Morning in Levi's house

"Shut up, human!"

Shaking his head slightly and chuckled a little at Power irritated reply. He then headed to the living room and sat comfortablearly on the counch and then watch some news channels.

Although it has been 1 month since they last hunted criminals, but the news in Japan is still focused on this case, because there are still many unsolved mysteries, such as who is the perpetrator of the murder and why using weapons such as arrows and spears from the evidence that has been collected from the autopsy results.

'I guess we should stop this until everything cooldown, but judging by the reactions of people on the news, it might take a year form that...' Levi thought while looking at the panel quest in front of him.

'Less than 13 criminals to complete this quest, hmm...' He hummed about it, he then shaking his head slightly and countiued 'This won't do, I can't wait for that long, so I guess we should find another country for doing it'

As Levi was thinking about where they were going to spend their 'vacation', he noticed the sound of approaching footsteps, so he couldn't help turning around only to see Yuna and Nina in their pajamas.

"Good morning~"

""Good morning/Morning..." Yuna and Nina replied respectively while still countiued their step toward the toilet.

Seeing where Yuna and Nina going to, Levi then told them. "Emm, maybe you want to use the another one, that toilet is for now unusable for another two hours" He warning the twin and then winked at them for something.

Yuna and Nina looked at Levi for few second before shrugging their shoulders in acceptance, they accepted his word because they themselves heard something brushing along with some grunting from the new girl inside there, and as much as their curiousty going and want to check what happen, they don't want to go there...

After Yuna and Nina leave to go to another toilet. Levi then countiued wacthing TV to gain some information about the world today. When his gaze still focusing toward the TV, suddenly a pair of hands wrapped around his neck from behind.

"Good morning de~ar" Aisu said in somewhat slurry voice.

"Good morning mom." Levi then turn around and replied while giving her a kiss on her lips.

"What do you want to eat for breakfast today~?"

Hearing that simple question, Levi surprisingly thinking about it very seriously for a few seconds until he finally started to answer. "How about fried rice, with tamagoyaki and tempura on top of it."

Aisu then nodded and formed an 'O' by bringing her thumb and index finger together, indicating it would be ready soon.

When Aisu walked way to prepare their breakfast. Levi then countiued his own business by wacthing the TV.

"Good morniinnggg~" Out of nowhere, Yuki voice can be heard beside him that startled him a bit.

Levi then looked at Yuki in wonder, his face was like asking how long she had been here. Understanding what Levi wanted to ask, Yuki then winked playfully and said to him "I've been here since mom was behind you, thankfully you're to distracted with mom~"

Hearing that, Levi sighed in defeat and thought in his mind 'Guess I should not over relaying Observation Haki that much, and must train my instinct and awareness more'

While Levi complaining his own stupidity at over relaying at his skill. Yuki can be seen looking at her phone after she satisfied suprising him, this time she was the one who was get suprised after she looked at the callender in her phone in shock when reading the date of this day.

"This is bad Levi! Today there will be a final exam at school so we must attend if we want to enter middle school after we graduate!" Yuki said while shaking Levi's shoulders.

'Wow, what a coincidence. There will be a test as soon as we return from the other world~' Levi thought sarcasticly. Anyway in response to Yuki outburst, he then said to her while freeing his shoulder from her grib. "Just attending and then answering the question in the exam right? it's easy so don't need to over-act~"

Yuki seemed thinking after his word for a moment and the longer she think about it the more reassured she is. 'Right, don't need to over-act. And come to think of it, Levi was a reincarnator so he must have experienced all of that and faced even more difficult ones.'

So after all the troubles in her head were gone, she become relaxed and leaned her body against Levi and joined him wacthing the TV.

Pretty much 30 minutes later, they all gathered in dining room for breakfast, even Power there too, but unlike the rest who was eating happily in delight because how delicious the foods that made by Aisu. Power looking at the food in disgust... no, not the food but the vegetables in the foods.

Noticing something is wrong with Power until it make her want to throw up something, Levi couldn't help but asked her. "What's wrong Power?"

"I hate vegetables" Power aswered, she then separating the vegetables from her plate and giving them to someone else's plate, although she want to throw it up after just seeing the vegetables, but she held back because she knew if she do that instead she will be prohibited from eating meat for who knows how long.

"Ara~ such a childish woman~" Aisu said teasingly toward Power nature that don't like vegetables just like a childs in general.

"I am not a child! I'm over 100 years old!" Power rebuking her teasing with outright lie.

"It's granny then~" Yuki said suddenly countiued her mother teasing, it's not everyday she can tease someone in this house, and she will not miss it now with Power as her victim in here.

Yuna and Nina shaking their head at their antic while sometimes trying to holding their laughter.


""""We are going!"""" Levi, Yuki, Yuna and Nina said in sync to Aisu who was witnessed their departure from the entrance of the house.

After they finished eating, they then got ready to go to school and left immediately after Levi sent Power into the [Inner World], Levi did that because he didn't want to bother his mother with Power troublesome attitude, besides he also gave her some dead animals to calm her down at least a day.

"Be careful on the way~" Aisu told them.