to you~ but if you cannot dicided what world you want to visit, I have a setting to set the criteria for what world Master wants, then you just have to choose the world that might match what Master wants in the search results~"

Looking at her in admiration, He then hug her and give her peck on the cheek for gratitude and said "Thanks, that will definitely help a lot."

As a retired otaku, Levi of course had watched a lot of Anime, manga but just few he could remember like; Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Dragon Ball, Dxd and other famous Anime, so with Vermeil help it's really became easy to find Anime or Hanime he want to visit even though he forget their title.

They continued this questioning and answer for several hours until they finally stopped and he was finally able to rest for the night, but Yuki and Nina suddenly asked him out.

At night, a few hours before Levi and Yuki's birthday, Yuna and Nina suddenly asked him to go somewhere. They led him to a park in the middle of the city where they used to play.

Yuna and Nina suddenly stopped where they think it's far enough, seeing all of this Levi couldn't help but ask them "Okay... So what do you guys want to do to get me to the park at night like this?"

Yuna started to get nervous at his question, her eyes roaming around for a while until she finnaly answered "We... come here to... play, Yes! to play!"

Beside her, Nina can be seen facepalming toward her sister obvious lies, Levi too giving her a chuckle before finnaly said "You know~ you're so bad when it's come to lying, so tell me why you brought me here"

Yuna want to answer it again, but before she could do that, Nina hand covering her mouth to prevent her saying anything.

He raised an eyebrow seeing the twins don't want to answer his question, He then said to them. "Ho~ I think I have to punish two of you then~" He then approach them and grab their hand, in instant they disappeared from the park and appearing in his [Inner World].


While Yuna and Nina went to distract Levi, at his house Aisu and Yuki were having a pretty serious conversation.

"Are you sure you want to this mom?" Yuki starting her mother, straight to her eyes. She then continue asking "I expecting you to join us sometime, but are you sure you want to do it now?"

She sit on the floor with her arms around her knees. "I'm sure... I cannot see him as a son again after knowing he has past life, I'm still love and will treat him as my son but after that... I don't know how to describe it." She said unsure to what she want to said. She still love him as a son buts she cannot see him as a boy again after all they have been through.

"Well if you want solution about that problem... Just don't think much about it and just go with the flow." Yuki said while hugging her mother head cause now her mother's is still in sitting position while she's still standing, so she easily reach her head and caress it.

'Levi is my little brother, Although in the future we will be husband and wife, but he's still my little brother' Yuki thought and imagining their future together ; adventuring, then get married, having a lot of kids, and lot more...

While Yuki is imagining her future with Levi, on the other hand Aisu was repeating Yuki's words in her mind 'just go with the flow, just go with the flow...'

After severval minutes Aisu them stand up and said to her daughter "Okay let's get over it, and prepare for Levi present." She said while removing her clothes.